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99.2% Ultimate Cypher (Marvel) / Chapter 123: The Lost Cosmonaut

Chương 123: The Lost Cosmonaut

A few days had passed ever since our battle with Magneto. He was still no where to be found, but that didn't stop me from having over a dozen search protocols up and ready for when he inevitably resurfaced.

Jean had gone to the Sanctum along with Kitty to try and retighten the seals placed on her by the Ancient one. The seals unlike the ones applied by Xavier were only meant to limit the power output Jean could safely channel as she gradually adapts to the Phoenix's power.

Channeling enormous amounts of the Phoenix's power was dangerous since it could potentially overwhelm Jean's psyche.

Cosmic entities such as the Phoenix had a habit of frying their host's brains if one wasn't careful whilst using their power. I mean look at what happend to Juggernaut the guy was filled with nothing but rage and battle lust as a consequence of recklessly using his patron's power.

It was why I was wary of relying to much on channeling power from Elder Gods. Which servely limited my abilities as a sorcerer.

Having a few Infinity stones on hand though made that fact negligible, since the stones didn't have a will of their own. At least the ones I had in my possession.

The wonder twins had decided to stay with the X-men for now, since they had a bit of thinking to do. I had no doubt they would have immediately bounced. You know, if It weren't for the fact I had sealed their powers.

So, with no powers and no where to go. They technically didn't have any money or even a passport. Since they got here with a portal.

I decided to have them cool off for a bit and contemplate their life choices and what not.

They were still kids at the end of the day, confused and angry ones for sure, still they did lose their parents at a young age, which was something I could sympathize with having lost my own in my previous life.

Also Magneto was still out there, and I didn't fancy him getting his hands on them.

There were already no signs of Blob, Pysclocke or even Mystique. None of her usual identities had been used in a while, and I was actually starting to get a bit paranoid of where she had possibly gone to. After all Sophie had finished going through the Intel we obtained back at the mutant facility and it turns out Trask had managed to get away somehow.

I faintly remembered something about Trask using her DNA to somehow improve his Sentinels and with both of them unaccounted for, things didn't bode well for those of us with an X-gene.

" Master Doug, it seems Director Fury had gone missing and both Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanf had gone AWOL." Sophie suddenly announced.

" What? When did that happen?" I asked.

" A few days ago. Shield deliberately suppressed the news, and I only just discovered it due to the bug you left in their systems back at the events of the invasion. "She said.

Ah yes unlike Tony who had temporarily hacked their systems. I had opted for a more thorough approach and left a bug in their system that would leave me with a backdoor into their files, and would also automatically send information packets every other week with information which was deemed high priority or needed a high access level.

' So, it seems the events of the winter soldier had already started.' I thought to myself.

"Is Hydra still going forward with project 'Insight'?" I asked.

" It seems so, the Helicarriers are scheduled to launch in 2 days." She said.

" Good. I wouldn't want anything to happen to our plan. All that's left is just to stop Rogers from screwing everything up. " I said.

" Send a message to Kitty and have her suit up. Call in Challisto and Madrox and make sure they're here and ready within the hour. In the meantime I'll go and check over Mikael. "I said, before opening a portal.

After Doug had gone to check over Mikael, it didn't take long before Callisto, Madrox and Kitty had arrived to the mission room, where they would get briefed whenever an important mission had popped out.

Usually they consisted of rescue missions, or retrievel missions for young meta-humans who were in danger. But, this time things seemed a bit different, since other members such as Shang-chi, Colossus or even some of the other metas who joined them were not present.

As always Sophie was responsible for mission assignments since Douglas would be usually busy with research or running the company.

Currently three members of the Cypher core were standing in a room lit up by a holographic screen, whilst a hard light construct of Sophie was busy updating them on their mission parameters. They were all suited up in their stealth suits, which could turn invisible on command and had several other useful functions.

It utilized some of the stealth tech taken from the quinjet but miniaturized to fit the suit as well as some specialized equipment; like a hacking tool and a sound silencing field.

