"Don't worry, Grace. Calm down. We will be there with you." Dominic said to calm me down.
"Worry? Who said I am worrying? I am perfectly fine. After all it's not my fault. It's your fault that you adopted me as your sister when your whole family was against it. It's your fault and now I have to bear the consequences!" I accused him in a high tone.
I am nervous, so you can't blame me.
So, the actual scene is, I am here at the door with Dominic, Dylan and Grey, waiting for the whole family to arrive and kick me out, basically.
"Watch your tone while talking with me, young lady." He snapped at me in a sharp voice.
He isn't helping at all!
I sighed.
"I am sorry." I apologized.
My mood swings a lot when I am nervous.
He didn't say anything after that. I looked at Dylan who gave me a bright and assuring smile. I won't lie, that smile was so close to help me calm down but before it could Grey interrupted.
"Where is Damon? I haven't seen him since yesterday.." He asked the question that popped in my mind several times.
"He is ashamed of showing his sorry ass!" Dylan said with a smirk.
Damon is guilty? But about what?
I saw Dominic and Dylan share some secret looks with each other. They were meaningfully smirking at each other. When Dominic saw me looking, he made a stern face.
"No bad words in front of our Grace, Dylan." He warned Dylan in a joking tone.
I looked at him with a frown.
"Sure! Wouldn't like to ruin her innocence." Dylan said and sweetly smiled at me.
Look at their guts! They are making fun of me when I am here being a total nervous freak!
Suddenly the bell rang, making my heartbeat almost stop. I clutched Dominic's hand tightly. He gave me a small smile and signalled Dylan to open the door.
My heart is pounding loudly in anticipation of their reaction.
I am actually a very social person. I can get along with people very easily. But I get really nervous in front of a lot of people. And here not only they are a lot in number but also don't like me.
God! Save me!
Dylan slowly opened the door like they do in thriller movies. I am not a big fan of thriller movies, so damn you Dylan!
Oh, dear ground! Can you swallow me whole? I was muttering useless prayers in my head and looked at the door.
No, I can't do this! I.. I have to hide!
Before he could completely open it, I quickly hid behind my brother and clutched his white shirt tightly in my fist. He let me do that without any word. His tall figure was enough to completely cover me from getting noticed.
Thank you, Dominic..
"Grandpa." Dylan greeted their grandfather but I couldn't see his face as Dominic's back was completely hiding me from everyone.
The door was opened completely. But I still couldn't see anything. It's not like I wanted to. It's better behind Dominic. If only I could stay here forever.
"Dominic." I heard a cold voice utter Dominic's name.
Great! One more cold voice!
'Can you stop being sarcastic now, it's just not the time!' I hissed at myself in my head.
My nervousness was getting to me...
"Gran-.." Grey tried to wish their grandfather.
"Cut the greetings. Shall we proceed with the reason we are here for." A rude voice snapped at poor Grey.
Damon's face came into my mind hearing the rude voice. They are family indeed.
My eyes almost teared up thinking how Grey must be feeling after the rudeness he faced.
"After you." Dominic said curtly.
I heard a lot of footsteps enter the house. Don't tell me the whole Winchester family was here! My hands unintentionally clutched the shirt more.
"Dominic. It's time." I heard Dylan.
It's time...
Dominic looked at me.
"It's time. Let's go." He held my hand and started to walk toward the living room, where extra seats were already arranged for the family.
"Can I please walk behind you?" I said meekly.
I almost cringed at the sound of my voice.
"You can." He said.
He wasn't nervous at all! What the hell?
I never want the walk to the living room to end. If only.. that was possible..
"Hello, Everyone!" Dominic officially greeted everyone.
We reached? Already?! So soon?!
"Today we are here to attend the most important family meeting of the Winchesters." Dominic stated.
Dramatic much??
"So without wasting much time I am presenting to you the only daughter of the Winchester family, Grace Winchester. Our dearest lost princess!"
And at that moment, I paled, my heart stopped beating and my mind stopped functioning.
He slowly pulled me to present me in front of the family. I was looking at my shoes as I didn't want to face them. Suddenly, I heard a lot of gasps. I unintentionally looked up. It was a grave mistake. I saw around nine pairs of grey eyes looking at me.
Shit! All their attention was on me. Then I did the stupidest thing. I squealed and quickly ran behind Dominic again. I heard some people awe at that.
It's not something amusing you ill-mannered people!
"Come here, Girl." Their grandfather ordered.
I didn't move at all.
"I don't like to repeat myself, Girl."
Dylan came to me and held my shoulders to bring me in front again. I looked at him with pleading eyes but I saw no hope there, I walked with him reluctantly.
"Look up!" He ordered again.
