Tải xuống ứng dụng
99% Please call me William III / Chapter 100: super night attack

Chương 100: super night attack

"It's raining again!"

Before the last gleam of light disappeared to the horizon, Chentian stood under the eaves, watching the raindrops fall from the sky one after another, the raindrops gradually became bigger and denser, and when the sky was completely dark, this world Only a ticking sound remained.

In the command room, everyone looked tired, but the current situation did not allow anyone to relax. The battle in the west has already ended, including the previous battles. A total of 80,000 Russian troops were captured, of which more than 30,000 were wounded. It is cruel to let the wounded stay in the open in such rainy weather, but the East Prussian Army There were not many tents, many German soldiers had to shrink in residential houses and railway stations, and part of the tents were handed over to wounded Russian soldiers.

The tears of the heavens, I don't know if they are flowing for the bloody water that cannot be cleaned by the rain, or for the humane spirit of those who fight you to death during the day, or maybe both.

For a long time, Chen Tian came back to his senses. Now what he is facing is the real war. The war between the two sides fighting wits and courage, and mutual casualties. Looking at these outstanding officers, he slowly asked:

"Now except Except for the 2nd Division of the 1st Army that stayed behind the Leif River Bridge and the 3rd Army stationed in situ, all other troops have entered Bialystok!"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness! The statistics have been made. In one day's battle, a total of 38,326 people in our army were killed and more than 24,000 were injured, of which more than 6,700 were seriously injured; more than 13,000 Russian soldiers were killed and captured. More than 83,000 Russian officers and soldiers, including Russian commander General Luzsky, seized 89 artillery pieces and countless horses and guns; our army currently has 157 armored vehicles, 341 trucks, and 3,815 motorcycles. There are cars and 856 cannons, but there is not much gasoline and ammunition left, and the armored forces cannot even participate in a large-scale battle!" When Hoffman read the brief report, the faces of everyone present became very ugly.

"I hope everyone, including myself, of course, can realize something from today's battle! First of all, our German army is not invincible. Our opponents are not insects or sheep. They can be defeated with a single punch. This afternoon, The Walbeck Division lost more than 90% of its soldiers. This was the heaviest loss since our army joined the war. The troops can be rebuilt, but the veterans cannot be brought out in a day or two. That kind of battle.

Chentian 's passion and spirit may have disappeared." At this point, Chen Tian stopped, walked to Walbeck again, put one hand on his shoulder, and then said:

"The responsibility for this failure lies with me, and It lies with us commanders, every German soldier is good, but our negligence of intelligence and contempt for the Russians have caused these warriors to lose their lives. Everyone's life is precious. And as the commander-in-chief of thousands of soldiers, every decision we make and every order we give is related to their life and death. Here I solemnly swear that from now on, I will attach importance to every enemy tactically and absolutely. Don't take it lightly; strategically despise every enemy and never compromise; never give orders lightly, and must take decisive and quick judgments on the latest enemy situation. I will blame myself for the loss of any soldier, and what is their sacrifice? It doesn't make sense. If it doesn't make sense, then it's my mistake!" At this time, everyone looked at him in a daze. They saw a commander who didn't want to shirk responsibility, a general who took the life of a soldier very seriously. A person who has learned a lesson from it. "Gentlemen, please stand up and let us mourn for the 38,326 German soldiers who have passed away today!" Chentian silently lowered his head. Others stood up silently, and their noble heads lowered, not only for the blood and tears of Germany today but also for the blood and tears of Germany tomorrow. Everyone remembered their mission as a commander. After a long time, Chen Tian raised his head, put away all the regret and sorrow in his eyes, and replaced it with his former confidence and firmness.

"Everyone, everything in the past ends here. We should now think hard about how to deal with our enemies. Remember, they are the Royal Guards of the Russian Empire, the most elite troops in Russia, we are not inferior to them, but we Be careful!"

"His Royal Highness, after a whole day of fighting, the soldiers are very tired, but I have arranged patrols and guard posts. The soldiers are also sleeping in their clothes and can fight at any time!" Franco Wa played the most happily today and was in the best mood. He was the only person with a relaxed face when he walked into the meeting room. However, after Chentian's words, his mood became heavy. After a careful aftertaste, he had to admit that I have overlooked many things, including every precious German soldier.

