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4.34% GodKing of Life / Chapter 2: Prologue

Chương 2: Prologue

In a fairly large room, consisting of a chair and a desk with a lamp and textbooks as well as school notebooks with a pencil case and pens, a wardrobe containing a whole bunch of clothes of girls about 10 years old considering their size, a large carpet in the middle of the room and a large double bed in the corner.

In the corner of the room, in the bed were 2 people including a young man of about 18 years of age of stunning and incredible beauty. In his sleep, he was both so cute and handsome that he made all the girls fall in love with him with the desire to pinch his perfect cheeks. And clinging to him was a little girl of about 10 years old who was really too cute with drool coming out of her mouth and who would surely be unbelievably beautiful in the future; she clung to him like a koala bear and cowered like a little cat with a smile showing that she had a beautiful dream.

"Hmm" The young man who was visibly Shin gently opened his eyes feeling a weight on his left side. As he looked at his little princess, Liz, he began to caress her head with a smile and Liz responded with an even tighter hug and a wider smile.

After 5 minutes, he stopped stroking her head and gently got up from the bed with his arms outstretched.

He quickly turned back to the bed after his stretch and leaned forward.

"Sleep well, goodbye little princess", he gave her a kiss on the forehead and then discreetly left the room so as not to wake her up.

He continued walking discreetly down the hallway so as not to wake the children who were tiptoeing down the stairs. All the bedrooms were on the second floor, as well as a toilet and a bathroom in addition to the one on the first floor.

Once on the first floor, he prepared breakfast for himself and others, and set the table for others when they got up. After 15 minutes of a quiet breakfast on his phone on social networks such as Twitter and instagram, he quickly went to the bathroom to get ready by washing, brushing his teeth and everything else.

Having completed all his preparations, Shin left the orphanage to go to his university. Shin was only 18 years old but he was a prodigy and at the age of 15, he went to a higher school to receive a student apartment and a scholarship, he had an IQ of 150 and was now in a university with a lot of genius at his age. He had now taken a larger apartment, independent of the university and which he could afford because when Shin was adopted, they left him the codes for a bank account in his name with a very large amount of money that he could later use to help his grandmother with the orphanage and to please the children with gifts. And even with all these expenses in addition to the apartment, he still had an astronomical amount of money left in his account.

The account the money was in was in his name, but the name of the person who had created this account was anonymous, which did not demoralize Shin or anyone else, no, honestly he did not care, after all he did not know his parents or the person who had given him this money and the only thing he could feel for this person was gratitude and appreciation. After all, it was because of him that he was able to support the person he considers his mother and all the children he considers his family.

Thinking about all of this, Shin had time to walk all the way from the orphanage to the university by walking 1 hour without him realizing it while he was immersed in his thoughts listening to music through his airpods. He was listening to anime ost because despite what one might think there are two things he loves: Animals, manga, novel, manhua/wa and animals. He saw a lot of anime in his life and he was currently more on reading novels and fanfiction available on his favorite website Webnovel ;) In fact, that's what he does most of the time when he doesn't have class, either he watches anime and reads novels or he does some sports and go to the orphanage, he had friends but he would call it more like classmates since he doesn't talk to them outside the university, moreover he didn't have a best friend, childhood friend and even a girlfriend. What on the one hand frightened Shin a lot because he always wanted children but without a girlfriend and future wife, he won't be able to do much except adopt but the worry is that he hasn't had a "crush" on any girl, none of them have made his heart beat so far so he will always have to take until he finds the right one.

And as far as animals are concerned, is well he simply loves them, from the most beautiful to the ugliest, he has always wanted to have his own dog and cats only for the moment it is not possible with the university and then he would need a house for the dog after all, he wants to be able to take good care of them and make them happy.

When he arrived in front of the university, he took off his airpods and crossed the big gate to land in a huge courtyard and found himself in front of a huge white building that was quite basic but nevertheless huge, it was no different from any other university.

As he walked through the courtyard towards the front gates, he would of course attract a lot of eyes, whether female or male, whether it was out of love, admiration, hatred, jealousy, as many positive as negative emotions even though the look of love and admiration was really intense coming of course from the girls although some boys too but Shin was not in that sexual orientation.

