Jenny's mind stuttered. On an impulse she said that she was instructed. "I— I mean—" She darted her image around and was extremely fidgety. "The money has— has gone to relevant projects."
Dawn got up from her place and walked past the table to Jenny. She bent over the file and pointed to a red circle around a figure. "This amount has been siphoned off the Company to a NGO called 'Endangered Creatures' in the name of 'Go Green' project. And every time you are the one who signs the amount. It's like when you need the money and you withdraw it from our Company and deposit it in Joshua Barker's account." She tapped her finger on the name. "So tell me about the relevancy of this project and also give me the address of this NGO."
Jenny's heartbeat raced. How the hell did she trace Endangered Creatures NGO? She had built such a complex trail. "I will go to the office and find it for you Ma'am," she said as her hands became sweaty.
What is the main reason for Mayor's anger?