"Very good! But except for the sentry, let all the soldiers have a good rest tonight! I don't think the other party will carry out a large-scale sneak attack tonight. Although we are exhausted, we are the birds in their cages. You will definitely be very vigilant against sneak attacks. If there is no accident, the opponent will only use cavalry for small-scale harassment, but in order to ensure safety, we still arrange some secret sentries on the periphery!"

Seeing Chentian boldly speculate on the opponent's actions, as usual, There was a hint of surprise in the generals' eyes. Chen Tian discovered this and reported the usual shallow smile.

"As a commander, you should not restrict your thinking because of one or two failures. Failure is not terrible. The fear of failure is the most deadly! Failure should allow a commander to make judgments with more rigorous thinking, not Let him hesitate!"

Everyone nodded and said that they had benefited a lot.

"If I were the opposing commander, I would also guard against the bird in my cage for sneak attacks at night, so..."

"So we'll have a good night's sleep! Haha!" Matthew smiled heartily.

"No, you have a good rest, I went to attack them, but also between Jimeng and Bialystok east Russian resident, I'm going from the most distant Jimeng!"

"You ... You go attack, Shall we sleep?" Everyone opened their eyes wide, and no one believed the sentence they had just heard.

"Yes, you guys sleep! I'm going to attack them, to be precise, I took my guard to attack them!" Chen Tian motioned to them not to get excited, and then slowly talked about his reasons.

"Maybe many of you don't know. Five years ago, when I was the governor of Jiaoao in Qingdao, I was kidnapped by the Japanese and almost died! After that, I selected a group of physiques from veterans and sniper troops. Strong and responsive people established a special guard, which is my current guard camp. I invited two Chinese martial artists to train them in fighting, the coach from the Kendo gym to train them in fencing, and the best sniper. Teach them to survive and endure. In the past few years, they have not only defended me and my family well, but also trained far beyond the general army's combat effectiveness, so tonight I will lead them to sneak attack on Kimon!"

"Although The Russians will definitely guard against our sneak attacks, that means to guard against our large-scale sneak attacks. They will arrange many guards on the road from Bialystok to Kimon, but the defenses in Kimon will not be very tight, if they do not want tomorrow to be indiscriminate shelling, then, this evening is sure to blow up their ammunition, if the other party can capture or kill the commander, then the situation here can be the instantaneous reverse! "

e-day adventure to the body of this plan almost Opposed by all the generals, Matthew and Olger demanded that they lead the team.

"Stop arguing. Here I am the commander, everyone obeys the order! Only I know my guards best. Each of them is a good soldier and bodyguard, but they have never carried out a sneak attack. Therefore, I must personally lead the team before. Go! I thought about it. Unless Austrian reinforcements arrive in time, or General Mackensen who stays in East Prussia comes to reinforce it, it will be difficult for us to break through the enemy's encirclement with the ammunition left in our own hands. The other side will definitely want it tomorrow. Using heavy artillery, will bring us a lot of casualties, and the Russians can even break through our defensive positions." Chen Tian asked Volbeck to describe to everyone the tactics of the Russian offensive in the afternoon, and everyone calmed down.

"There is no need to place high hopes on the strength of the Austro-Hungarian army. We can actually only wait for General Mackensen. Even without tanks, they will need 3-4 days to pass through the swamps in the south of Lake Mazury. Tanks, they must take a week to make a detour. If everyone sees the situation clearly, today's sneak attack is our best opportunity to buy time and even turn defeat into victory!"

Chen Tian once again looked at everyone present with a firm gaze. , Everyone finally agreed. As a master of fighting and swordsmanship at the Royal Army Academy, Matthew repeatedly insisted on going together, but Chentian could only promise.

It was late at night, and the heavy rain didn't mean to stop at all. The hot summer finally became cooler, even with a hint of chill. In the muddy field, a team of hundreds appeared, everyone, wearing a black poncho, quietly marching northward in the night and the sound of rain.

The big man walking in the front suddenly raised his right hand, and the whole team stopped. Everyone squatted on the ground and looked around alertly. After several minutes, the big man lowered his arm, and the team began to move forward silently.

"What happened just now?" In the center of the team, Matthew asked Chentian in a low voice.

"Shhh... Just now Renee discovered that there was a Russian cavalry in front of him, but he has left now!" Chen Tian turned his head and explained in a low voice. "How do you know?" Matthew was still dissatisfied, but Chentian's answer almost caused him to fall to the ground.