" Project Insight is a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. operation initiated as a direct response to the Battle of New York. The project involves three Helicarriers that would patrol Earth and, with the use of an algorithm that evaluated an individual's behavior, eliminate individuals who posed a possible threat." Sophie said.

" So, other than it being completely fucked up why are we getting involved in the government's business? " Madrox questioned, the advanced A.I.

" If you would just shut up for a minute and stop interrupting. I'm sure we'll get to find out." Callisto snapped out.

" Guys I'm sure there's more to it than that, otherwise we wouldn't get involved. " Kitty said.

"That would be correct Miss Pryde. HYDRA, has inflitrated Shield and is currently attempting to enforce a new world order, by using Project Insight to eliminate any who could potentially pose a threat to them. Several notable figures as well as meta-humans are included in that list. " Sophie said.

" Aren't Hydra, those Nazi fucks that fought Captain America back in WW2?" Madrox said.

" Affirmative. Hydra was the scientific branch of Nazim in Germany under the leadership of Johann Schmidt. " Sophie said.

" So, what's our mission? Are we supposed to stop them? " Callisto asked.

" Negative. Your mission is to inflitrate the Triskiliton and install a Trojan inside the systems of the 'Insight' project. " Sophie said.

Kitty raised an eyebrow." If it's just that, I can do it on my own. Why are these guys here? No offense."

" Non taken shortstack. Yeah, what she said. " Madrox said, while Callisto just rolled her eyes.

" Several individuals by the name of Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanf, Sam Wilson, Maria Hill and company. Are also trying to stop the project from launching. Your mission is to intercept them, and make sure they don't interfere." Sophie said.

" Wait...are you telling me, our mission is to help the bad guys? You also want us to fight Captain America. Are you out of your mind? Or did you knock a few chips loose? "Madrox said, clearly agitated.

" Master Douglas has a plan and it's imperative these individuals do not interfere. If this plan succeceed Hydra will cease to be a threat. Naturally this mission is undercover so any identifying items should be discarded and your identities can not be revealed. " Sopie concluded.

" I guess that means I won't get to use my suit. " Kitty said, clearly disappointed.

Madrox snorted." At least you got a suit, all we get is standard issue mission equipment. "

" Don't mind him, he's just jealous he's didn't get to fight in the invasion. " Callisto said.

" Really? Didn't take you for the Hero type?" Kitty said.

" He's not, he just wanted to ask for a raise after the battle. " Callisto said.

Naturally Madrox just flipped her off and said." I'll definitely ask for a raise after this. Still can't believe we're going up against Captain America. "

Callisto just ignored him, and turned towards Kitty, and handed her a device. " We'll rendezvous with you after you upload the Trojan. Sophie already sent you the schematics for the Triskiliton. We'll meet you after you set up the teleportation marker. "

Kitty nodded and activated her suit's invisibility function before, opening a portal and going through it.

Meanwhile I was busy examining Mikael while Piotr hovered over us with clear worry. Illyana was also present but wasn't as seemingly concerned as her older brother.

I couldn't blame her really he was basically a stranger and she had only seen pictures of him in family photos.

Piotr on the other hand, idolized his brother the cosmonaut. The hero of their country who was supposed to bring honor to them. It all came crashing down though when he went missing 10 years ago along with his team and never got to complete their mission.

" It just as I expected. Your brother is also a Meta-human." I said, after I finished doing my examination.

Illyana who was zoning out suddenly came to attention and focused on my words.

" Our brother is also a mutant?" Piotr asked.

I nodded. " It's how he has been able to survive. The strange language he was speaking. It seems he had landed on some alien planet, and had stayed there for years. I was able to understand some of it but it seems his mind is in turmoil over something that happened, before he was summoned. "

" Is that why he attacked you? " Illyana said.

" I believe so. " I said.

" Isn't there something you can do? I can not bare to see him like this any longer. " Piotr said.

Seeing his worried gaze, and hearing his almost pleading tone. I sighed.

