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85.18% The Wound In The Stars / Chapter 46: Chapter 46

Chương 46: Chapter 46

Finally. We have revealed ourselves to the galaxy.

This month is going to be crucial. As such, I had activated every available soldier and ship. Border security has been tightened and Intra-territorial patrols have also been increased. Our agents and allies across the galaxy have also been alerted.

With the war being on an all-time high the probability of both sides attacking us is very small. But it doesn't hurt to be careful. Something else I had done was placing two super large space stations at two key locations. The Kokash and Arquata systems. These will act as gateways and trade centers between my territories and the rest of the galaxy.

The space stations look like a flower (Citadel from Mass effect), with each arm having a length of nearly a hundred kilometer. And as Mandalorians, it would be heresy not to fit it with enough armor, shielding, and weapons to make a sector fleet insecure. Each arm of the station can hold nearly five hundred manned and two thousand droid fighters and bombers. Add to that the border security fleets, these locations are some tough locations to crack.

The subsequent chock point systems behind the borders through which hyperspace lanes pass are also guarded by active battle stations and fleets with interdictor fields activated around the clock. Any ship passing through the hyperspace lanes will be pulled out and can only pass after undergoing checks. This was all done in hopes to keep sneaky interlopers out.

And that was just the defense and border security forces. Assault fleets were always on standby to respond to any calls for assistance at a moment's notice.

(POV Ahsoka)

Me, master Obi-Wan and Master Yoda were accompanying senator Padme to the Arquata system. The meeting point was changed after we received a message from the Mandalorians that the Separatists were coming there for negotiations as well. And they made it abundantly clear that they will only receive both parties together.

Due to the sudden change, we were taking the ships of the Fifth fleet under master Obiwan. That's at least seven Venators and it's full complement of troops and vehicles. That should be more than enough to protect Padme against any threats.

We are already on course for the crossroad system which has been occupied by the Mandalorians.

"What can we expect?" asked Padme.

"Certain nothing is. Guaranteed one thing is. Strike at us unprovoked the Mandalorians won't. Hrrmmm" said Mater Yoda in a reassuring tone.

"It's the Separatists that we should worry about," I said.

"Them striking us is unlikely. They don't want to drag the Mandalorians into the war as well. Especially since the nature of the war has changed" explained Obi-Wan.

"We can only hope for the best. It will aid us immensely if they joined us in the fight against the Sith" said Padme.

"Join us they will not," said Master Yoda in a definitive tone.

"It has been bothering me for a while master. Do you by chance know their leader?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Yes, I have been wondering about that as well. Master you speak with such familiarity" I said. Padme also looks inquisitively at master Yoda.

Master Yoda just chuckles "Know them we all do," he said with a smirk.

What does he mean we all know the leaders.

"That narrows it down doesn't it," said Padme sarcastically "The only Mandalorians I had prolonged contact with are Satine who is my old friend. Then there is Nomad and some of his crew," she said.

We remained silent for a minute then it hit us like a ton of bricks. Both I and Obi-Wan look at each other with wide eyes. Master Yoda chuckles seeing that we finally realized.

"It couldn't be. Right?" I asked barely holding back my shock.

Just then Admiral Block came up to us "We will be arriving at any moment now" we all looked at him and then out the viewport.

Within a minute we drop out of hyperspace and we are greeted with the sight of the Separatist fleet within a few Parsecs of ours.

"Separatist fleet spotted. Fifteen ships. One Lucrehulk, two providence class battleships, and the rest are Munificent. All their weapons are deactivated" said the sensor officer.

"Orders?" asked the weapons officer.

"Stand down. But be prepared" said Admiral Block.

Then our sights shifted towards the system core. What we saw blew our minds. A gigantic space station surrounded by ships upon ships. The station was what caught our eyes the most. It looked like a giant flower.

"By the force. That things readings are off the chart" said a gobsmacked admiral.

That is when a system-wide broadcast was received. "This is the Mandalorian Federation Border Citadel Asgard. To all approaching delegate fleets. Station your fleets at designated coordinates and only send the ambassadors and delegates to the station. Their security will be guaranteed". The message looped three times.

"Well Generals, Senator we will be on standby if something happens," said the Admiral with a nod.

"Be on our way then let us. Yrsssss" said master Yoda slowly walking towards the turbo-lift.

"Admiral have Cody and Waxer meet us at the hangar with a clone squad to act as guards," said Obi-Wan as he followed Master Yoda.

I and Padme followed behind. We will take a shuttle to the station.

