"What the hell was that!?" Elizabeth shouted as everyone arrived back in her virtual home. Players being transported to where they last were before entering the matches.
"You know I don't like waiting," Judith replied matter-of-factly.
"I am not asking you, I expected you to do something dumb. Eldrian, what the hell?" Elizabeth balled her fists. "I didn't expect you to actually charge ahead of Judith."
Caught off guard by being shouted at and questioned Eldrian faltered in replying, only managing to say sorry and that it won't happen again. He himself was unsure what had happened, one moment he was trying to catch up to Judith, the next he was in front of their opponents.
"Good, there is no reason for us to come up with a plan if you guys are just going to ignore it!"
"But, that fight didn't really need any planning." Judith countered.
Do let me know if the scene is hard to follow. (First time trying to work on so many moving parts simutaniosly. Has always been two or three at max)
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