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Chương 6: Chapter 6

I stepped out of the guild pantheon, uttering not a single word as the murmurs faded within my ears. Unstoppable, irresistible, the constant beating of my heart was beyond to what I can just calm down.

I did not expect this, not even a mere glimpse have I foreseen this event from happening. My breath was ragged from just thinking this over and over again, and even through the times I tried to clear mind, 'that' always comes to invade my mind.

How, just how...

"Uwwoough, how could this even be possible?!"

[An hour prior ago.]

"Oh, shit!" I slammed both of my hands down to the table I'm in, infront of me was the paper I had used as a catalyst to communicate with this... Guy called 'Welf.' "I didn't think this would even work!"

Behind the paper lies various of markings drawn like that of symbols written by ancient monkeys. Symbols, signs, item figures, they varies from one and another; there were some that looks like an apple, some that looks like coins and money, there were even those that looks like a hammer resting in an anvil. Overall, they were such mysterious illustrations that makes no absolute sense...

Atleast to one normal oblivious guy, that is.

Eyes open wide, I scanned the paper infront. From assumptions alone, I believe the guy was saying something about, 'Where did you came from,' or, 'why did you came here.' Yet when I am going to choose from both, I think it would be that of the former instead of the latter. Thus, in exchange for his little illustration, I drew items some more and handed it back to him.

One might have been asking, 'What in the seven seas are you doing, dumbass? Have you gone mad or something?!' And to that, I would like to answer in the most easiest way possible.

Visual communication.

Knowing that verbal and oral communication isn't going to take me anywhere, I've come to the idea that one can use the concept of images to describe words, or atleast that's what I've come up to. In simple terms, one sender can exchange a variety of images to a receiver to form communication with each other and vice versa.

I admit, it wasn't the best solution anyone can think of that can fix my current pain in the ass of a problem— heck, me and this Welf guy met countless of error before finally having some kind of stable connection with each other. However, being as I don't have any choice anymore, I took the risk and did it anyways. What can I say, persists and don't lose hope so you can reach your goal, and that I just did... Well, l atleast I did it 'once.'

Staring as the redhead drew some items in the very same paper down, I can see that his lips opened and close for quite some time— signifying that he's 'talking' to me or atleast having a conversation with someone else. Though that, I doubt it to be.

Apparently, Welf is a local blacksmith in town. He forges weapons to be sold in the market at a very reasonable and quite cheep price. It was also stated that he belongs to the 'black hammer fire volcano family' group, or whatever they were called. I still had some difficulties deciphering these drawings of his. Anyways, from what I have understood, he was trying to call up a request to the guild in order to collect some resources he needed from a place called the 'underground pit' with the help of adventurers in exchange for quite a hefty amount of money, that's why he came here. To this place where he can find a lot of strong arms to accept his request.


I snapped back up, hearing my name be called for the fourth time this day. Welf slid back the paper to me, some new writing being drawn onto the paper as he nodded a small shake to the head. Ah, I can't get bored to this. How can I? It has been so long when I heard someone utter my name other than me or my brain.

I took the the paper and scanned through it, rising my eyebrows as I did so. 'Wait, what... what even is this?..'

Gaze as quick as a kid hearing the sound of an ice cream truck on their backgyard, my head faced right and searched for one particular person, eyes widening upon coming contact with a pair emerald green orbs staring back at me. And so, a click resounded to my mind.

"Oh, yeaaaah..."

[Present time.]

"Yeah, that was big of a misunderstanding..."

According to Welf, the elf lady called 'Eina' had misunderstood me of being a new member to a fairly and relatively small 'family' that had just recently started today. That is how she had concluded and has formed the idea that I and my supposedly 'family' needed a blacksmith we will be going to have contract with so that we can have a temporary place to obtain armors and weaponry— the reason why she called Welf so quick the moment as he entered the pantheon guild.

"Huh, that can't be helped, I guess? I mean, it wasn't her fault that she can't understand me. My acting skills were below zero!!"

