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13.88% Magical Wands: A Cornucopia of Wand Lore / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Selecting Wand Components For Spells

Chương 20: Chapter 20: Selecting Wand Components For Spells

The following table lists the wand components that especially strengthen or focus spells in the previous spell categories. This table can be very valuable for identifying appropriate components for a wand intended to excel at casting spells of one or more desired spell sets. However, care must be taken, especially with magical woods and certain mystical crystals because they come in multiple varieties and different ones may have different magical properties and be associated with different spell sets.

Attack - Magical beings: harpy, werewolf; Magical beasts: basilisk, dragon, hydra, kraken; Magical woods: blackthorn, ebony, elm, walnut, yew; Mystical crystals: bloodstone, hematite, obsidian; Mystical metals: iron

Attract Sexually - Magical beings: incubus and succubus; Magical woods: cherry, holly

Banish Evil - Magical woods: hawthorn; Mystical crystals: rock crystal

Be Afraid - Magical beings: banshee, werewolf; Magical beasts: basilisk, hydra, kraken; Magical woods: blackthorn; Mystical crystals: obsidian

Be Agile - Magical beasts: hydra, unicorn; Magical woods: willow; Mystical metals: mercury

Be Beautiful - Magical beings: fairy; Magical beasts: pegasus, phoenix, unicorn; Magical woods: mahogany, maple, willow; Mystical crystals: diamond, rose quartz

Be Bind - Magical beings: incubus and succubus; Magical beasts: basilisk, kraken

Be Brave - Magical beasts: gryphon, pegasus; Magical woods: holly, oak; Mystical crystals: garnet, ruby

Be Dark - Magical beings: banshee, incubus and succubus; Magical woods: alder, blackthorn, cherry, ebony, walnut, willow; Mystical crystals: black moonstone, black onyx, black opal, obsidian

Be Faster - Magical beasts: hydra; Mystical metals: mercury

Be Fertile - Magical woods: apple, birch, hazel, oak, willow; Mystical crystals: emerald, peridot

Be Free - Magical beings: mermaid and merman; Mystical crystals: topaz, peridot; Mystical metals: silver, steel

Be Gluttonous - Magical beings: harpy

Be Greedy - Magical beasts: dragon

Be Healed - Magical beasts: phoenix, unicorn; Magical woods: apple, ash, cherry, hawthorn, hazel, maple, oak, pear, poplar, rowan, sycamore, willow; Mystical crystals: amber, amethyst, bloodstone, blue sapphire, peridot, rock crystal, rose quartz, ruby, topaz, white moonstone

Be Hopeless - Magical beings: banshee

Be Intelligent - Magical beings: fairy; Magical beasts: pegasus; Magical woods: holly

Be Invulnerable - Magical beasts: dragon, hydra; Magical woods: ebony, willow; Mystical crystals: diamond

Be Lucky - Magical woods: ash, hazel, holly, oak, pear; Mystical crystals: amber, citrine, emerald, peridot

Be Prosperous - Magical woods: maple, oak, poplar, sycamore; Mystical crystals: amber, diamond, ruby, topaz: Mystical metals: bronze, copper, gold

Be Regal - Magical beings: fairy; Magical beasts: dragon, gryphon, hippogryph, pegasus, phoenix; Magical woods: oak; Mystical crystals: ruby

Be Sad - Magical beings: banshee; Magical woods: willow

Be Stronger - Magical beings: harpy, werewolf; Magical beasts: basilisk, dragon, gryphon, hippogryph, hydra, kraken, sea serpent; Magical woods: elm, holly, mahogany, oak, sycamore; Mystical crystals: diamond, topaz

Be Unlucky - Mystical crystals: amber

Breathe Underwater - Magical beings: mermaid and merman; Magical beasts: kraken, sea serpent

Burn - Magical woods: cherry, yew; Mystical crystals: garnet

Change Physical Properties - Magical woods: ebony, Mystical crystals: black onyx, black opal; Mystical metals: iron, mercury

Change Size - Magical beasts: basilisk, dragon, hydra, kraken, sea serpent; Magical woods: ash, elm, oak, sycamore

Change Visibility - Magical beings: banshee; Mystical crystals: black moonstone, black onyx, bloodstone, obsidian, peridot

Clean - Magical woods: alder, sycamore

Clean Mind - Magical woods: maple; Mystical crystals: blue sapphire

Communicate with Creatures - Magical beings: mermaid and merman; Magical beasts: dragon, gryphon, hippogryph; Magical woods: ash; Mystical crystals: blue sapphire, topaz

Control Caves - Magical beings: harpy; Magical beasts: basilisk, hydra; Mystical crystals: hematite, obsidian

