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75% DC: The Kryptonian Knight / Chapter 19: Warriors and Wonders

Chương 19: Warriors and Wonders

In a beach, more of a small inlet, low tide.

A figure emerged from the distance at dusk, walking down to the beach.

It was a woman, carrying herself with a regal air.

Wrapped in a purple robe and ornate jewelry, she lowered herself down to the sand, then headed to a section of dirt and clay.

Dropping to her knees, she started to scoop up large sections of dirt and clay with her hands.

Out of place of her adornments were two dark metal bracers around her wrists.

As night came, the woman set up burning torches around the area where she was working.

Some small recesses in the grounds had been filled with water. The clay had been moulded into several small shapes.

The woman continued working on it, periodically dipping her fingers into the recess to facilitate her efforts.

The only sound was that of the waves breaking.

As the time passed, the clay was taking the shapes of small humanoids with no discernible features.

With time and hardwork, the figures grew more distinct.

The woman became covered in dirt, grime and her own sweat.

The figures were now that of infant girls, but still crude.

The woman tugged her robe in tighter against the cold of the night. Her hands were now bleeding from several places.

She continued, her actions taking on more urgency.

The dawn eventually came.

As the first day's light touches the beach, the sight of the woman could be seen, obviously fatigued, trying to work as quickly and as well as possible.

The clay figures were now perfect replicas of infants; wrinkles, fingernails, hints of lips and teeth, so forth.

Hands and arms caked with clay, dirt, grime and blood, the woman raised the figures with infinite care one by one after standing up.

The woman raised each figure into the dawn's first rays of light.

The texture of the figures started to grow fainter and lighter.

The woman watched as each figure transformed from clay to flesh in her very own hands.

Many times she lowered the now very real, but unmoving babies to her mouth, and gently breathed near their mouths. The babys' mouth received the woman's breath and reflexively breathed back.

The face of the woman creased with joy, as those little children moved in her hands.

The woman, still coated in the products of her exertions, walked up the same path she descended while other women brought along the newborn babies.

She stopped at the rise and signaled for the other women (who had just arrived) to raise the tiny children into the air.

Before this sculptress, another woman stood; a warrior, standing at attention in a variant of ancient Greek Battle armour and identical metal wristbands

Then several more, dressed exactly like her.

Then scores.

Then hundreds, all amassed on the plain nearby the beach.

When they saw the new children, they gave a massive roar of triumph, waving their weapons and rattling their shields.

Several servants surrounded the other women carrying the babies, passing blankets which the other women wrapped the babies in, a goblet of wine and food.

They looked down at the still serenely sleeping children.

Their ancient ritual had been completed. With the Gods giving their blessings to their new sisters.


Thousands of years later.

The waves were lapping gently against the pristine shoreline.

Something small was being carried along the waves, and was washed onto the shore.

A small hand picked it up belonging to what appeared to be a ten year-old girl.

Dressed in a short white tunic, sporting long black hair, absolutely beautiful. And metallic bands encircling her wrists.

Looking at the object, she broke into a grin.

Tucking it into her tunic, she broke into a run towards the vast city dominating the island's landscape.

A city state of gleaming white bordering walls, towering spires and shining buildings.

The girl ran through a wide field filled with olive groves.

She dashed through a gate in a stone wall, through a crafters/labourers district, and through a maze of narrow streets, lined with rows of gleaming whitewashed walls into a bustling market in the Agora; a public grassy square.

Fish, cheeses, oil, livestock, wines were all offered on display.

The inhabitants were all wearing sandals, robes and togas akin to the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

They also all wear metal bracers on their forearms.

However no money was being exchanged.

And there were no men to be seen anywhere; only women.

The girl dashed through the marketplace with the minimal concern for safety exhibited by children everywhere outside that island.

The women followed her progress with a mix of maternal concern and 'that kid's gonna hurt herself sooner or later'

The girl continued her run through the Acropolis; the highest area of the island and the temple district.