Calm down, Grace..
"Take deep breaths, doll." Dylan whispered.
I slowly looked up, taking deep breaths. Their grandfather looked into my eyes directly and not once did his expressions change.
"What's your name, Girl?" He asked.
"Grace what?" He asked again.
Not again!
I wasn't planning to answer it by what I said to Dominic when he had asked the same question. Nope!
"Don't say what you said to Dominic." Dylan whispered.
I was thinking the same bro!
"Grace Winchester." Dominic answered on my behalf.
I looked up at him, shocked. He addressed me as Winchester before but that time I was way too occupied with my fears to react. But now I am getting mixed feelings. I was looking at him with a frown and waiting for him to explain.
"Dominic. It's time for you to explain your statement." One of their uncles ordered.
"Yes, uncle Steven." Brother Dominic said.
I saw Damon come down from the stairs. But as soon as our eyes met he quickly looked away. I looked at him with a frown. His posture looked weak and unstable. I could tell that he was really disturbed about something.
He took a seat beside one of the cousins that I yet to meet.
Dominic took his phone out of his pocket and called someone.
"Bring her inside." He darkly ordered with a smug smirk.
I wonder if this is the same woman they were talking about. But how is that woman connected with me?
"Leave me.. I said leave me.." I heard a woman. She was shouting at the guards. I tried to look at her.
She looked familiar. She looked like the woman... from the photo that I have. Is she..?
Nay Nay!
"NAY NAY!" I screamed.
She looked at me instantly after hearing me. Her eyes widened when she looked at me.
She is my Nay Nay. Why are they holding her? I need to help her.
"NAY NAY!" I tried to run toward her to give her a hug.
But I was stopped by a strong hold. I looked at my left hand in confusion to see it was held by Dylan. His grip was firm. His face was completely emotionless.
Tears were already pouring out of my eyes.
"D… Dy... Dylan.. she.. she is.. she is my Nay Nay. I told you about her, remember? Why is she here? Why are they holding her? Heck! Why are you holding me? Let me go! I wanna go to her." I started shouting at him. But he didn't budge a little.
What is happening?!
"What is happening here?" One of the uncles asked angrily.
"Where did you find her?" Another uncle asked more angrily.
"What's this disgraced woman doing here?" Uncle Steven asked using the same tone as his brothers.
How dare he insults my Nay Nay that? I don't like him!
"How does she know that woman?" Another one asked.
Apart from their grandfather, all the cousins and uncles were standing by then. They all were looking murderously at my Nay Nay.
Then Dominic came to me and took my hand and brought me closer to her. When we reached her I looked at her with happiness but she looked at me sadly.
Why was she sad?
"Grace, do you know her?" Dominic asked.
"Yes.. yes I know her. She is my Nay Nay." I quickly answered in desperation.
"How do you know her, Grace?" He asked calmly.
"I already told you." I kind of snapped at him.
"Can you please tell me again and also tell me what you know about her?" He patiently asked.
Okay. That's not hard.
"She was my nanny till I was five years old. Her name is Nancy and she was a nurse back then." I answered in a shaky voice.
"What happened after 5 years?" Dominic asked the next question.
"I was.. she.. someone snatched me from her and left me on the street." I answered unsurely, as I myself don't know what happened then.
"Thank you, Grace." Then he gestured to Dylan to take me away.
"Hey… Wait… What.."
I was struggling to get free from Dylan's hold. But he was too strong for me. Then Dominic turned toward Nay Nay when he was sure I was at a safe distance from them.
"So Nancy, apart from the snatching part, is everything she said true?" He asked my Nay Nay in a cold tone.
Everyone was watching the drama unfold. Nobody was saying anything. Everyone was waiting for her reply including me.
And then she nodded.
"So can you please clear her misconceptions about that snatching part?" His voice was dangerously cold now.
Suddenly the room temperature dropped to minus. Everyone's faces were more than furious. They were looking at her like predators look at their prey.
"I.. I left her on the street." She mumbled.
Why was she joking like that?
Before I could react, Dominic shot his next question.
"How do you know her?"
Everyone was silent. My eyes were already puffy and I really wasn't ready for what I heard next from her.
"I stole her from her family."
My knees gave up at that moment. I was on the floor, looking at her blankly. Dylan and Grey were immediately by my side. I looked at them blankly.
"How can you prove that she is the one Nancy stole?" One of the cousins asked.
"Nice question, Sebastian." He smirked. "Damon? Please bring the things I asked you to get yesterday." Dominic turned toward Damon with a smirk and ordered.
Damon looked at me with a painful expression for a moment. Then he went toward one of the rooms downstairs. And he came back with..
My backpack?
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