You're busy cleaning your hands and trying to think how that could have been left in there. You can't believe that you would be so careless. Just then they push Helena in and they start to sedate her. This can't be good for the baby to have so many surgeries and you decide to make this one quick. You walk over to her and they prep her abdomen for you but then you see that there's a fresh cut on her abdomen. Tracy is ready and standing at your side. You frown and look at her.
"Why is her wound looking like that?"
Tracy shies away from you and tries to avoid the question.
"Tracy? What aren't you telling me?"
"Well, you weren't here and there was a blockage in one of her veins and we couldn't fix it with medicine and then Helena convinced one of the doctors to cut her open and-"
"Oh god no! That would explain what I saw on the sonar. Damn you, Helena"
Hi guys! Please leave me a review, thank you! Also be on the lookout for my new book called Endangered Love: Can Love Win
Enjoy! Love ya and thank you for all the gifts!