The grimy filth clung to his boots. Slimy green fluids stained his already filthy pants. However, the youth's expression didn't change. Silver eyes remained impassive and cold. His expression appeared fierce as silver strands danced with the dusty breeze. Although the filth decorated his body, he didn't look too concerned about how he looks.
Usually, females of his kind would ramble about even the tiniest bit of filth on their skin, thought the young naga sprawled on the ground. He furrowed his brows, feeling a strange feeling well up inside him the more he looked at the stunning creature standing before him. Her eyes were the diamond of her being. Her silver eyes were indeed marvelous. How elegant.
Moulin suddenly spat on the ground. He shuddered when he felt green slime smear his lips. Bitter and disgusting. His face contorted. "Ugh..."
"..." The naga stared at him.
Snow and the little puppy are here! Let's make the snakes Moulin's next pet bwahaha!
Moumou: I refuse!