(POV Mina Bonteri)

We had just arrived at the Arquata system and by the Force, it was a sight to behold. How the Mandalorians hid this under our eyes still is a puzzle to me.

The tactical droid in command informed me of the Republics' arrival.

"Your orders?" it asked me. Count Dooku putting me in charge of this crucial meeting is can also be seen as a hurdle. If I mess up, he can use that as a reason to sack me and turn the heat on my allies.

"Keep the weapons powered down and maintain a safe distance from the Republic fleet. Don't make any first moves" I ordered.

"Affirmative," said the Tactical droid soon transmitting my orders.

That is when we received the Mandalorians message. It was quite clever of them. They had Both the Separatists and Republic station themselves on opposite sides of the system. This way there will be no excuse if one side initiates hostilities.

I took my executive shuttle to the station along with a detachment of Onderonian Royal guards as protection. My gut tells me the decisions made at this meeting will be pivotal for the galaxy's future.

(POV Ahsoka)

Our shuttle slowly makes it's way away from the escort fleet and heads to the Gigantic station. With us was a reporter for the GNN. She was alone with a camera droid. She was freaking out over the scoop and filming as much as she can.

If seeing the Mandalorians from afar was awe-inspiring then seeing them up-close was terror-inducing. They took mostly Separatist designs and made them into something more. Their ships looked nothing like the clunky Separatist ships but proper war machines. Hulls bristling with guns. Thick Armor that could shrug of rounds like they were nothing. And squadrons of manned and droid fighters flying tight patrols.

That was just the fleet. The station was something on a whole new scale. Not just in its sheer size. But up close you could see thousands of turrets, hundred of hangars, and thick armor plating.

All this could be described in one word. It was very Mandalorian. If that made sense.

Some fighters escorted our shuttle to a hangar on the central part of the station. We could see the Separatist shuttle alongside ours.

"I think I can confirm who the Separatist representative is," said Padme with a smile.

"And who would be that?" asked Gina.

"Mina Bonteri. Senator of Onderon. And old friend" she explained.

We soon glided into a large hangar and landed. The separatist shuttle landing right next to ours.

"Well let's get to it then," said Obi-Wan.

As we gathered at the ramp the tension was palpable.

"Hrrmmm. Fear them you need not. Honor their agreement they will" reassured master Yoda.

We all steel ourselves. But what laid before us was not something we can prepare for. Rows upon rows of Mandalorian warriors lined up on both sides of a path meant for us to walk through.

We all decent the ramp and pause for a second. The aura these troops were exuding was suffocating in its own right. At the beginning of the path stood Satine Kryze in all her glory.

"Are you getting this?" I asked Gina.

"y-Yes. I had heard and read tales of Mandalorian warriors of old. But in all my life I would never have thought I would see such a sight" she said in awe. And I don't blame her.

To the side, Padme and Mina were talking to each other. The topic is anyone's guess.

Just then Satine stepped up to our parties and spoke.

"Welcome Dignitaries of the Republic and Confederacy to the border Citadel Asgard of the Mandalorian Federation," She said with a smile. "The press representative can follow the administrative officer on the right" she points to an officer standing there. Gina nodded and followed the designated officer for her tour.

"I would like to ask to leave you, soldiers, with your shuttles. They will be safe and so will you" she told us.

"Very well, old friend," said Mina signaling her guards to hold the position.

"Stay here with the shuttle Cody," said Master Obi-Wan. The clones nodded and formed up near the shuttle.

As we slowly walk along the path, I find myself just behind Satine, Mina, and Padme. I could hear them talking. It was mostly pleasantries as they all knew each other for a long time now. But then Padme suddenly asks.

"How did you manage all this Satine?" Padme asks with an inquisitive expression.

"Who said I did anything," she says with a smirk. I could hear master Yoda chuckle in the background.

"Then who?" asked Mina.

"You will meet him soon enough. All I will say is this. When darkness descends, the strongest shall rise to light the path" with the ever-present smirk.

"What does that mean?" I ask this time.

"Don't tell me one has risen amongst your ranks now of all time?" asks Obi-Wan. Shock clear in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" asked Padme.

"The answer is in her statement. 'when the darkness descends, THE STRONGEST shall rise'" he says. We all look at him with expressions asking him to continue "Mand'alor" he says with a firm voice.

"WHAT?!" both Mina and Padme exclaimed. Luckily, we already left the hanger and are currently walking through corridors to our meeting location. Satine was chuckling seeing their reaction.

"Save the question for later. We have almost reached the conference room" said Satine with a smile.