Thoughts I'll be pondering later, those are. Right now, I had a few questions I wanted to ask from that red guy. Mainly, the concept that is called, a 'family.' What, don't tell me we are gonna go full Vin Diesel with his family on this one, 'cuz I have none. Not anymore.

Another endless sigh of defeat escaped out of my throat. Perhaps there are more deeper meaning on it other than just being a 'family.' The way the elf mistaken me for someone who is a part of a new starter 'family' or like how Welf is a part of a family called the 'black hammer fire volcano family' or something. It just doesn't adds up.

"Maaan~, solve one problem and you'll meet another one, as how they say it. This problem, I've come to face misery once more!!" Not like whining would do any better, but just how I've been trying to solve my first problem so hard, just for it to be followed by another one, it's honestly maddening. "...But hey, atleast I've really made some progress this time. Something that I have done to cross the realms of beginners."

Yeah, that would do me better. Perhaps I should reward myself with something in return. That would give me time to clear my mind and just get over with the things that bombarded my mind. I could go and fetch myself some food if I want, or maybe I can just rest for the entirety of day, anything that can refresh my mind would do. If I were to still be in possession of the things I owned long ago, I would've just lazed around doing nothing but watch memes on YouTube...

Hah, good ol'days...

"Now, what should I do." I looked around, eying all that were within the vicinity. Many things, there are countless of options I could do to clear up my mind. It was only a matter of picking what to choose for me to do anything I could ever imagine. Yet when a certain pitch of voice reached my ears, I raised an eyebrow and hummed.


I stopped, my legs halting within one place as my eyes gazed upon one thing. Something has caught my interest, a shabby looking stand or whatever that is that homes a person who, from the looks of it, was advertising his product to passerby that comes around. Poor guy, I can already see his struggle from this stand point, how little bit were the customers that he was able to attract and accumulate. Truly, wherever one can go, the struggle will always be real.

"I have decided."

Eyes staring at one thing as a decently sweet aroma entered my nose, I stepped forward at the street food stand and looked down. The product this guy sells was... Not that bad, I can say. Comparing to the others that fills up the streets, his— if I am not mistaken— fried potato croquette doesn't look the nicest, but also not the worst.

Golden brown, the way the potato food was done is at a good quality at least. It doesn't look like it was the worst product man can ever make, and I can say that this guy was working hard, but to how his food stand was placed was probably the reason as to why it fends away possible future buyers of the product. It wasn't... Nice atleast. It looks like it came out of a beggar wanting to start a business, not that I could say the same for me.

This guy's gonna be successful in the future, for sure.

"Uhh, hello?" I asked the seller guy who came to respond to my needs, "Can I get some of this?"

Sliding my hand inside of my pocket, I took out a small sack of coins and placed it into the makeshift counter. For a very long time, I have not held even a quarter of it, I have been stranded here for the longest of time and it was only now that I have attained this one certain thing.



[An hour ago prior.]

"Yo, for me? Really?" I took and snatched the small sack of something the red head had tossed to me mid air, opening it up as the contents of plentiful money came to greet me with my eyes. "Are you sure about this?"

Welf nodded and with it came a snarky grin within his lips. If this is a dream, then I say that I don't want to wake up anymore. This... This is just too good to be true. How could this be happening?! Has some sick guy drugged little old me to hallucinate this kind of scenario? This is just...

Hearing the sound of paper being slid on the table, I snapped back to see the blacksmith of 'black hammer fire volcano family' trying to say something amidst my internal mental struggle. Not having to do anything but continue, I took the paper and skimmed through the contents.


[Present time.]

Welf is a good homie, that I can say for sure. He gave me a bit of pocket money to atleast have a normal meal for once! To that, I am thankful very much. It has been a very long time for me since the last time someone had understood the unfortunate place I currently stand in. If I could cry like a fountain, then I gladly would infront of him, he was like a messiah coming down from the heavens— coming all the way down here just to atleast relieve me some of my struggles.

Truly, what a good guy.

