"Your deadline is next week," their manager announced in the air conditioned discussion room selected just for the boy band. The ceiling was fitted with remote command lights which they could switch off and on just by voice.
Around the room on the cream coloured walls hung different instruments and awards and certificates and newspaper clippings in frames, all showing off the grandeur of the world's biggest boy band.
But the members were just normal people right now. Yoon-gi laid back on his chair and stretched his hands. "I'm almost done with the lyrics but production will take time. How can we get it done in a week?"
Nam-joon leaned forward and tapped the table. "He's right, what do you expect us to do?"
The manager sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose. "So you guys don't know yet."
The seven men exchanged glances. Know what?
"The CEO of BigHit has changed. You won't be getting the old freedom anymore."
A fright went through all of them, especially Tae-hyung. He shot up with a gleaming glare. "What?! Are you saying that Bang PD is gone? Where did that old man go?" He said casually like they always did. Even if Bang PD had been their boss, the members had a level of respect for him but at the same time played with him. And they didn't want that guy gone.
"His sister has a severe disease and he has gone to Italy to take care of her."
"Oh no..." Nam-joon covered his mouth lightly as a hush fell over the decorated room. "His little 16 year old sister?"
The manager nodded. "So he has given the charge of the company to his brother, Bang Jun-hyuk, CEO of Netmarble."
Jung-kook broke out from his train of thoughts. "Isn't he the major shareholder of BigHit? He is going to decide everything now? What about his own company?"
The manager bowed down. "You might need to talk to the person himself then."
"Isn't there a chance our reach will now decrease now that a gaming expert has taken over a music company."
Without hesitation, but much regret, the manager answered, "Yes." And none of the seven found any words to say it or blam anyone. Their boss Bang PD had all reason to leave and they can't force him to come back either. This might be the...
"End of BTS..." Hoseok whispered and they all heard it as a dark silence fell over them. Little hushes escaped the corner of the room as the two guards loomed over their phones typing away. Nam-joon looked at them. "What is it?"
The two guards looked up in surprise and pocketed their phones. "Nothing, sir."
Nam-joon tilted his head. "Seriously, what was so serious that you had to mutter about it right now?"
"Nam-joon," Suga tried to calm him down because of his current bad mood hearing this news, but Nam-joon was persistent and left with no choice, one guard spoke up.
"It's just a message in our Committee, the police had sent us a photo of a girl who might be a potential murderer. And we were just talking about how a pretty 20-year-old girl could go around killing people." A deep red color flushed the guard's face and he met the manager's disapproving eyes before looking down at his own feet.
Nam-joon sighed and looked front and they all decided to leave the guards alone...
Except Tae-hyung. He stood up, little thoughts running around his head. "20-year-old girl with the police after her?" He stepped forward, remembering his car ride to MM not so long ago. He snatched the phone from the guard's hand and opened up their chat group to check this girl's face.
And sure enough, Tae-hyung's suspicions were confirmed. "Guys," he showed the phone to the rest of the members and and innocent face from Lisa's passport ID shone at them. "It's her."
A frown appeared on Jimin's flawless, porcelain face and pointed. "She was just here... at the reception..." he said before realising what he had said. The two guards looked up in surprise. "Really, where? So she must be around here!"
Tae-hyung read out the rewards for finding Lisa and the seven members tensed. "I need to find her." V said and he crashed the phone on the table before storming out of the office. The other seven members automatcally, pushed their chairs back and got up, following their friend outside the room.
Heads turned as the seven most dashing boys on earth cascaded through out the perfect hallways, out to find a long-lost bully and you know maybe, say hi?
Well, it was four o' clock, so Lisa was going to have the time of her life as she waited inside the restaurant she had just enquired about part-time jobs for. They had said they were full so she just waited in corner for the meal she had promised the guard who had helped her. She had a few hundred won left... that should be enough.
She moved her hair out of her face as Gok-jin Ho entered the restaurant with a bright smile. He was in shorts and a loose t-shirt now and he looked like a completely different person. He sat in front of Lisa. "Hello, you're early."
Lisa smiled meekly. "Thanks for earlier again. What would you like?"
Gok Jin-ho laughed and a waitress came to order their drinks. After she left, the man asked, "Why don't we get to know each other first?"
A little creepy feeling climbed up her neck. "Uh.. okay..." She didn't know what else to say, he was her senior after all.
"You're new here?"
"Yes, I came here to work."
"So like, you live nearby?" Jin-ho asked, looking around and the girl nodded. "Yes, a rented flat. I came to Bighit for an interview, but you know, that got cancelled."
"Ah yes," Gok-Jin ho leaned back into his chair and he checked his phone discreetly under the table again to see if this was the correct girl. And yes, no doubt, this was the wanted person.
"So you'll be going home after this."
Lisa sighed and put a hand on her head. "See, actually, I got kicked out of my house because I didn't have the money."
"Oh?" Gok Jin-ho leaned forward, placing his chin on his upright hands. "So you could work to earn it of course, there are jobs here which provide free accommodation with work."
Lisa sighed again, as naïve as ever. "Yeah I got fired from my job too."
"Oh why?"
"Our boss, he was a pervert and he harrassed all the girls in the café. So when he harrassed me, I just used self-defense."
"Self-defense?" he asked, his tone dropping a bit darker as he made sure all her words were neatly recorded into his phone for proof.
"Yeah, I hit him with a trophy and he fainted and the police thought I was trying to kill him and..."
"Aw, Lisa." Gok Jin-ho cooed sadly. "You must be going through a lot. But are you talking about Chum-Chum cafe? I heard the boss was a good guy."
"Yes! That one," Lisa exclaimed, "How did you know? But no, he isn't a good guy, at all! Ask any of the employees."
By then, Gok Jin-ho had pressed the Alert button to the district police and he talked with her till they arrived. "I'm pretty sure there is some solution to this,"Jin-ho said and Lisa nodded. "I hope so. Anyway, I'm sorry for raining down on you, I-"
She looked up at the windows outside in surprise as a huge mob of police cars surrounded the restaurant and called. "Lisa! Come out!"
She ducked under the table and hissed, "Shit, but how!?"
Jin-ho stood up and laughed. "Lisa, seriously, come out."
Lisa looked up at the guard in surprise. "You..."
Gok Jin-ho smiled satisfactorily. "You can't escape now." He showed the recording to her. "Jailed for sure. We don't want another serial killer in this neighborhood."
"But I'm not!" she protested and Gok Jin-ho grabbed her arm as several heads turned at Lisa's screaming as the guard dragged her out of the restaurant. He smiled and waved to the police before opening the restaurant door.
But the moment he did, a strong hand pushed him back and blocked him.. Gok Jin-ho met a fired, angry but starkly stunning face glowering down at him. "Just what the fuck do you thing you're doing?" his deep voice rumbled at him as the rest of the customers in the restaurant recognized him as none other than Kim Tae-hyung.
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