We kept walking for a few minutes more till we reached a set of steps. It was a flight of steps that lead to a large door.

"Is everyone ready?" asked Satine. We just nodded in response.

The doors slid open revealing a large conference table. At the far end sat an all too familiar figure encased within his Mandalorian armor.

"Nomad?! What are you doing here?" exclaimed Padme.

"I think I know why," said Mina in an unreadable tone.

"May I present to you this generation Mand'alor," said Satine with a Cheshire cat-like smile.

"It's Good to see all of you made it," said Nomad.

"Hello there. It was quite ingenious of you. Building all this while hiding right under our noses" said Obi-Wan.

"It's often things that are right in front of you that people overlook," said Nomad in a cryptic manner "But where are my manners. Let me re-introduce myself" he slowly removes his helmet revealing quite the handsome man with a primal aura "The name is Thrunn Straxon of House Eldar, holder of the mantle of Mand'alor" giving us a nod.

"A pleasure to finally meet you in person," said Mina returning his nod. It was apparent she too had met Nomad before.

"A pleasure to meet you again it is. Hrrmmm" said, master Yoda. So, he knew all along. We all take our respective seats and exchanged greetings and pleasantries for a few minutes.

"Well then let's get this meeting on the way. To make things simpler I will state our position quite clearly" he said pressing a button on the table console. A holo projection of the galaxy map is projected above the table.

"The marked regions are under our control. It's all unoccupied regions and the unknown regions. These areas belong to us. We aren't open to negotiations there. As for our stand on the debacle that is the millennia-old feud between the Jedi and Sith masquerading as a civil war, we will remain a neutral faction. We want no part in it. My people have suffered enough due to these back-and-forth wars waged over the ages" he said firmly.

"But the Mandalorians are officially a part of the Republic. It's your duty to aid us squash the Sith" said a passionate Padme.

"It's not our duty to wipe your asses for your incompetence. This war has been centuries in the making. We want no part in it" he said.

"Understandable that is. Force your people into a war we will not. Yes, hrrmmm" said master Yoda cutting of Padme.

"Your concerns are understandable and warranted. If a new powerful faction pops up out of nowhere in between a galaxy-wide war. Your insecurity is only natural" Thrunn said in a sagely manner "As such we will sign a non-aggression pact with both sides. Our territory will be closed to the rest of the galaxy. But we agree to mutually beneficial trade. The two citadels will act as trading stations. We are also willing to build and sell equipment to both sides. Be they armaments or other auxiliary resources. These will be off your respective designs and not ours. Further details can be ironed out by respective officers in charge of the relevant offices on all sides. Is that acceptable" asked Thrunn.

"Are you certain we can't persuade you to join the war? The Senate might be very unhappy about this" said Padme with a bit of worry in her voice.

"I couldn't care less what a corrupt government thinks of us. This is our position. The only things negotiable are the goods for trade. We already have an established company to take care of trading with the rest of the galaxy" said Thrunn.

"Your conditions are fair. Not wanting to join this meaningless war is understandable. Plus, your side remaining neutral is the best outcome for both sides" said Mina.

"Well, it's for the best" relented Padme.

"I am glad you understand. Because if my people are threatened with extinction, I would gladly burn this galaxy to ashes," said Thrunn firmly. There was an ominous silence.

"I will leave further discussions to my officials headed by Satine," he said slowly getting up and nodding towards Satine who just smiled. Just then the door opened a few officials walked in with datapads.

Once the discussions are concluded it must be ratified by the government of both the Republic and the Confederacy. This will take time.

"Master Yoda, we can talk in my office," said Thrunn said walking out of the room. Master Yoda just nods and walks out with him. I and Obi-Wan just nod and walk out following them.

"Master Yoda, is it really ok for them to be sitting in on our discussion?" asked Thrunn "Ahsoka and Obi-Wan might speak of it to certain someone and he to certain other undesirables" he looked at us then Yoda.

"The sights you two may walk around the citadel and take in. With Thrunn I will go. No need for you to be there, there is" said master Yoda.

"If that is what you wish master," said Obi-Wan.

"I will have someone guide you around," said Thrunn.

They soon start walking away.

"What do you think that was all about master?" I asked Obi-Wan.

"Force knows. All I can say is that it isn't our place to dig it up. We will know when the time comes" said Obi-Wan sagely. But I can see he was curious as well in his eyes.

Soon we parted ways and were taken on a guided tour of the station. What master Yoda and Thrunn were hiding is for sure a huge secret which they apparently can't trust us with. Well, time will tell.

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