"I hate handsome boys" Random boy

"Me too, but this is even more beautiful, it's irrelevant" Boy 2

"Yeah, look at that... even the most beautiful singers, actors and others are not 1/4 as beautiful as him... is he really human?" Boy 3

"It's depressing, what do we look like next door?" Boy 4

Most of the boys were desperate when they saw Shin, normally it is in those ages that you meet your beloved but how do you want to meet your beloved when a guy like Shin was there?! It's like he was a spot of light, the others were more like a dark spot in a dark world and the girls were butterflies looking for light in this world of darkness, the other boys were all just invisible. This situation was like saying before that for most boys there were always other handsome boys and who found the love of girls who knew they would have no chance with Shin.

And on the other side, in contrast to the depressed boys supporting each other, there were the girls, who she unlike the boy, was of intense joy for some, others just drooled at the sight of him, while a few counting themselves on the fingers of one hand did not give overly overplayed reactions but showed only a smile or even nothing at all and continued their tracks.

"Kyaaa" Girl 1

"He's so beautiful" Girl 2

"With his uniform, he looks so serious, making him even more beautiful" Girl 3

"Making it more beautiful? Is that even possible?" Girl 4

"Look at this face, so sweet and innocent, it's as beautiful as it is cute" Girl 5

The only ones not overplaying the thing or giving no attention was not just any girl, they were the 5-member high school goddesses. They were the girls that everyone saw them going out with Shin, not the five of them but one of the five as they were the best choices and the best girls you could get. Anyway, we're not going to wax on about her since they are just extras and we'll never hear about her again.

Entering the university, crossing the corridors, Shin walked towards his class, always accompanied by looks that he ignored as usual.

Returning to his classroom, waiting for the teacher, starting the class, being questioned, answering questions correctly, and continuing classes for several hours.

After several hours of listening and working, the end bell finally rang, the bell that really announced the end, the vacations! Finally!

"What are you going to do during these vacations?"

"I think I'm going to spend it resting and playing."

"Really exciting, I'm going on a trip with my family."

"Cool, where are you going?"

"To France."

"Great, you'll bring back souvenirs?"

Putting his bag away quickly, Shin could already hear everyone in his class asking questions about their vacation, such as what he was going to do or planning outings together. Shin was more like the first person to spend his vacation resting, watching anime, reading novels, going to spend more time at the orphanage with his grandmother and children.

With a smile on his face, Shin got up from his chair to leave his classroom but was interrupted by a girl in the class, more precisely, one of the "goddesses".

She had long black hair down to her lower back, cherry red lips, a pretty jade face and soft as a baby with beautiful light blue eyes, a very respectable chest size and coupled in her school uniform, she was truly a beauty that would make any boy fall down... except Shin of course.

"Hello, Shin-kun"

Shin was a little unsettled by this sudden interaction, he was usually not approached in this way in front of everyone and this surprise was also accurate for the entire class who focused directly on their conversation so that finally Shin responded after a few seconds of surprise.

"Uh, hello" answered Shin with a nice friendly smile that made all the girls present blush as well as the "goddess" in front of him who showed a little redness in front of her sincere and friendly smile.

'A saint' thought all the people around

"Do you need anything?" asked a confused Shin of this unexpected interaction.

"Um... could... could I have your number?" asked the "goddess" throwing a blank across the room.

After a few seconds of silence


The whole class instantly became noisy and shocked by this daring statement from the "Goddess". People all thought that the most likely people to go out with Shin were the "Goddesses", everyone knew and thought so but no one would expect such a daring request in front of a whole class, moreover everyone thought so but it was only a thought, they never thought it would really happen.

Shin was also quite surprised by this daring move from one of the "Goddesses" because already when he received a statement, it was not in front of everyone and even less coming from one of the "Goddesses". This really disturbed him and a little embarrassed, although not visible on his face, he also noticed the embarrassed and redder face of the "Goddess" in front of him.