Several temples each dedicated to a different god dominate the area, along with accompanying statues and monuments.

The highest point in the island was dominated by the Royal Palace, alongside the Senate Chambers, visible from everywhere on the island.

Walking up a hill was a small woman.

She was towing a large cart filled to the brim with stones, more concerned with the heat than the weight.

The child ran down the hill nearly plowing into the woman before ducking under the cart and continuing.

The woman paused to shout. "DIANA!"

But the young Diana didn't stop.

The woman shook her head, and continued up the hill at a steady pace.

Outside, at the docks.

Several fishing boats were berthed next to Triemes; variants of Ancient Greek war vessels.

Diana ran past them, and leapt into the bay, clearing an impossible distance before hitting the water in a perfect dive.

She immediately started swimming, never breaking the surface, heading towards a small island about a thousand feet away.

Inside a chamber, Diana's head broke the surface of a pool of water.

She existed, shaking off the water, and padded into the chamber.

It was a ruined building cellar, littered with carvings, rocks and structural supports, illuminated by various holes admitting the sunlight.

Diana headed over to a corner, and moved aside a large slab of stone with ease.

What the stone covered was a variety of items hidden in a hole in the ground; photographs, dolls, damaged books, magazines ... a child's salvage.

Diana reached in, and withdrew a tape deck.

Putting the stone back, and strewing dust on the area, Diana reached into her tunic, producing her day's bounty, a cassette of ABBA.

Diana slotted the cassette in with careful ceremony. And then thumps the side of the deck.

It's tinny and distorted, but the tune of 'Mamma Mia' was unmistakable.

Diana was confused, then grinned and started grooving like a ten year old would.

It was then that suddenly, a stone pillar fell and crashed on the tape deck.

Diana shrieked, stumbled and fell, rolling away.

She looked around and saw the cause.

The woman who spent so long crafting the clay babies; Queen Hippolyta, with two guards, was glaring at Diana, standing where the pillar once stood.

Diana looked terrified, as she stood up.

Hippolyta gestured to her guards, and they walked away.

Diana watched them, glancing at her hiding place, as they marched towards and past it.

The girl was relieved, but dared not show it.

Hippolyta spoke in their native tongue. "Kneel!"

Diana stood still, frightened.


Diana slowly knelt on the floor.

"The History. Recite it."

"The Gods ... Man was falling into

Chaos, the fruit of famine, war and strife." Diana said. "The Gods strove to restore the balance of Gaea, renewing their inviolate laws and teachings to man, and decreed that a new race would be created to spread the words of reason, peace and love to all. So the gods themselves brought forth the Amazons and charged them with this sacred duty. And they performed this mission bringing the lessons of temperance and forbearance to Man."

"And ...?" Hippolyta signaled for her to continue.

"But Man was cruel and resentful. Led by Herakles and aided by Ares, Man poisoned, captured and violated the Amazons." Diana added.

"Again." Hippolyta said stoically.

"Man poisoned, captured and violated the Amazons. Mother, please …" Diana repeated.


Diana sighed. "Man poisoned, captured and violated the Amazons!"

Meanwhile, Hippolyta rubbed the metal bands on her arms unconsciously as she started circling the kneeling child.

"Yes. We bear the mark of that

humiliation to this day. Faith gave us strength, and cunning enough to break our shackles. We were forced to leave our homeland and Zeus offered us New Themyscira. We were rewarded for our faith, for the Gods granted each and every Amazon Immortality. We forged the metal Aegis, to which no other material could compare. And the island Diana. Paradise Island itself protects us. It accepted the Amazons, accepted us as part of it, and it repels anyone that is not part of the land. No man can touch us here. But you bring their world here?"

Diana shuddered at her mother's fury, but said nothing.

Hippolyta stood, and dropped a sword at Diana's feet, before walking away. "You will drill on this spot for two days."

Diana mouthed the next words out of Hippolyta's mouth. "You will sleep on the third."