" I'll see what I can do Piotr, this requires a delicate... touch so to speak. Jean and I aren't experienced enough to go through his mind, without making things worse. So, I'll try and get in touch with someone who might be able to help." I said.

" Thank you so much comrade Douglas. This is a debt I won't ever forget. " He said, as he gave me a bear hug and lifted me of the ground.

" Easy there big guy, I haven't done anything yet. " I said.

After Piotr calmed down a bit I immediately got in contact with Xavier.

" I want to call in that favor. I have someone who needs help... He's a meta-human...uhha then should I bring him right now? Okay see you in a bit. " I said, hanging up the phone.

" Let's go, he agreed to help us." I said.

" So, quickly? You made it sound it would be difficult. " Piotr asked.

" The person who's going to help your brother. Him and I aren't on the best of terms but he owes me a couple of favors." I said, as I opened a portal.

The portal opened up, and on the other side I could see. Hank wearing his lab coat along with Xavier and Logan who was standing behind him.

" Hey there you big lug. Miss me?" Logan said.

A smile broke on Piotr's face as he ambled over towards them. " Comrade Logan! It's great to see you!"

As Piotr was busy greeting Logan. Hank who was standing next to the professor came out of the portal with measured steps. " I must say I find the fact you can freely use these portals to be fascinating. How do they work exactly?" He asked, as he examined the portal.

" The portal acts as a mystical wormhole, by creating a gateway between two locations in space-time. The Masters of the Mystic Arts have the ability of opening these portals using Sling Rings. It is also possible to create these portals using either science or other types of magic. " I said, as I showed him the ring.

" Fascinating! Can anybody use them? " He eagerly asked.

" Not exactly. You have to have some type of mystical training, as well as a connection to mystical energy. I know I make it look easy, but there's a reason not everybody is running around with one of these. " I said.

" What about Illyana though? I've seen her open portals without them." He asked.

Illyana who was listening to our conversation said." It's because of my powers, and the Ancient one says, I have a connection to limbo which makes it easier."

" Limbo?" Hank asked in confusion.

" It's a pocket dimension that used to be filled with demons. It's also a part of the Nexus of All Realities." I answered shortly.

Hank gave a sigh as if exasperated." I'm beginning to think everytime you answer something it will only lead to more questions."

I shrugged." I don't mind answering but the world is bigger than you think, so you're bound to have some of your pre-conceived notions shattered if you truly want to know what's going on, on the mystical side of things. "

" Doug? I might be mistaken, but did you just say formerly filled with demons?" Illyana asked.

I turned towards her," Oh yeah didn't you know? I decided to wipe out all of the demons and purified their souls to create new lifeforms. I also renamed it so it's now called Albion instead of Limbo."

Illyana sweat dropped a bit at my non-chalant attitude." I..I see. " She said, with a strange expression.

" As interesting as this conversation is turning out to be I think we should get started with Mikael's treatment. " Xavier said, interrupting our conversation.

I nodded my head in agreement, and lead Xavier towards Mikael's comatose form.

I updated him on what I managed to discover so far and after listening to what I gleamed from his psyche, the professor nodded his head as if contemplating something.

" It seems something has caused him some mental trauma and his mind is refusing to let him wake up and face reality. There isn't anything wrong with him physically and I'm guessing his own powers have exasperated the situation somehow." Xavier said.

I was slightly impressed by his quick deduction. When he gave me a look." Don't look so surprised after all I've been doing this for years. I'll have to take a deeper look, if we want to get to the root of the problem though."

He suddenly closed his eyes, and lifted his middle and index finger to his right temple, as his face scrunched up in concentration.

A few minutes passed as we all stood their in silence waiting for him.

Xavier who still had his eyes closed, suddenly started to speak. " It seems he was pulled into a dimensional rift during his space mission...He was also the only survivor. He was taken in by the locals and fell in love with their princess and married her."

Piotr couldn't help but ask, " I have a sister-in-law?"