"I'll surely pay him back in return if ever by chance I were to gain income." Yeah, if ever I were to rise up from this hell hole I have put myself in, then I'll surely pay that guy back. He's a life saver!

Bowing down as I took the potato croquette I had now just purchased, I bid farewell to my fellow struggler, potato seller guy, and left with my food as large as my fist on hand. It was steaming hot, the freshly cooked desert emitting nice aroma up to my nose as tried to savour the smell as much as I could.

This was my first time out of the days and probably weeks I had been here to taste a dish in this world that wasn't just rotten fruits and vegetables on garbage. The smell alone was significantly different from that of those that I accumulate from trash bins! Nay, it's infinitely better than it, a total masterpiece in the eyes of the poor!

It is a good idea that perhaps I was just overestimating this kind of food. It's not entirely impossible that, perhaps from the time I was here in this world, my sense of taste has degraded to the point where it cannot define what's good or what's bad anymore. That, or maybe it is just my crazed mind that makes it smell more delicious than how it really do.

A sigh of relief breathed out of my throat as I seated myself to the wooden bench that made up the park. Behind me, I can hear the splashes of the water fountain to where I get my constant supplies of water to drink. The sound of chatters fills up my ears so loud, it was really a torment to me upon going to a place full of crowd and people. But alas, it was to my absolute joy that there were not that much that were around. I can manage this, if I couldn't, then I would not survive the day. I need to stay strong.

"Now, how do I eat this." It was my first time to eat such food, and while I do know how to eat food, I just wonder how and where I would begin eating this. "Perhaps to the top , or to the bottom? Left? Right?"

No matter, I'm just gonna eat it as how I normally eat food.




Such a single thought, stopped my teeth from ever touching the food as I heard a roar equivalent to that of a lion's growl resounding within my side. I have heard of this before, the maddening growl that comes whenever 'it' demands to be fed with something to fill up it's hunger. There were even instances that 'it' began to puncture it's way out as there was no food to please it's demand.


Head tilting to my right, I saw a little girl slouched into the bench I was sitting into by my side. She has the blackest of hair the same as mine, eyes so clear as crystal blue that not even the seven seas could ever completete with, her small stature being that of a child only starting to get used with the overwhelming homework of highschool. Her look alone felt so... Perfect, like my presence alone is but a mere dot besides a perfect circle. She radiates power, her authority being asserted as she sat there to my side.

Oh goosebumps, why'd you have to come right now.

Another growl echoed within my ears, the little girl's stature slouching down more as she clutched her stomach in what I can say, an absolute agony. She buried her face into her knees, trying to endure the pain as the sound of her stomach intensifies even more. Uncaring, uninterested, the crowd just went about their business not caring as the girl within eyeshot continued to clutch her stomach.

What can I say, people are... Well, scums. I hate to admit, but even I have times like this, only ignoring those that were around and not having care in the world of what happen to them. But now that I have been sent to a world like this with nothing to my possession, I have become the beggar myself.

"Hey," thus, knowing the pain she was going through, I put a hand to her shoulder. "Here, I think you need this as well." Her eyes gazing into mine, she tilted to her side and stared at me in the eyes.

I can just see about how deprived she is in food, she is hungry— very much so. For a small moment, her face contorted to that of confusion, seeming to be unable to understand my words. Of course she don't understand you, dumbass! Just because you were able to communicate with welf, doesn't mean everyone can understand you now! Anywho, with a gesture of a hand, I divided my potato croquette in half, offering the half to the little girl and the other to me.

Like an animalistic maniac, she snatched the food in my hand in a blink of an eye and devoured the potato like a hungry horse. It was so fast, too fast even, that for a moment I have mistaken her for a monster in a human form. Munch, gnaw, swallow, it didn't took her long before she almost got half way through.

"Good grief, give me a break." Only sighing as the glutton devoured her food, I leaned back to the back side of the bench and ate my half portion of potato like her. A fellow beggar wouldn't mind even if one devour an entire meal to their expense, just give them some and they would accept it like so— unless, that is, if both beggars were on to eat all food that ever exist, then that would be a different case; in a battle of two gluttons, no-one will even win, nor are there any understanding that may happen. It'll just be a battle of who bites better than the other.