As Hippolyta left, Diana picked up the sword and looked over at the remains of the tape deck.

She then started a series of complicated thrusts, blocks, parries and maneuvers.

Despite being incredibly skilled, she was not enjoying this.

Outside the cave, Hippolyta whispered. "Diana, you must follow, among all things, the Code of the Amazons."


Years after.

Outside the temple district.

A still young Diana was thrusting, blocking, feinting with a spear.

Other Amazons were watching and approving.

"When Man corrupted the laws the

Gods set forth, we were gifted with a mission to bring peace, to unite the peoples of the world with love and compassion." Hippolyta murmured.


More time passed.

At the beach, Diana was performing spinning motions with paired daggers

"Our creed of the Amazons is to

temper aggression with compassion. Lend reason to rage. And overcome hatred with love."


Another time jump.

In the forest.

Diana, finally appearing to have reached her teens, was feinting, parrying, slashing and thrusting with a sword.

"We were sent by the Gods to save


Diana finished off her masterpiece of footwork and skill by thrusting downwards at a rock while leaping upwards and balancing her entire body, one handed, on the point of her sword.

A bell rang urgently.

Diana flipped forward, landing gracefully on her feet, and launching herself at a run.

She moved with superhuman speed up the hill.

Diana saw something… Amazons moving at slightly lower speeds up the hill towards a creature, with bat-like wings and a snapping mouth.

Diana grinned, and poured on the speed, but someone charged into her and tackled her into the ground.

She rolled, trying to shake off two woman in a more ornate uniform than most.

Meanwhile, several Amazons have engaged the creature.

One of them turned to look at Diana and the guards.

"Get the Princess out of there!" A hunter said in their native tongue.

The Guards got Diana up, and escorted her away from the fray.

The young Princess left, resigned to the fact.

"Nearly got close this time." One of the guards told her.

"When can I fight?" Diana asked.

"Knowing your Mother?" The other woman smiled.

Diana looked at the battle, now growing ever distant, and gritted her teeth.


A black woman with a military bearing walked towards a large building, a mausoleum.

Entering it, she saw Diana scrubbing down the walls.

"General Phillipus." Diana said.

"Your Highness." The older woman replied.

"Did Mother send you to make sure I was suitably occupied?" Diana said, turning away.

"To congratulate you on your achievement. No Amazon before you ever invented a spell before a thousand years of study, and you're alive barely shorter than it. You must be the greatest scholar of our time."

"When anyone has the need for objects that can become and remain unseen without turning back, then I will celebrate." Diana snorted.

Phillipus examined the tomb while Diana continued with her work.

"I see you take good care of your namesake." The older woman commented.

"Mother notices every speck I miss." Diana told her.

"This warrior deserves it." The general said.

"We know nothing of this warrior before she reached glory in battle." Diana argued.

"The nature of a true Amazon is only revealed after her first battle. She was a warrior that died proudly and unyielding."

"She died all the same." Diana pointed respectfully.

"Nothing is perfect." The general remarked.

"Really? I understood that this is Paradise."

"Since our birth, Aphrodite gave us great beauty and a loving heart, Athena herself granted us wisdom, Artemis granted the skills of the hunt, and Hestia blessed us with fire of the heart. Yet you still manage to be unhappy here ... Your Highness."

"I should be content, shouldn't I? Since every other Amazon will deserve Paradise through great feats, deeds, blood and sweat."

"You have a grand role to fulfill. You are the Princess of the Amazons with all the honour and responsibilities that go with it."

Diana finally turned to the older woman. "Tell me General; will my grand role on this Island ever consist of anything more productive than meaningless tasks, pointless duties and protocols, and the dust of a tomb?"

Phiilipus sighed. "You've done enough for the day."

Diana started putting away her cleaning apparatus and Phiilipus continued.

"And I won't tell your Mother you've been hunting for treasure at the beach."

Diana shot an annoyed look at the retreating General, then grinned, putting her things away much more quickly.

