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17% That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix / Chapter 33: Chapter 26 Demon Lord Carrion

Chương 33: Chapter 26 Demon Lord Carrion

It has been a few days since Charybdis's defeat and things have mostly gone back to normal. There was a large feast the day after the battle that lasted almost all night. We also took the time to collect what was left of Charybdis's and the megalodon's scales, from the information that I got from Kaijin and the three dwarf brothers we should be able to make some great stuff out of them.

"...But still I just can't get over that last part, something about the whole thing... well it just rubs me the wrong way" I said to myself as I sat with my back against Zeref while over looking the town.

"It doesss sssseem quite sssstrange now doessssn't it"

"You can say that again. Just who the hell are the Moderate Harlequin Alliance or whatever their called, also there's the fact that other demon lords could be in on this as well. Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?"

"I am ssssure thingsss will work out in the end lady Ssssuu" I could only let out a sigh at that.

"And look on the bright sssside lord Rimuru managed to get a non-aggresssssion pact with Demon Lord Carrion, you also managed to get a clue about ssssomeone who maybe able to tell you more about your race" Zeref pointed out.

"Yeah I guess"

(Demon Lord Carrion huh...)


(This was definitely not what I was expecting to happen today)

I was currently in my human form standing in a clearing in the forest with several others. In front of me was Rimuru who was surrounded by a purple glow, he was also currently sitting over the body of another person and said person was Phobio. The same Phobio that had attacked Rigurd and caused me to go on a rampage.

Apparently he was in side of Charybdis's body controlling it or something and when I destroyed Charybdis he was set free. Phobio was currently unconscious and Rimuru with the help of great sage were removing what was left of Charybdis from him. I had a lot of questions that I wanted to ask but for now I kept them all to myself.

(At least now we all know why Charybdis was so focused on attacking me) I thought.

[Notice. The magic core of Charybdis has been completely removed from Phobio's body and consumed. Preparing to isolate it and begin appraisal] I heard Great Sage's voice through the link that connected me and Rimuru.

"Well at least that went well" I said with a tired sigh.


I watched as Benimaru through a healing potion on to Phobio. Soon after Phobio's body started to glow blue as the wounds on his body started to heal rapidly.

"Well that should fix him up"

"I don't get why you wasted a healing potion on that asshole" Rimuru only rolled his eyes at my words.

"Lord Rimuru" I looked over to see the head of the Pegasus Knights Dorf

(A/N. I don't know if that's how you say his name, please correct me if I'm wrong)

"Hey Dorf. Thanks again for all your help, we couldn't have taken out Charybdis with out you"

"No, we didn't do anything to Charybdis... nothing at all" he said as he looked over at me.

"Honestly lady Suu I didn't expect you to be so powerful. To be honest I can hardly believe that your race is almost extinct because if all Phoenixes were as strong as you.....well you get my point...."

"Yeah well the world is just full of mysteries I guess"

(Honestly though i would like to know the answer to that myself. Just how the hell did humans wipeout a race that is virtually immortal, not to mention the fact that some of this said race were even stronger then me)

After that we talked for a little bit longer before Dorf and the other Pegasus Knights left to go and report back to king Gazel. Rimuru also took this time to transform back into his slime form and was now being held by Shion, it was around this time that Phobio finally woke up.

"Hey are you awake?" Rimuru asked.

"W-what the... where am I?" Phobio sat up from his laying position as he rubbed his forehead.

"What the heck happened?"

"Are you saying you don't remember what you did?" Hearing Rimuru's words Phobio seemed confused for a second.

"You better remember" I hissed.

Phobio sat there for another second trying to remember what had happened and finally something seem to click in his mind. His eyes when wide in realisation as he finally remembered what he had done.

"Please forgive me!" He yelled as he quickly got on his knees and bowed his head.

"Huh?" I honestly wasn't expecting him to just apologise like that so I was taken off guard.

"Not only have I attacked you all but I also tried to kill a close friend of lady Milim" I noticed that everyone's eyes became a bit more angrier when they heard the last part.

"How did you know where Charybdis was sealed in the forest, it would have been nearly impossible to just stumble upon it?" Treyni asked seriously while standing next to her sister.

"Answer them" Rimuru ordered.

"Of course you see..."