Being in a pretty good mood and not wanting to ruin the "goddess"'s reputation and pride in front of everyone, he decided to respond with a response never given before with a little sigh that went unnoticed.

'A number won't kill'.

"Of course, I'll write it down for you," Shin replied, quickly taking a small piece of paper from his pocket (what a coincidence) and a pen to write down his number.

By the time Shin's response and action were over, the class was in deadly silence until he realized what had just happened.


A second wave of shouts of surprise came as everyone was even more shocked than the first time, even the "goddess" had her eyes wide open in surprise as she was not expecting a positive response from him.

He had never given anything or responded positively to a declaration of love or anything like that. This was the first time he had ever responded positively and even more so the first time he had ever given his number!


He was an object of covetousness for all the girls at the university. Even for the boys. It was a trophy, a proof of success, of achievements that made you popular with everyone. Shit, the person who had it could make anyone who wanted it pay for it. Maybe it gave the opportunity to get closer to Shin and maybe become a best friend for the boys and a girlfriend for the girls.

In the minds of everyone present, the paper that Shin was now handing to the "goddess" shone like a sacred treasure, they looked at it greedily, some even drooling at the sight of the paper alone.

This simple piece of paper had become the HOLY GRAIL of the university, the most precious of all treasures.

Finishing writing and handing it to the "goddess", Shin said to him with a gentle smile.

"Here, that's my number."

Shin handed the paper with his number to the "goddess" who quickly took it after her surprise.

"Thank you" replied the "goddess" with a small blush visible on her cheeks but not as much as other girls who felt a deep jealousy and respect for the "goddess" for taking a step towards Shin in front of everyone.

"Goodbye" Shin turned around and raised his hand to wave goodbye with a smile before hurrying to leave the university. After all, if one of the "goddesses" had the courage to talk to him and make a request like this, what could the other girls do? So he used his fastest walk before rumors spread about him with one of the "goddesses".

The "goddess" was still in a state of shock despite his response and Shin's departure. But it didn't take him long to start sweating as he felt all the jealous looks coming from the girls as well as from the boys.

And after a little while, some looks started to deviate so that the

Students leave for the field trip to start spreading rumours.

Shin had finally left the high school when he was already starting to see looks of surprise directed at him, he suspected that the rumors were not going to take long to spread but at this speed? People have really weird passions.

After graduating from university, Shin decided to go to a store to buy himself something to make a proper meal to celebrate the vacations and all this in front of an anime. Ready for an all-nighter.

Passing by the store, Shin had a bag full of ingredients for a good meal as well as another filled with cake, sweets and anything else that is not healthy. It wasn't every day that he would make a meal like this one even if he could afford it, but he preferred to live moderately and enjoy himself so much, to also please the children in the orphanage and to help his grandmother.

In the street, dressed in his uniform, equipped with his headphones and a hood of a jacket to protect himself from a sudden rainfall and not to show his head in the street so as not to be bothered by women who would seduce him for his appearance. He wasn't pretentious only to prevent a situation that had already happened and he didn't want to be bored in this evening that promises to be relaxing and fun.

With the rain came the lightning bolts, seeing this bad weather, Shin hastened his step to arrive quickly to his apartment to take shelter.

The rain was incessant and slammed on the ground every millisecond, thunder accompanied him by rumbling with impressive strength and intensity. The few clouds still present gathered together to become a threatening black, turning like a whirlwind cutting off the little light left to see clearly. All the people in the street were moving and running in different directions.

Cutting off his thoughts, Shin began to run while clutching these bags to avoid getting them wet, he passed through the restless crowd in the face of this storm that looked like the coming of the end of the world or divine wrath for others.

As Shin ran and made his way through the crowd, he heard a high-pitched cry of tears.

"WAAAAH! Mommy!" A little girl had gotten lost in the middle of the road as she cried her mommy while rubbing her eyes with her hands.

Seeing this little girl, Shin looked in the crowd nearby to see if he could not spot the little girl's mother. Looking around, he turned his head in all directions with such intense visual concentration that he could see every last detail.