Dominating the tomb was a marble statue of a woman in what appeared to be in her forties, wearing her impressive armor and shield while also wielding her weapon.

A plinth on the statue's base bore the single name 'DIANA'.


As years continued to pass, the little princess' appearance barely aged a day.

Though her skill and knowledge grew at a faster pace than anyone else in Themyscira.

Training and studying from dawn to dusk every day, the princess of the Amazons tried her best to be worthy of her title.

However, even though she was still one of the youngest of them, her strength, speed and durability had already been recognized as abnormal.

On a certain morning at the arena in front of the Queen's palace, the princess was having another sparring match with her fellow Amazon.

The sound of their weapons hitting one another could be heard from afar.

"You know, Artemis, I found myself saying a little prayer for you last night." Diana remarked after a backflip, twirling her weapon with a smug grin.

"Did you, Diana? How kind?" A red haired woman much taller than her replied sarcastically, while recovering her breath.

"Yes, I prayed that Apollo would inspire you with a strategy that might end your rather long string of defeats at my hand." Diana taunted, already expecting the brash reaction from her adversary.

After a flurry of thrusts and parries, Diana managed to break Artemis' staff in half with a mighty kick.

But the other Amazon swiftly adapted to the situation by throwing one of the halves at her, prompting Diana to turn her gaze away.

Which was everything Artemis needed to stop her in her tracks as she pressed the splintered sharp edge of the halve still on her hands against Diana's neck. "Praise Apollo."

But what the other Amazon wasn't expecting was that her Princess also knew how to fight dirty.

And so, by grabbing and yanking her ponytail backwards, Diana managed to sweep the older woman off her feet with a kick and pinned her to the ground by placing her other foot on Artemis's neck.

"Obviously I'm not praying hard enough." Diana smugly declared, ignoring the fact that their gods no longer lived.

"If you were not the queen's daughter." Artemis grumbled in anger, prompting Diana's smile to falter.

"Well done, Diana. Your time with Antiope has certainly gifted you with great skill in combat." Queen Hippolyta suddenly said as she approached them. "But be kind to Artemis. Believe it or not, there was a time when she was one of the fiercest warriors among us."

"And I still would be given the chance in a real battle." Artemis argued getting up after refusing Diana's hand.

"Then forgive me, Artemis, if I am grateful that you will never be afforded that chance." Hippolyta remarked.

"If that is indeed true, Mother, then what is the point of all this training?" Diana approached her before smiling again. "That is, other than to humble Artemis from time to time."

"We train because we must always remain vigilant, Diana." The Queen warned. "I once let my guard down and paid a terrible price."

"But, my queen, letting down our guard is precisely what we must do." Another voice joined theirs. She had hair similar to Artemis, although not as bright as hers. "And now, before yet another century passes, is the time to re-engage ourselves with the old world. Even if only to add some new material to our library."

Her name was Alexa.

Although born and trained in the Amazon way of fighting, Alexa was far from the usual Amazonian warrior.

Preferring to plunge her brain into a book rather than a sword into a body, Alexa's knowledge was respected even among her older sisters.

"Perhaps Alexa's right. Is it not possible that man's world has changed for the better since your time?" Diana asked, thinking that this was her best opportunity to convince her mother.

With a sullen face, the Queen replied walking away. "Follow me, child. I believe it's time for you to know."

They walked in silence towards the most desolated section of Paradise Island. The one she had been ordered so severely to never approach, that she never disobeyed.

But as they approached their destination, Diana could see it was filled to the brim with patrolling guards ready for battle.

"It is only within this prison, Diana, that you can glimpse the true darkness that lurks in the hearts of all men." Approaching a cave turned into a dungeon, several thick and large metal doors were opened for them to enter.

They both walked past a blonde guard, who had half of her right face hidden by her hair.

Her name was Persephone.

After earning a battle scar during one of their most gruesome battles, Persephone was put on nearly permanent guard duty to watch the enemy as he lived out his imprisonment on Themyscira.