I breathed another sigh, staring down at the potato in my hand as I swallowed a big slump of the doubt.

The moment of truth.

With a small but plentiful of bite, I took in the first decent food I have ever eaten in this world in nothing but prayers— hoping for it to never feel the same way as the 'food' I was taking in ever since. And just as much as I have prayed, the taste emerged onto my tongue. Instantly, my taste was bombarded with flavours I have long for known ago. The taste of sweet and sour exploded into my tongue, bringing me back with a nostalgia I though I have lost as I went to this world, the soft texture, it's overly sweet aroma, I can't help but close my eyes as I savoured the entirety of the potato.


Wet sensation slid down to my cheeks, snot and mucus building up to my nose, I continued to savor this overwhelming taste as I enjoyed the moment this simple potato brought me to not be ignored. I opened my eyes, knowing that tears had shown to flow down out of my eyes, and indeed I did not expect it to be this way.

I... I am lost for words. It has been a long time, a very long time since the last time I have tasted something other than the foul taste of garbage and the taste of dirt. Haha, how could I be this pathetic? Crying over eating a mere fried potato? Roneru the cry baby, I bet my ancestors would laugh at how pathetic I am now. Just for a small matter as this? Yet what can I say, I guess I really am this way, perhaps the struggle of life I have come accustomed to has finally broken me down to the core. The times I forced myself to swallow worm infested garbage, the times I shivered under the windy and lonely night as I embraced my own body for heat, the times I was hopeless to do anything but just sit from the shadows, I have been constantly struggling and enduring pain of being useless. And now...

Now, I have made some progress.

Sniffing up the mucus from my nose, rubbed my eyes with my arms as I shook away the tears that dares to leave my eyes. That's enough for today. No more crying for this small moment. The time for weeping is not today, so with a quick plentiful of swallows, I ate my food and savored every last bit of what I can taste. Atleast with this, I can commemorate this wonderful moment.

"You know, it's really hard to be thrown in a place where you got nothing in possession at all," I murmured, trying to converse with the girl besides me despite knowing that she will not understand me no matter what I say and do. "Being thrown in a world where magic exist yet I can do nothing at all to change my fate, I am ought to think that maybe not even the strongest of beings would be able to break this curse."

The girl flinched for a bit, seeming to have been caught in a dilemma as she stared at her empty little hands, at those hands where she once held one certain potato that now had mysteriously vanished — reduced to nothingness as she has finally eaten it all.

"I sometimes think of my family back there, to the world where I problem nothing but the overly stressing homework my teacher gave me to complete," Thus I continued the one sided 'conversation,' looking up at the blue cloudy sky as I reminisced of the times I have nearly forgotten at my stay in this place. "But what can I say, here and there are both different worlds, something I do not have the ability to cross over into. They're different realms and I do not know if I can ever get back home."

Another resounding silence awkwardly passed over us.

"Curse you, Gods who thought it was a fun idea to just scoop me out of my world and drop me here like some sort of guinea pig for an experiment! Do I look like I'm the type that would do you fun?" If I can kill with a stare, I would've had killed the concept of the 'sky' as my eyes shot burning daggers to whom that was there up above. "Atleast give me something to survive in this world! All that you gave me that is worth calling 'useful' is my ability to think. And that's becoming more and more impossible within time!"

Calm down, calm down. Take a deep breath in and take a long breath out, sighing once more as I took time to calm my nerves, I looked at the girl to my side, she seemed silent for a long while. Was the potato not enough? Wait, of course it's not! How can one hungry person be contented with such small amount of food? I can't deal something like that, however. My money has been all spent from that food alone and I'm all broke again, the same as this little girl. Her case is more worse than me, I should say. At this age, she would suffer a much longer time than I am, and would have her mind broken at this very young age. But what could I say, beggars can't be choosers, as how they say it and if life chose us to be this way, then we can do nothing about it.