Matthew probably felt bored. He kept asking:

"Then how did he know? I can't see anything under this kind of light!"

"Did you forget that he is a ninja? He has Owl's eyes and wolf's hearing! If you don't shut up, we will all be spotted by the Russians!"

They just walked and stopped like this, still bends around from time to time, and finally came outside the city of Kimon at 3 o'clock in the morning. , This happens to be the time when people are most sleepy. The Russian army reinforced the trenches left by the former Wolbek division south of Kimon and built several artillery positions. The whole line of defense was silent, and the soldiers hid in the city to avoid the rain. Only the sentry walked back and forth in the rain.

Chen Tian and his party fumbled forward in the mud. After going around a big circle, they passed through the open area between the two positions in the southwest corner of Jimeng, and finally touched into the city of Jimeng.

Since the previous day's battle was mainly carried out in the east of the city, the street fighting afterward quickly ended. The houses in the city did not suffer much damage, but there were muddy breathing sounds in almost every house and even The sound of creaking teeth. A group of patrolling soldiers passed by accidentally on the street. Chentian found that more than a hundred people were marching in the fields, but it was a huge team when they arrived in this small city. After taking off the poncho, they suddenly became a Russian army.

"We are now scattered in a team of 20 people! Don't speak if you don't speak Russian. Find the arsenal here and wait for the mobile hand! Before dawn, we will meet in the small woods 3 miles south of the city!" Chen Tian will command each team The official called and ordered, and then they swaggered onto the streets, lined up in a neat line, and began to "patrol." Each team is dressed as a leading officer by soldiers who speak Russian.

Chen Tian was wearing a military uniform of a corporal. He didn't speak Russian, so he could only follow Mr. Matthew, who didn't know where to learn Russian.

"Matthew, I warn you, don't talk nonsense for a while, or we'll be all over!" Although Matthew manages the army strictly, he speaks carelessly. He usually doesn't mind the day, but he can't stop at critical moments. Mouth...

At this moment, a group of Russian soldiers appeared in front of him, and Chen Tian's mood began to become tense. He stared at Matthew's head without squinting, for fear that the other party would find something in his eyes.

"Hello!" As he passed by, the officer in the lead of the other party suddenly said.

"Hello!" Matthew greeted each other carelessly, Chen Tian's heart suddenly hung up, and he could even feel the soldiers behind him pulling out the dagger capital. However, the two teams separated peacefully.


Chentian finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Russian patrol had no password. He thought he was going to do it. Although his soldiers could easily subdue the opponent, no one could guarantee that they would not disturb other Russian troops.

They just walked aimlessly, turning from street to street, but they found nothing except the deserted street and the cold rain.

"Strange, where are the Russian arsenals and headquarters?" Chen Tian muttered quietly. At this time, other people also had the same question. At this time, Matthew in front spits out a sentence from between his teeth. the words:

"! guard the most fortified place, if the command is brightly lit, the lights dim if the arsenal is, haha."

at this point, few people rode over from their side in the past, at this hour day suddenly deserted There was a delicate fragrance in the air. There was a smell of deja vu, and at this moment Matthew suddenly stopped, and Chen Tian rushed forward unconsciously.

"Matthew, you..."

"Shh... look ahead!" Matthew didn't look back, still squeezing a few words from between his teeth.

A few tens of meters in front of them, there was a two-story house with bright lights in front of it, and there were more than 20 soldiers guarding the door. It seemed that it was the headquarters that Matthew was talking about. The horses also stopped there, and a few people in ponchos quickly walked into the house.

"It's great! It's really nowhere to find a way through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to come!" Chen Tian himself didn't know how he said this sentence in German, but other people ignored him. Matthew squeezed out the last few words in the boss's tone: "Ready to do it!" Then took the lead and walked over there.

The soldiers behind pulled out all the daggers this time, Chen Tian put his hands in his pockets and held tightly the handle of his Ruger's gun. This kind of action was really crazy for him, he was almost Unable to restrain the tension and excitement in my heart, the plots from the movies appeared in real life. However, although there were only a dozen soldiers guarding there, there were obviously more patrols nearby than in other places. As they walked past, another patrol came towards them, and the Russian soldiers obviously let go. He walked lightly, it seemed that he was afraid of disturbing the generals in the command post. When Chentian and the others walked to the entrance of the command department, that group of soldiers just disappeared in the back corner.