Approaching the cage of said prisoner, Diana saw ancient runes that she had never seen before carved all over it.

Inside, Diana saw a being much different from her sisters, yet somewhat similar.

It was a man with long silver hair.

The first she had seen in her life.

"Ares, the God of War." Her mother declared, prompting Diana to back away a few steps. "Do not fear him, child, it gives him strength."

"She is right to be scared, Hippolyta." The man suddenly said, walking towards them. "You are a fool if you think you can hold me forever." The air around him got heavier as he stared at them with his red eyes. "I am much more than the god I once was. I am all of Olympus."

"You are but breath and shadow." The Queen declared, watching the cage's wards working on, draining him from his energy, as his shackles prompted him to stumble to the ground. "This, Diana, is why we can never reunite with the outside world. It is better if you can accept the nature of man as it is. Wicked, disloyal and above all, untrustworthy."

The young princess still had her doubts, meeting an actual god for the first time had shaken her.

She had to leave that place.

But Ares suddenly recognized the godly energy emanating from. "Diana…" He muttered her name.


Diana walked along the beach, a branch in her hand, using it to push aside clumps of seaweed and debris.

She looked up and headed toward a magazine.

Kneeling down, Diana picked it up and started carefully opening the water-sodden pages.

It appeared that mankind had advanced so much since ancient times.

Diana had great fascination for them, especially lately. With titles like "Man of Tomorrow" and "Champion God" being used frequently.

She still had a young spirit, her attraction for handsome men came more for romantic notions than sexual desires.

Diana wasn't ignorant about Aphrodite's gifts and blessings, but still hadn't had the necessary encounter for such blossoming.

Her meeting with the God of War almost made her puke. Not in regards to his looks, but the miasmatic aura he gave off.

Suddenly, multiple shadows fell over her.

Glancing up, Diana toppled backwards in surprise as the strange figures levitated above her.

"Greetings respectful child." Spoke the second man she had ever seen personally in her life. "Please don't be afraid, for we've come in peace."

His imposing form showed a very large man with an equally-muscular and well-defined physique, his design resembling a typical western comic book superhero, his height easily reaching eight feet.

He had chiseled features on his face with a strong jawline and pronounced cheekbones, and short boxed beard. Sentry had short blond hair, swept backwards and a white domino mask that covered the skin around his icy blue eyes.

His costume consisted of a skin-tight white bodysuit decorated with a golden symbol that somewhat resembled a lighting and a "Z". And an elegant cloak which followed the same theme of his clothes, though in it one could see an "S" resembling a lighting.

He wore a gold belt, his forearm vambraces were colored in gold; his legs and feet were covered in gold greves and sabatons.

Exuberant and filled with dramatic flair. Sentry faced her with a huge smile.

While at a first sight some could describe him as oafish, none could resist his carisma for long. Sentry was actually much more intelligent and perceptive than his campy image would suggest.

He had a tactical mind when it came to battle strategies and public speaking. Assessing any threat's level instantaneously, he skillfully applied the necessary force and avoided injuries and destruction to his surroundings.

He would even make a dramatic performance out of his success, as an example to everyone framing him as larger than life. But he wasn't against dirtying his own hands if the situation called for it.

"H-hi." Diana stuttered, lost in his eyes for a brief moment. "O-okay." The man before her had a nice feeling to him, somewhat familiar, but she couldn't tell exactly what.

"Splendid." The man stated. "By the way, you may call me Sentry and these are my trusted companions. What should we call you, little one?"

"D-diana." She replied, still shy with the first visitors she had met in her lifetime. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh, nice to meet you too… eh… Diana?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, faking his surprise. "It's an honor to meet the great Princess of the Amazons."

All the other women had previously heard about her culture, but they didn't feel she had reached their expectations.

Some like Faora and Elizabeth were less subtle with their disappointment.

"H-how do you know about my title?" She asked, now finally noticing the strange company he had with him. Most were really beautiful women she felt could be mistaken by an Amazon, but two of them had an uncommon skin tone.