"Oh look at the time." I strike one last conversation, pointing at the sun as it glowed bright up above. "The sun is at it's highest peak, I would like to continue this more, but I'm afraid to could not. The heat would be overwhelming by then to the point it could fry my mind!"

I stood up to my seat, stretching arms and legs as I let out a big wide yawn. True, it is getting a bit hotter in here, and I'm afraid I would have a stroke if I continued further. But where should I go next, I wonder? Welf had previously went back to his place of residence just before I left the guild, so where am I going to be headed into, I do not know anymore. Perhaps I could go back on the slums, or maybe I could venture this place, specially that one tower that pierced up the heavens. I could try to train my ears and build toleration over the nonsensical voices that invades my mind, or maybe just go and take a long rest back in the dark alleyways. Anything. So, with a nod to the head, I bid farewell to the little girl and thus I continued my march.

"See you, fellow struggler!"




Unbeknownst to Roneru, as he left and vanished out within the crowds, the little girl on the bench with the biggest of boobs out of existence has tried to reach out for him, her hand thrusting forwards as she tried to grasp a hold of his ragged dirty cloths only to be met with a naught as he has completely gotten away. Blue eyes searched for red, her gaze shifting from one place to another as she tried to search for even a glimpse of him; yet as expected she cannot.

He's gone as quick as he had appeared.

With a sigh equivalent to an old woman trying to rest from her work, she went to go on her own way and path as she twiddled with her fingers. There are things that bothered her mind— this guy, this 'other worldian' boy, something is odd about him. But her questions were soon answered by a thought as she recalled all those that she knows.

She has heard his words, all of it that he had uttered besides her, all of it that he had muttered even to the lowest of his voice.

A shiver ran through her spine.





[The next day.]

Waking up early in the morning is not something I would say I usually do. But for now, I think I would make an exception. An exception I would try to not forget for the entirety of my life.

The biggest of everything I could imagine, I let out a yawn as I stared up at the mighty tower that reached out to the heavens above. It's honestly neck-breaking to just look at it from below, now I wonder how people of this world kept their necks healthy upon doing this everyday, only staring at this giant monstrosity as they enter it all the time.

"That's a big ass tower indeed. I wonder what would happen if a magnitude nine earthquake strikes this area?" That's a question I would like so ponder next time. Whistling at the sheer size of it, I gazed back down from it and viewed the scenery from the very base of it's trunk with both arms covering my ears. Along the 'holes' that that I can only say as it's 'entrance,' people of all kinds both enters and exits the buildings with various of weapons all sheathed in sides. From humans, to animal people, to elves and dwarves, they all roams around the bustling open streets that surrounds the establishment as a whole, all talking with each other's as they go and come by.

Trying to take up the courage to enter it, I took one deep breath to calm my nerves as I glared at the entrance of the building. One second, two, three— with no further ado, I took a step, and then another, and then another more, so and so, I keep walking towards it, by each moment I can feel this mysterious pressure that comes to push me down as I take one step further away from last time. Then finally, after a dozens of step from outside, I had finally entered the inside...





..and gawked

"Yo, is this for real?!"

Heavily spacious, the first floor itself was very wide and very rich in space. It was like a two story building high, and a single block wide, the volume inside is something that even scientists back in the days would find difficult to calculate! However, as wide as the space were, the interior lack anything of notice. It was bland and blatant out flat. The only thing of notice was the stairs that leads to what I could think of as the underground basement or whatever that lies within it, the stairs that leads one to the next floor of this tower and then the... Wait, hold on.

I rubbed my eyes once, twice, I tried to clear my sight as to see if I am hallucinating things or not. Yet when nothing has changed but just how my sight went quite blurry through my constant rubbing of it, I gasped and widened my eyes.

"H-holy father of God, is that an elevator?!"