Phobio began to explain how he was told about Charybdis as well as where to find it from two masked harlequins. They were named Footman and Tear and they where the ones that told him how to take control of Charybdis.

"Did either of their masks look like this?" Treyni asked as she drew an image of a winking face in the dirt.

"No, the ones I met were a girl with a tear under one eye and a heavy set man who's mask had an angry face" I noticed that when Phobio described Footman that Benimaru flinched slightly.

"Wait, I wonder if it was Laplace" Gabiru said to himself.

"Who?" Both me and Rimuru asked at the same time.

"He's a clown too. Laplace said that he was a servant of lord Gelmud when we spoke before battling with the Orc Lord, he was wearing a mask like the one Treyni drew in the dirt"

"Okay.... anything else?" I curiously asked.

"Actually yes there is, I think he said that he was the vice president of some jack of all trades group called the Moderate Harlequin Alliance"

"So the dots are all connecting"

"Great now we know there's a group of evil clowns running around, that's just fantastic" I joked not even trying to hide my sarcasm. This also managed to get a laugh from Milim and the twins.

"I see and you say this man goes by the name Laplace" Treyni nodded to her sister who nodded back.

"Footman huh.... I will take great care not to forget that name" Benimaru said with hate in his voice.

"Yes me too" Shuna gave a small nod in agreement.

"So there's a mysterious group called the Moderate Harlequin Alliance and they pretend to help you but in reality they're fulfilling their own goals with out getting their hands dirty. Sounds like a big bag of nope" as Rimuru finished he turned his body to glance at Milim.

"Huh? Hey why are you looking at me. I don't know them, though if those clown people really do exist I think it would be fun to meet them some day" Milim put her hands in the air as she explained.

"And also maybe it wasn't Gelmud, it could be that Clayman is actually plotting something"

"Why him?" Rimuru asked.

"Well he's really schemy like that" she answered.

"Demon Lord Clayman huh..." Rimuru said thoughtfully.

"Just how many demon lords are there?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Regardless of whoever's scheme it was, what happened is my own responsibility it is not Demon Lord Carrion fault. So please take my life but leave him out of this" Phobio bowed his head again.

"Next time don't let a couple of clowns make a fool out of you"


"I think we're done here, see you around" Rimuru finished as he looked away from Phobio.

"B-but what! what I did was unforgivable"

"Bro if I say we're cool then we're cool. Right Suu, Milim"

"Sigh. I'm still pissed about the fact that you attacked Rigurd for no reason but I was the one who completely lost her shit..... so yeah I guess I can let it go" I said with a bit of force.

"If Birdy is okay with it then so am I" Milim smiled happily

"There you have it we're all good"

"Is that okay with you Carrion?" What Milim said instantly got everyone's attention.

"Huh? So you knew I was here Milim" an unknown voice came out of nowhere.

"Yeah naturally"

I turned to see a very muscular blonde haired man who had black claw like fingernails. He was wearing a black coat with an orange cloth underneath that only covered the right half of his chest, he was also wearing grey pants with black and grey shoes. He also had some kind of gold mettle shoulder pad on his left shoulder as well as golden rope around his waist and arms.

"Hey thanks for being so understanding and sparing my foolish servants life" he said to both me and Rimuru.

"So.... your the masked majin that defeated Gelmud and your the black and gold Phoenix that took out over thirty five thousand orcs in an instant"

"Yep that's me" Rimuru said as he jumped out of Shion's hands and transformed in to his human form.

"What's it to you" I growled while looking up at him.

"Haha, aren't you a feisty one. Anyway you don't need to worry I'm not here for a fight" he grinned down at me.

"Get up!" Carrion glanced over at Phobio as his grin turned into a frown.

"Yes sir"


To everyone's surprise Carrion grab the now standing Phobio by the head much to the guy's confusion. Almost right after Carrion slammed Phobio's head in to the ground knocking him out. Once Carrion released Phobio's head and turned back to us another beast man ran up to check on him.

"Sorry about that, my subordinate got carried away and it's my fault for not keeping an eye on him. Please forgive him"

"Errm... yeah sure" Rimuru seemed a little taken off guard but answered anyway.

"I already said I would forgive him and there is no point in changing my mind now" I sighed.

"Thank you both. I will owe both of you one, if anything comes up in the future you can count on me"

(I honestly didn't expect that from him) I thought in surprise.