"To be honest, I once saw your future as an impressive warrior." Sentry told her. "Well, at least a possible version of it."

"You mean, that you are a seer?" Diana questioned, returning her gaze to him.

"In a way, I could be described as such." Sentry mused, Valentina and Dots looking at him before they started to fly away. "Now if you would excuse us, we've business with the Queen, your mother."

Diana stared at the figures now heading directly towards the acropolis, then got up and started running after it. "Wait! I can help!"

Surely, Sentry could still hear Diana's voice, but he wished to test her physical capabilities by following them.

"She's cute." Masumah remarked with a chuckle.

"I wanna see if she's tough, that's what really matters." Lou declared with a grin, staring at the city of the Amazons, wondering if she could find a worthy challenge somewhere.

From the city's view, the strange figures maintained its course towards the palace and acropolis.

On the streets, alarm bells started ringing.

Amazons were grabbing shields, armour, swords, and heading towards the intended route of the strange visitors.

Diana ran inhumanly fast along the plains, her wake spreading the grass and greenery away.

The visitors were now hovering above the ground, casting their shadows over the buildings and houses in their path, heading towards the center of the city.

Soon enough Diana was at the main part of the city, still heading towards the unexpected visitors.

Gracefully landing, each figure stood still waiting for the Amazons together around them.

The residents of Paradise island began milling on the plaza where the visitors awaited patiently.

The crowd began reacting to the first male they had ever seen; undercurrents of fear and anger clear on their expressions.

He was much taller than them.

Dressed in his white suit and cloak, with some golden engravings, he smiled towards the Amazon's surrounding him.

But he wasn't alone.

Alongside him were several women.

Each oozed confidence as if their powerful aura could be easily felt.

Like most Amazons, the women were tall, beautiful and muscular, though their attires resembled more of the modern fashion with slim armour suits. And their weapons shone like no other.

"Greetings citizens of Themyscira, as of recently, we are the ruling gods of this planet!" The Adonis lookalike declared fluently in their language, to the surprise of the Amazons. "We come in peace!"

"Welcome to Themyscira!" Diana spoke suddenly, stepping forward, breaking the silence of her sisters before turning to them. "This man and his companions are our guests. Someone, run ahead and inform our Queen of their arrival."

Still, none of the other women reacted.

"NOW!" Diana added emphatically.

Shocked at her display of authority caused several women to run off. "Yes, your grace!"

Diana led Sentry and his followers as the other Amazons followed in her wake, still recovering from their shock.


In the shores off the main island, a large white building dominated, with a massive dock and path leading to the building.

A large sized and ornate boat was being tied to the dock by several women in more ornate armour; a Palace Guard.

When complete, the Guard snapped to attention, Hippolyta descended down the gangplank, followed closely by Phillipus and Menalippe.

This was a crisis situation for them.

"There is a man here. Physically here on this island. Explain this to me." Queen Hippolyta questioned.

"We cannot, your majesty." Phillipus replied.

Hippolyta and her retinue were walking down a large airy atrium towards the centre of the building.

"The Protection is still in place, it cannot be explained." Menalippe informed.

"Then questions must be asked. Let us make sure he answers them …" Queen Hippolyta declared.


Phillipus stared at Sentry unblinking, completely ignoring the other women accompanying him.

The General's hand then flexed around her sword, suddenly drawing it.

Hippolyta noted this without reacting, but Diana intervened.

"No!" She all but shouted before moving in front of Phillipus.

"Diana, leave." Her mother ordered.

"But mother, this is Sanctuary. All that aren't hostile are safe here." Diana matched her gaze with Phillipus. "The Laws of Gods and Amazons shall remain inviolate."

The standoff continued until Hippolyta finally conceded. "Very well."

Phillipus slowly sheathed her sword and stepped back, never taking her eyes off Sentry for an instant.