"Wait... there's something else... his father-in-law was a tyrant and there was a war a civil war. During the fighting his powers got out of control and a rift was opened, he tried to close it. He did so, but the backlash killed hundreds of his people including his wife." Xavier said, while heavily frowning.

As Xavier was speaking, Mikael began to slightly convulse. An expression of anquish was etched on his face, as he began to shout out for someone called Tra-Mai-A-Zath which if I had to guess was his wife's name.

" He seems to have some sort of spatial ability similar to Illyana. He can manipulate subatomic matter and warp energy to some degree." Xavier finally finished before opening his eyes and gasping out for air.

Hank was immediately by the Professor's side, asking if he was alright.

Piotr had a shocked expression on his face, while Illyana frowned in worry but it seems it was directed towards Piotr more so than it was towards Mikael.

Logan was outright scowling, as if remembering some I'll-forgotten memory, while I had a thoughtful expression.

" It's alright Hank. I'm fine. His mental anguish and guilt was overwhelming and some of it seeped through. I haven't felt anything like it ever since..." He grew silent at the end, and closed his eyes again.

He didn't say who he meant, but I had a guess it was probably Erik. After all Xavier had a hard time of letting go of his misguided friend.

I wasn't exactly happy about being reminded that he was still out there plotting something that was going to inevitably screw us all over. So, instead I decided to switch gears and ask about something relevant to our current situation.

" So, are you going to be able to wake him up?" I asked.

As if broken out of a spell, Piotr instantly refocused on Xavier. " Please, tell me my brother will be alright."

The professor sighed, " It's going to take some time, but I think I can do it. The problem is I'm afraid of what will happen after I suspect... he might lash out as soon as he wakes. His mental state is highly unstable and judging by what I saw and what Douglas has already told me. I do not know if there is anything we can do to help him truly recover."

Piotr went silent, as his head hung down in disappointment. Illyana reached out a hand and put it on his shoulder in an attempt to provide him with some comfort, after receiving the news of possibly losing his brother for a second time.

Xavier seemed a bit hesitant as he discreetly shot me nervous looks which I pretended to not notice. " There's... something we can try. I could possibly try and erase his memories of everything that happened after he went missing. It would as he had never left Earth."

Seeing a ray of hope Piotr's eyes suddenly shot up towards the professor. " Truly?! You can do that?

He gave him a nod. " I tried this method with a few soldiers who suffered from PTSD before, and their condition was alleviated and they were able to get back to their normal lives. Of course I had their consent before hand, which makes this situation a bit delicate, since Mikael can't give his right now. "

Piotr eyes swiveled towards me, who was heavily frowning. His excitement tappered off a bit as he noticed my expression.

" What's wrong comrade Douglas? Do you not think it will work? "

I eyed him carefully. " Sure it might work but at the same time nothing good ever comes from messing with someone's mind. Stuff like this have a tendency to bite us in the rear when we least expect it. And, the professor knows my stance on using telepathy in this manner. "

" Douglas, I understand your reluctance but I assure you things won't turn out that way. This is Mikael's only chance at having a normal life. Let me help him please. " Xavier said.

" You mean like you 'helped' Jean? Give me a break professor. I know you mostly mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Mikael is a meta-human and we don't know how his powers could react to a memory wipe or if it will even work." I said.

At being reminded of his failure with Jean the professor grew silent.

It was at this moment, Hank decided to speak.

" I think something like this, should be decided by Mikael's family, seeing as they're the ones who are responsible for him."

Our eyes were suddenly drawn towards Piotr and Illyana.

Piotr had a thoughtful expression on his face probably thinking about what the professor and I were saying. While Illyana was just looking at her brother the same as us.

" Whatever you think is best. I'll agree with it. "Illyana said, to Piotr.

Seemingly coming to a decision Piotr nodded his head once before giving Xavier a resolute look

" Do it. "

(Chapter End)


For 9+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

Check out my pat-reon/AnubisCreationz

I also have 11 chapters of my new DC fanfic

Zodiac (DC)

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