Finally, he finally spotted not far from the girl, in the crowd, a woman struggling, trying to make her way towards the little girl with eyes full of worry. Shin quickly deduced that it was her mother.

He rushed to the mother to help her free herself from all those panic-faced people, with the girl in his sight so he wouldn't lose her or see if anything happened to her.

As he almost reached the mother, Shin saw a sudden bright light on the side of her field of vision. Surprised, he suddenly turned his head not only out of curiosity but also because the bright light was coming from the side of the little girl.

Having turned his head, he saw that the little girl was holding a kite in her hand, which he had not seen before with the people passing in front of him and the rush. But what shocked him more and made his eyes widen was that above her kite, a few meters away, was a huge lightning bolt.

This lightning was not like the others, it was not blue but rather multicolored. It sparkled multiple colors as beautiful as each other and despite the simplicity of the lightning apart from its color, it radiated a power that gave the impression of being able to annihilate the earth. Of course, Shin didn't take it seriously and thought he was hallucinating because it was beyond all understanding, it was scientifically impossible - it only happened in movies.

In spite of all this, he understood that the lightning was not a joke and that he would surely kill the little girl if he had to touch the kite.

Shin had to choose between two options: either he would let the lightning strike the kite and the girl would die, which was tragic and inconceivable for him or he would take the place of the little girl because if he pushes the little girl and takes her with him, it will not prevent the lightning from hitting the kite and moreover, the little girl would surely not let go of the kite in time since lightning travels 1km in 3 seconds.

Shin had a minimum amount of time to make a decision because by his most astonishment and shock, he could see the lightning advancing little by little towards the kite as if time had stopped.

As the lightning reflected in Shin's eyes, Shin thought of his family, his grandmother and the children of the orphanage... he will certainly never see them again. But he was sure that they would be proud of him and understand his decision.

With tears in his eyes, Shin gave his best sprint against a strong wind towards the little girl, removing her hood at the same time. As he ran, time began again with lightning as Shin's every step was filled with strength and determination.

Panting due to the sudden force he must have exerted under pressure, he came within one step of the little girl as the lightning followed its rhythm and went to touch the kite, Shin quickly reached out his arm and hand to rip the kite out of the little girl's hands.

The kite ripped the kite out of the little girl's hands. Shin was thrown off balance with the wet ground by the ever heavy rain and came face to face with the lightning as the weather seemed to slow down again and Shin saw the lightning just inches away from his face.

Seeing the magnificent lightning he admired, he closed his eyes as all the memories, from his arrival at the orphanage to now, flashed back, reliving all his wonderful moments with the children of the orphanage, his grandmother and Liz.

As all of these memories had passed by until now, he suddenly saw a memory that he did not remember, a memory of two faces, an incredibly beautiful woman with long silver/grey hair and beautiful translucent emerald green eyes emanating an undeniable vitality. The second face next to the woman's belonged to a man with beautiful black hair hypnotizing the wind and blue eyes, a very beautiful man. Both wore a warm and loving smile with a look and love that seemed maternal for the woman and paternal for the man.

Seeing this memory, Shin opened and widened his eyes with shock and eyes that said he had understood the identity of these two people. With all the similarities and affection shown, he could only be his parents.

His father and mother.

Contemplating this memory, his heartbeat calmed and his eyes softened. Despite the fact that he didn't talk about them and didn't care about them any more than that, he couldn't ignore the fact that deep down he would have just wanted to see them just once.

At the end of this contemplation, Shin smiled and his misty eyes formed tears of happiness mixed with tears of sadness that flowed from his eyes to be mixed with the tears of the clouds.

Then finally, lightning struck him.

The lightning struck him and his eyes closed forever and he fell to the ground to go into an eternal sleep.

After his fall, the weather cleared and the clouds began to move away, giving way to a light coming down on the body asleep on the ground.

A divine moment for the spectator and a heroic scene engraved forever in the memory of a little girl and a mother.

Fir3Cooz Fir3Cooz

Last chapter of the prologue and at the time I am doing this chapter, I had a motorcycle accident and I am plastered on my arm so the publication will surely be slower. I keep it for 15 days.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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