"If you've all finished …" He suddenly remarked, not caring one bit about the crowd of Amazons surrounding him ready for combat. "Your Majesty? On behalf of my companions… may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city."

"You presume much… to think you are welcome here." Phillipus remarked, but silenced herself after the Queen raised her hand in a gesture for silence.

"Oh, Queen of the Amazons, we have come peacefully looking for…" Sentry began before being interrupted.

"I know what you seek… and you will not find it here. Your journey has been in vain." Hippolyta finally spoke, drawing some angry looks from Sentry's companions.

"But we have come seeking an alliance with your people." Sentry told her. "I'm sure your people have much to gain by it."

"Heh heh heh. You said you've come for an alliance, yet you bring weapons." She replied.

"Our weapons allow us to remove obstacles we may encounter during our travels, Queen Hippolyta." He told her, his tone still respectful, but his words carried more weight this time.

"Some obstacles cannot be removed with a mere show of force. Leave my people be. You must leave Themyscira at once."

"Oh, Your Majesty, be reasonable. I've answered all the questions you've asked thus far. At least allow me to respectfully request that we stay till the end of the day? That would give us time to demonstrate what benefits an alliance with us would result. If we fail to impress, we will be ready to leave by morning, to never return nor reveal this island's existence to the rest of the world."

Hippolyta pondered for a moment, considering how hard it would actually be to face them in combat, let alone successfully expel them. "Hmm. Very well. One day. That is all."

"Well, thank you, Your Majesty." Sentry said respectfully. "Would you be opposed to a friendly tournament between our people?"

"I'm afraid you don't have the time for such preparations to be completed." The Queen reasoned.

"I wouldn't worry about that. Since it's a request from our side, we will definitely take care of the arrangements. I mean, with the appropriate supervision of course." Sentry replied. "It shouldn't take more than half an hour."

"Do what you must." The Queen told him, hiding her surprise.

Sentry smiled and nodded at that before turning to speak with his group in the language of Kryptonian. "Eden, Carina, I will leave this endeavor to you. Hadiza, Zarola, go study this island's fauna and flora. See if their magic hinders your powers. The rest will try to socialize with the people from here."

"Understood." They all replied in unison with a respectful bow that didn't go unnoticed by the other Amazons.


Outside the palace, hundreds of women were gathering immediately outside a large overlooking balcony above.

The atmosphere was of confusion and a little of fear.

Hippolyta slowly walked out onto the balcony, followed by Phillipus and other attendants.

The murmuring of the crowd below stopped when Hippolyta raised her hand.

"Our visitors from the sky have requested a friendly tournament to bring together both people."

The crowd of faces reflected their surprise at this news.

"It will start in thirty minutes. All of you who are willing and able should prepare."

Hippolyta returned to her inner chambers.

While the attendants left, Hippolyta started removing some of her outer garments, while Phillipus remained.

"You have doubts." Hippolyta stated.

"We cannot hold the tournament with these people. The women accompanying that man seemed to be too submissive to his leadership, none dared to speak without his permission." Phillipus told her. "If they prove to be too much for us, what message will we be sending to our people? That the Amazon way is weak?"

Hippolyta mused for a while before holding up a himation; a light gauzy scarf. She held it up, obscuring her face above her mouth to Phillipus' perspective.

"I have thought of a way."

Phillipus' eyes widened; she got it.


Throne room.

The white marble was counterpointed with gold decorations.

Hippolyta and Phillipus entered as various attendants were busy cleaning, assorting.

"Thinking of entering yourself?" Antiope asked.

"Would it be proper?"

Antiope drew her sword and tossed it to Hippolyta, who caught it and drew it perfectly.

"One of our champions in the past had also been a former Queen." Antiope reminded her as she began performing a series of maneuvers.

"The Royal Family... "

The Queen's thrusting, parrying, spinning of her sword grew more and more intricate.

"...might have to demonstrate they do not shy away from a challenge."

Diana entered the throne room, holding a sword and a shield, wearing her own suit of armour.