Control Creatures - Magical beings: mermaid and merman; Magical beasts: dragon, gryphon, hippogryph, hydra, kraken, sea serpent; Magical woods: ash, ebony; Mystical crystals: black moonstone, topaz; Mystical metals: platinum

Control Earthquakes - Magical beasts: dragon

Control Electromagnetism - Mystical crystals: amber, hematite; Mystical metals: copper, gold

Control Fire - Magical beasts: dragon, phoenix; Magical woods: cedar, cherry, ebony, elder, elm, hawthorn, holly, maple, rowan, yew; Mystical crystals: black opal, citrine, rose quartz, ruby; Mystical metals: bronze, copper, gold

Control Flight - Magical beings: fairy, harpy; Magical beasts: dragon, gryphon, hippogryph, pegasus, phoenix; Magical woods: cedar, pear, poplar; Mystical crystals: diamond

Control Light - Magical woods: rowan; Mystical crystals: black opal; Mystical metals: bronze, copper

Control Lightning - Magical beasts: pegasus; Magical woods: elm, hawthorn, walnut; Mystical crystals: amber, rose quartz

Control Others - Magical woods: ebony; Mystical crystals: garnet

Control Plants - Magical woods: elm, hazel, mahogany, willow; Mystical crystals: black moonstone, black opal, emerald

Control Precipitation - Magical woods: alder, poplar; Mystical crystals: amethyst, topaz, white moonstone

Control Springs - Magical beasts: pegasus; Magical woods: hazel, willow

Control Stone - Magical woods: ebony, elder; Mystical crystals: amber

Control Temperature - Magical woods: rowan; Mystical crystals: amber, obsidian; Mystical metals: bronze, copper, gold

Control Volcano - Mystical crystals: garnet, obsidian

Control Water - Magical beasts: hydra, kraken; Magical woods: alder, ebony, elder, elm, hazel, maple, sycamore, walnut, willow; Mystical crystals: amber, black opal, blue sapphire, topaz

Control Weather - Magical woods: ebony, elder, oak, poplar, walnut; Mystical crystals: topaz, white moonstone; Mystical metals: platinum

Control Wind - Magical woods: cedar, oak, poplar, walnut

Create Flash - Mystical crystals: black opal, diamond

Create Forest - Magical beasts: hippogryph; Mystical crystals: amber, emerald

Create Geological Disaster - Magical woods: blackthorn; Mystical crystals: black moonstone, black onyx, obsidian; Mystical metals: iron

Control Hot Gases - Magical beasts: dragon; Mystical crystals: obsidian; Mystical metals: bronze

Create Plants - Mystical crystals: diamond, emerald

Create Rainbow - Mystical crystals: black opal, diamond

Create Smells - Magical beings: harpy; Magical woods: cedar

Destroy - Magical beasts: kraken; Magical woods: alder, blackthorn; Mystical metals: iron

Eliminate Negative Emotions - Magical beings: fairy; Magical woods: ash, hawthorn, maple, poplar, willow; Mystical crystals: amber, blue sapphire, citrine, peridot, rock crystal, rose quartz, topaz

Enchant - Magical beings: fairy; Magical woods: apple, ebony, elder, maple, oak, walnut, yew; Mystical crystals: diamond, rock crystal

Endure Longer - Magical beings: fairy; Magical beasts: dragon, phoenix; Magical woods: cedar, elm, hawthorn, holly, oak, pear, poplar, sycamore, willow, yew; Mystical crystals: amber, peridot

Enhance Communication - Mystical crystals: crystal opal; Mystical metals: silver

Enter Magical beings: banshee, incubus and succubus, werewolf; Magical beasts: basilisk; Magical woods: apple, blackthorn; Mystical crystals: bloodstone, hematite; Mystical metals: iron, steel

Fight Better - Magical beings: harpy; Magical beasts: dragon, gryphon, hydra, kraken; Mystical crystals: bloodstone, garnet, hematite, obsidian, ruby; Mystical metals: bronze, iron, steel

Have Extra Sensory Perception - Magical beasts: hippogryph; Magical woods: ash, elder, elm, pear, poplar, walnut; Mystical crystals: amber, rock crystal, topaz, white moonstone

Hear Better - Magical beasts: gryphon; Magical woods: pear, poplar; Mystical crystals: rock crystal; Mystical metals: silver

Improve Mind - Magical woods: hazel, maple, oak, rowan; Mystical crystals: amber, blue sapphire, citrine, emerald, rock crystal, white moonstone

Inspire - Magical beasts: pegasus; Magical woods: ash

Intuit - Mystical crystals: amethyst

Kill - Magical beings: werewolf; Magical beasts: hydra, kraken; Magical woods: blackthorn; Mystical crystals: bloodstone; Mystical metals: iron

