In the mountains of Belmount where a secretive castle was built behind the caves, Madeline who was unconscious since she had left Devon was now strapped on to the table with her hands and legs bound. When her consciousness returned, Madeline looked at the ceiling, and her head turned to see a room that had pretty much to nothing which her vision allowed at the moment.
Madeline tried to free herself from the straps, but they were too tight. Where was she?! One moment she had seen Calhoun, and the next moment, everything had turned pitch black until she regained her consciousness.
When she tried to use her ability, she felt her chest start to pain again and she finally gave up. Was she going to be sacrificed here? She tried to look for a window from where she was strapped. At the same time, Madeline heard someone humming a tune, and she caught sight of a young vampire whose oily hair was combed to the side.