Elevator, it is a technology that was made from the modern era by humans who, at that time, was developing electronic machinery to make life as easy as possible. It was a common thing that every one can see at most super market and malls but why, why in Jesus' name was one made here? Weren't it that this things only exist on modern worlds such as mine? Yet this! Just how much does humans here on this world know much about science and technology? As this is not  a fantasy world at all anymore, it's a blatant sci-fi one!

"Brooo..." I approached the elevator, being as there weren't much that uses it other that those that were in a rush, if I guess the same concept on my world was the same in this world. The... design, however, was not as advanced as the ones we got back in our world, the railings of it were made out of metallic fences that looks as if it was made out of gold, the door itself was just a big gate that one can extend side ways as to open it or otherwise, close. Golden Wires and cables that I think was made from brass were visible for everyone to see, and within the sides that kept it at bay were more tall fences of brass that looks as if they were polished every single minute and second. Overall, the design was very primitive, but atleast it's very human.

"Ho-ho, how do we turn this on?" I stepped inside the golden elevator, curious as to how will it work. I can't see how this thing will work, but what I do see is how a series of buttons were placed on a plate fastened on its brass fence of a door and was connected to a wire that leads to a glowing dark blue crystal of some sort. The series of what I assume as numbers to the plate were unreadable as to my personal problem, but it doesn't take the brain to know that it was on a chronical order from down to up. "Buttons, huh. Let's see..."

Pushing and pressing the second button of the plate, the elevator violently shook for a moment before finally, as to my greatest joy, it began to move up. Overwhelmed by nothing but shock and joy, I began to scream lunatic. I can see some people look at me from below, probably thinking what the hell was this guy talking about, but that I could care less.

Not like they're gonna understand what I'm thinking anyways.

"See you suckers!"



[Change character.]

[1st floor, Tower of Babel.]

"What the hell does that guy think he's doing?" Asked an adventurer with a hair shaped up in a wild style of black. He and others of people looked at the ascending body of Roneru, looking at him with a dumbfounded and judging eyes. Boys, girls, young, old, they stare at him with a gaze that says as if he was a sacrifice to a deity up above.

"I don't know, but he looks like a monkey out of the wild. It's absolutely hilarious." Said a blonde female cat woman in return, her cheeks as puffed as ever as she took all courage to hold her laugh. "How dumb can this guy be? The sign said that the elevating machine was malfunctioning for today, did he read the sign or anything?"

"Yeah, he's basically sentencing his own death. Other way, may his soul rest in peace." Added another girl, but unlike the two, she was as small as a highschooler kid starting their 1st year of class, a midget, if one were phrase it.

Nodding in agreement, both of the latter two clasped their hands, "Amen."




[Characters Change.]



"Ah?" I tilted my head, confused as to why had the elevator failed to take me to the second floor. It was supposed to stop at that very floor, to open it's gates and let me out to do my business upon entering this place. But instead, it began to ascend even more and more, bypassing the other next few floors as it began to take up more of it's speed. Something's wrong, I can feel it.

"Naaah, this is fine. Perhaps this is just how elevator here in this world was supposed to work...


No, it does not, it doesn't do that at all. For the very next moment I took a breathe and calm down, the elevator began to shake very violently. I can hear the sound of gears overlapping one and another, the sound of the the brass wire building friction as it continued to drag me up, it was beginning to terrify me.

"Wait wait wait wait—" the elevator continued to ascend. "No no no no no no!!"

When suddenly, the elevator came to a grinding halt, stopping so suddenly firm to a point that I was lifted up to my feet and had hit my head on the golden roof. It happened all so quick, it was so unexpected that I wasn't able to do anything but just yelp out,


Ow indeed, my head began to feel dizzy, everything looks so blurry and out of focus. I can't concentrate at all, just the violent shaking has began to wash away my mind, and when I had gotten the time to regain my composure, the elevator began moving again.



As hard as a recently dried cement, my head hit the ceiling and everything duplicated in two.




[Change character.]

[Tower of Babel, 50th floor.]