Matthew walked up to a lieutenant officer and stood at attention, then slowly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Brothers have worked hard! This is the cigarette we seized from the Germans in the afternoon. Let's try it!"

Chen Tian didn't know what Matthew was talking about. He just silently counted 19! It just happened that he didn't need to do it himself, and the soldiers behind him were also ready to rush up at any time. At this moment, another group of patrolmen turned on the opposite street, but Chentian found that when they came to this street, their footsteps were not as light as those of the previous group of patrolmen, and their leather boots still made a loud clatter. Clatter.

"Go away! Don't disturb Grand Duke resting here!" The Russian did not take the cigarette from Matthew's hand. Instead, he waved them to leave with a low voice, but Matthew had been with a smiling face, hoping that he would take one.

The lieutenant glanced at him and finally reached out to take a cigarette. At this time, another group of patrolmen also came over, and familiar faces were reflected under the lights.

"What's there!" Matthew suddenly pointed at the back of the Russian police officer with a louder volume.

Just as the other Russian soldiers turned their heads and looked over there. Matthew shouted in German: "Do it!"

In addition to Chentian, a total of 39 German soldiers from the two teams rushed up, and the two pairs instantly ended the lives of 19 Russian soldiers. Before the Russian even had time to shout, he was cut through his throat with a knife, and the whole street was calm again within a few seconds.

"What happened outside?" The door of the house was suddenly opened, and an officer wearing a monocle looking like a staff officer came out. Everyone looked at him in a daze. At this moment, some of Chentian's soldiers were still holding hands. Some of the Russian soldiers who had died of their breath were just about to go to the gate, everyone was at least a few meters away from the staff, except for one...

Just when the other soldiers performed throat-cutting. Chen Tian took the pistol and walked towards the door alone. When the Russian army staff came out, Chen Tian was standing just 1 meter away from him. Just after 1/40 of the incense, Chen Tian made a move that was completely ignorant of his brain---taking the head of the staff as the head of the staff. For the ball, he leaned sideways with a beautiful swoop and slammed his fist holding the pistol toward the head of the staff member.


After a scream, the staff officer fell down.

"Sir, be careful, the ground is slippery here! Come, I will help you up!" Matthew said loudly in Russian at the fastest speed. There was a moment in the room. commotion, heard his words and calm down, and some even said with a mocking tone:

"!!! Giri Markov, you have to walk old will fall, it is not to go back early retirement ah ha ha ha"

lying in Although Chentian on the ground didn't know what Matthew was talking about, judging from the reaction in the room, the Russians inside obviously hadn't realized what was going on.

After a while, there was a strong voice from the upper floor, and the room was suddenly silent.

Matthew motioned to a group of soldiers to stay outside to clean up the corpse and guard. After raising Chen Tian, ​​he took out a pistol and rushed in.

"Don't move! Hold up your hands if you want to live!" The

two officers in the room suddenly froze where they looked like they were studying. They surrounded a map and seemed to be studying something, but they didn't go to bed at midnight, so they didn't seem to be discussing. What a good idea, maybe they are yy how to fix the German ** team tomorrow, but they don't want to be a prisoner of the Germans in an instant. The soldiers quickly rushed into the next room, which was a bedroom, A few officers just sat up sleepily. They only saw a few fists appear in front of them, and they fell asleep again.

Several other soldiers rushed to the stairs. Chen Tian followed them closely. The strong voice just now should be the commander of the guards who ate one of his divisions yesterday. He really wanted to see if that guy was right in the first place. Aglioni.

At this moment, there were two gunshots from the stairs. A German soldier curled up and fell to the ground, but the other soldiers did not retreat. Instead, they rushed up. With the other gunshots, the few upstairs The Russian guards were finally killed, but one of Chentian's soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

When Chentian rushed upstairs, he found that there were only two rooms above. One of the doors was wide open. Two Russian guards fell at the door. There were two more in the room. It seems that the protagonist is hiding in the other door. In a closed room.

Chentian asked the soldiers to turn off the lights in the corridor and another room so that his side would be protected by darkness. Two German soldiers walked gently to the door, while the others avoided a little bit. One soldier kicked the door abruptly, then one tumbled in, and the other two seconds later came to the door and aimed the gun.

Quietly inside, the soldier stood straight at the door, Chentian slowly moved over, and there was a black hole inside...

warriorX warriorX

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