Hippolyta stopped, her gaze stopping Diana.

She handed the sword back to Antiope, keeping eye contact with Diana.

"In the interests of eliminating favoritism or inadvertently starting a conflict, The Royal Family and all immediate attendants are forbidden from applying for the Tournament."

Diana couldn't believe that. "Why?"

The Queen raised her hand. All attendants in the room quickly left.

Antiope bowed and vanishes, leaving daughter and mother in the enormous room.

"Be reasonable. Entering the

tournament means taking the place of another warrior who most likely has spent thousands of years preparing for battle." Hippolyta said.

"I might surprise you." Diana argued.

"Diana. Have you ever desired something for so long that you forgot when that need first grew?" The Queen asked.

"Yes." The young princess replied.

Hippolyta crossed over to Diana, holding her shoulders with a maternal smile. "And imagine finally gaining it. Something so unique and fragile, would you ever leave it out of your sight?"

"Have you ever grasped something so tightly it sliced your hand down to the bone?" Diana countered.

Hippolyta flinched at her remark.

"Tell me, how can you watch something so closely and yet know nothing about it?"

Fury crossed the Queen's face. "Enough! Your Mother forbids it! Your Queen forbids it! And you will obey both!"

Diana turned and stalked away, leaving Hippolyta alone in the vast room.

Hippolyta snapped her fingers and a Palace Guard approached before immediately kneeling.

"Watch her."


At Diana's quarters.

Small, but well appointed. Two attendants were busy cleaning, polishing; until Diana entered, dumping her weaponry and other objects near the door, and waving them away.

The young princess sat down at a dresser, retrieving an ornate comb and hand mirror, and started combing.

Angling the mirror to look behind her; the Palace Guard standing at attention in the outer corridor.

Frustrated, she tapped her fingers, going over the combs, brushes, adornments and a pair of scissors.

Innocuously, she retrieved several scrolls, notes, ink and chalk from the shelves; a scholar going about her work.

She scattered the paper around, and got up, holding the scissors, chalk and two pages close to her body.

Outside her quarters, the guard kept her eye on the open door.

Crossing to her wardrobe, Diana selected three white chitons; basic robes. Quickly and quietly, she started cutting them into long strips of cloth.

She had drawn a chalk circle, with several concentric circles within. Greek lettering was interspersed with unusual symbols within the layers. The outermost circle was incomplete with a half-inch gap.

"Sight…" Diana wrote the word in one of the blank areas. "... And sound …"

Diana finished writing. The robes from earlier have been turned into strips, and a canvas bag laid with them.

The young princess took them all and placed them into the circle.

She retrieved a candle near her dresser, lit it, then completed the circle. Getting up with the candle as the chalk lines start to glow.

Outside, the guard noticed the glowing, just as Diana crossed the doorway with her lit candle.

Mollified, the guard continued her vigil.

The glowing had enveloped the strips of cloth, and were fading out of existence.

When the cloth had finally disappeared, the glowing faded.

Diana returned, and by touch, retrieved one of the strips of cloth.

She carefully placed, then wrapped it around her right calf, the cloth reaching up to her upper thigh.

Her leg was now invisible. And her foot was now floating in space, unattached.

She rotated her ankle, looking at the result, smiling.

It Worked.

No time to waste.

Diana retrieved another cloth and started wrapping it around herself.

Outside, the guard heard a noise from Diana's rooms.

She entered but found nobody there.

"How did ...?"

The chalk circle from earlier has been erased.

As the guard stood mystified, Diana's armour and weapons slowly vanished from view.



*Hope the chapter is of your liking. If there's anything that you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on the plot points I'm introducing.

If there's any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

** Really sorry for the constant delays, I'm still having a hard time organizing my time to write my fics. 😅

*** Please, tell me your opinion about this fic's current cover picture. I was aiming for something better than the previous one.

**** Big apologies for those finding the last two chapters too boring to read. 😓

Daichi_TBR193 Daichi_TBR193

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