Freya took a sip of her wine, her eyes fixated only to one particular thing as her smile grew to reach both ends of her ears. Not even a week has passed yet the ominous being known as the unyielding soul has been fluctuating magnificently to her eyes. Day and night, she has yet to take her eyes off of such a raging soul, upon going to her sleep, she cannot take it's picture out of her mind, and whenever she think about it, only unsolvable questions ravaged her brain.

It was keeping her on edge, and she's beginning to like it other than be filled with worry.

'A soul that does not follows the rules of the world. A soul that ventures everything even in death. A soul that have a begining, but do not have an end. Such a concept different to us, but why do I feel as if there are something more to it?'

"Ottar." She called her current familia captain.

"Yes, my Goddess?"

"What do you think of a soul who knows no rest?" Soul that will never rest in peace, how could that even be possible? To her, that is still a mystery.

The towering giant known as 'Ottar' fell into a deep state of silence, having to produce no sound at all but the constant breeze of his breath. Standing there to her side, besides throne which his Goddess stays to sit in, the one nicknamed as 'King' took moments of silence to form an answer to his Goddess' dilemma.


"..." Ottar stared at the ceiling with his blank uncaring eyes, "A.. soul that knows no rest is a terrible being, they're the soul that have yet to figure up the purpose of their, even to their death. They will suffer for eternity, to undergo the life of nothing but absolute misery. From birth to death, they're those that are destined to struggle until the world is no more." He then looked at his Goddess, his head tilted in confusion. "But I guess that you would already know such a thing, so why ask me this, my dear Goddess?"

The atmosphere turned dense as the room feel quiet once more. Freya smiled, her eyes turning back to Ottar as she brought her hands to caress the unmoving giant's cheeks.

"I wonder why, as well."




[Change character.]


I fell to the ground, the sensation of nausea filled up my stomach and mind as a little brain-cracking migraine shook up the entirety of my brain. Never again, I won't ride that utterly horrid of an elevator ever again. I just can't.

Crawling out of the sun lit up street, I dragged myself away from that accursed tower of my nightmares, my palm covering my mouth as, with all of the strength I could muster, I lifted up my body and sat against the walls of this dark alley. Disaster, just what disaster have I put myself in? I didn't know that such a majestic looking tower would hold such a traumatizing transportation machinery. It was broken as hell and the one responsible for that tower didn't even put a sign to notify everyone!!


Wait, yeah. I can't read, damnit.

I have learned my lesson and I will never do it again. To those that would be my descendants, please don't ride public funny looking elevator. You'll regret it, I promise you.

"Damnit, why do the world had to do me dirty like that?" I asked to whom God that controls my fate out there, cursing them as my eyes began to feel dizzy. "You could've atleast let me have the ability to read something... How much of an ass pull would you like to do to me?"

My eyes began to lose focus, my arms having to feel so heavy and my head felt so much dizzy, I can already feel my stomach rumbling from the constant irritation it had gotten, and within my mind, it felt as if I'm losing conscious...

Well, no shit, Sherlock.




It was faint, so much so for me to ever discern. But as my eyelids began to fall, one little girl of a person had flashed before my eyes, someone of a very familiar stature. I have seen this girl from before, but I don't remember where..thus, it was still not enough. Everything felt so...bad.

"Wa..e.... p!"

Who the hell is this...girl?


And why does she have...


Such a huge boobs?...

"Hey, wake up!"

Thus everything fell dark as I was sent to the embrace of chaos once more.

Kurowari_Da421 Kurowari_Da421

Haha, you thought I've dropped this again for such a long time, but I did not!!

I will check for grammatical errors later, just really wanna to release this one. I also want to apologize for the delay of this chapter update, I have been busy with schoolworks you see.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

Mục lục

Cài đặt hiển thị



Kích thước

Việc quản lý bình luận chương

Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C6
Không đăng được. Vui lòng thử lại
  • Chất lượng bài viết
  • Tính ổn định của các bản cập nhật
  • Phát triển câu chuyện
  • Thiết kế nhân vật
  • Bối cảnh thế giới

Tổng điểm 0.0

Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

Chú thích đoạn văn

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