Love - Magical beasts: gryphon, hippogryph, unicorn; Magical woods: apple, birch, cherry, elm, maple, pear, sycamore, willow; Mystical crystals: diamond, emerald, rose quartz, ruby, white moonstone; Mystical metals: gold

Make Plants Thrive - Magical beings: fairy; Magical beasts: pegasus; Magical woods: apple, ash, birch, elm, hazel, mahogany; Mystical crystals: citrine, emerald, peridot

Paralyze - Magical beings: incubus and succubus

Petrify - Magical beasts: basilisk

Poison - Magical beasts: basilisk, hydra; Magical woods: yew

Poison Air - Magical beings: harpy

Promote Negative Emotions - Magical woods: cherry, ebony, willow; Mystical crystals: black moonstone, hematite; Mystical metals: iron

Promote Positive Emotions - Magical beings: fairy; Magical woods: cedar, cherry, poplar, willow; Mystical crystals: amber, blue sapphire, citrine, peridot, rose quartz, ruby, topaz

Protect - Magical beasts: dragon, gryphon, phoenix, unicorn; Magical woods: alder, apple, ash, birch, cedar, ebony, elm, hawthorn, hazel, holly, mahogany, oak, poplar, rowan; Mystical crystals: amber, amethyst, blue sapphire, peridot, rock crystal, rose quartz, ruby, ruby, white moonstone, topaz; Mystical metals: iron, platinum, silver, steel

Repel Water - Mystical metals: mercury

Reveal - Magical woods: apple, cherry, ebony, hazel, yew; Mystical crystals: amber, peridot; Mystical metals: copper

See Better - Magical beasts: gryphon, hippogryph; Magical woods: poplar; Mystical crystals: diamond, rock crystal; Mystical metals: silver

Sleep - Magical beings: incubus and succubus; Magical woods: elm, willow; Mystical crystals: black moonstone, black onyx, rose quartz, white moonstone; Mystical metals: platinum

Summon Evil - Magical beings: banshee, werewolf; Magical woods: blackthorn, walnut, yew; Mystical crystals: black onyx; Mystical metals: iron

Summon - Help Magical woods: cedar

Swim Better - Magical beings: mermaid and merman; Magical beasts: hydra, hydra

Torture - Magical beings: harpy; Magical woods: blackthorn

Transfigure - Magical beings: fairy, mermaid and merman, werewolf; Magical woods: ebony, elm, poplar; Mystical crystals: black moonstone; Mystical metals: mercury, steel

Transport - Magical beasts: hippogryph, pegasus; Magical woods: elm, oak, walnut, yew; Mystical crystals: diamond, rock crystal; Mystical metals: iron, steel

Travel to Faerie - Magical beings: fairy; Magical woods: apple, elder, elm, oak, walnut, yew; Mystical crystals: diamond, rock crystal

Travel to Spiritual Plane - Magical beasts: pegasus; Magical woods: birch, elder, oak, walnut, yew; Mystical crystals: diamond, rock crystal; Mystical metals: platinum

Use Necromancy - Magical woods: blackthorn, yew; Mystical crystals: black onyx

Additional Reading

For more information on the topics of this chapter, I recommend:

- Wand Craft:

- Wolfrick Ignatius Feuerschmied, Wand Craft through the Ages: A Book for Beginning Wand Makers, Mage Press, 1962

- Theory of Magic:

- Magiline Caroban, Magical Powers Explained, Faerie Press, 1925

- Theoria N. Cantor, An Introduction to the Theory of Magic, Spelling Press, 1947

- Magic Spells:

- Miss T. Culver, Intermediate Spells - Volume I, Magus and Sons Publishing, 1952

- Astrid Anderstochter, Intermediate Spells - Volume II, Magus and Sons Publishing, 1956

- Caligula Caliginoso, Defense Against the Dark Arts: Amulets, Charms, and Counter-Spells, Mage Press, 1945

Take out your parchment and quills and answer the following questions before progressing on to the next chapter:

1. What determines whether one becomes a mage or a mundane?

2. What are the five metaphysical elementals and what are their associated metaphysical planes of existence?

3. What is the strongest elemental and why it is stronger than the others?

4. For each elemental, what are some typical associated characteristics?

5. For each elemental, what are some typical associated types of spells?

6. What are the three metaphysical phases?

7. For each phase, what are some typical associated characteristics?

8. For each phase, what are some typical associated types of spells?

9. What do you call a group of spells that that are especially strengthened or focused by wands containing the same component?

10. What determines the personality of a wand?

11. What are the steps that comprise the casting of a spell?

12. What is the purpose of waving a wand when casting a spell?

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