"Now that you mention it what do you think about entering a non-aggression pact with our nation" Rimuru suggested.

"Is that all you want... and what about you?" he asked turning back to me.

"Hmmmm.... if you had any information on other Phoenix's I would ask for that" I shrugged.

"Well let sort this out right now, on behalf of Yuurazania in the name of the beast master Carrion I swear that I will never raise a blade against your nation" he swore while smiling at Rimuru.

"Thank you"

"And as for you request I know very little of the phoenixes however I did know someone who had managed to gather a lot of information about them. Last I heard of him he was going to explore a curse part of the sea about a year ago" Carrion nodded to himself as he spoke.

"Why would he want to explore a place like that? Also what is his name and what does he look like?"

"No idea.... I never asked him" I wanted to facepalm at that.

"Also his name is Haruko and believe me you will know him when you see him... let's just say he stands out"

(Well that sounds concerning..... why do I have the feeling that he's going to be very annoying to deal with) I thought to myself.

"And where exactly would this place be?"

"Well....." Carrion then went on to tell me the location of the place that this Haruko person had gone to. After telling me he soon left to go back to his nation after saying goodbye.

"Well that was interesting"

==========Flashback End==========

As i continue to think back to that day I became more and more frustrated until I finally had enough. Sighing I slowly got to my feet while stretching out my body.

(It's not like me sitting here stressing myself out over this will change anything) I thought as I watched the sun start to disappear over the horizon.

"Looks like it's starting to get dark, I guess that we should start heading back Zeref"

"Very well lady Ssssuu"

After that we made our way back to town, once we reached the entrance Zeref had to split off from me as he couldn't really fit in town. As I walked through the streets I took note of the fact that there was barely anyone around.

(I guess everyone else already went in doors, not that I'm complaining) I smiled to myself as I enjoyed the peace and quiet.

"I have to admit as much as I like shit blowing up around me all the time I do wish it could always be this peaceful" I couldn't help but say the first part with a lot of sarcasm.

"Well let's hope it las-huh?!"


Before I could even finish that sentence someone dropped from the sky in front of me. They of course landed with such force that the road was absolutely destroyed.

(I saw that coming as soon as I said it) I groaned outwardly as I looked at the person who had just dropped from the sky.

"Why do you always destroy the road Milim?" I asked the pink haired demon lord.

"Like seriously just walk or at least float down gently because come on there is absolutely no reason for you to just drop from the sky like that"

"Where's the fun in that?" She grinned at me.

"Sigh, anyway what is it that you need because I don't think you would just show up out of nowhere for nothing... okay nevermind you would definitely do that"

"Well..... I've come to tell you that I'm leaving" she said with a little sadness in her voice.

"Huh! Wait why?" I don't really understand why but hearing that she was planning to leave town hurt for some reason.

"I have demon lord stuff to do"

"..... So... your really leaving huh" I said as I looked at the ground sadly.

"Hehehe, are you going to miss me Birdy?" She asked with a teasing smile.

"W-wh-what! N-no of course not" I looked away from her while a blush crept onto my face.

To my surprise as I was looking away I felt something warm and soft press against my cheek. Confused and slightly taken off guard I looked back a Milim who was smiling happily.

"See you around Birdy~ hehe" she gave me one last teasing look before shooting off into the sky.

"Huh?" I could only watch as she flew off into the distance to who knows where. However it was at that moment that a realisation hit me.

"D-did sh-she just....." as I finally understood what had happened my face turned the brightest red it had ever been, in fact if you were to look at me right now you could probably see steam coming off the top of my head.

"W-wh-what..... what just happened?!" I said in shock as I stood there frozen. After a second or so of this a warm almost giddy feeling filled my chest.






[Bond made]




[Conditions met]

[Congratulations. Your skill bonded has evolved into the Unique skill....]

(A/N. I just thought that I would ask, am I doing a good job at the romance thing? This is the first time I'm doing something like this. Also I just want to say that I'm taking a week off for Chrisrtmas, after I come back there will be two more chapters before volume 1 ends)


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion. Conqueror of the skies.

///Class: Reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Body manipulation

Poison manipulation

Corrosive poison

Poisonous mist

Magic compression cannon

Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

Acid immunity

Poison immunity

Magic resistance

Pain resistance

Hunger resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:


Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

Abyssal heart.(Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)

///Ultimate skills: none


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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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