Moulin's mouth seemed to move by itself as Alsander winked at him openly. The young master of the Vernallia Family was restraining himself from rushing towards the white-haired youth and wrap his arms around his neck in a friendly pull. Only, he could not do that in the almighty presence of the Hercullian Lord.
The restraint in his smile was obvious. Moulin suppressed his surprise as he glanced at Hadrian.
It couldn't be that he knows about my friendship with Alsander... right?
Hadrian acknowledged Alsander's reverence and gestured a hand to Moulin, performing a brief introduction. Moulin and Alsander both greeted each other and were dismissed by a wave of the lord's hand. Hadrian gave Moulin a profound stare as he met Moulin's unamused eyes before vacating the Hercullio's tent.
Lord Lion is angryyy~
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