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81.25% The Mutant Sorcerer / Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Meeting the Electroclan

Chương 51: Chapter 51: Meeting the Electroclan

Hey guys!

I'm sorry for the late update. I was really busy and I had no time to write.

But I am back now with a new chapter today!

I also wanted to tell you that this Michael Vey arc was never intended to be an arc itself. You can think of it as a mini-arc since there is not much going on in that world. That's why I would like your opinion on something and this will influence this arc.

Would you like me to do a crossover with another series in this arc or leave it as a mini-arc and return to Marvel?

Yes (If yes, please suggest some series that would complement this world)


Enjoy today's chapter and don't forget to leave some comments.



Isaiah was flying in the sky. He had already memorized the map he had stolen from the Elgen soldiers. As he flew, he thought back to the memories he had seen in Carvelle's mind. To be honest, it was quite fascinating to him. Producing electricity using mutated rats capable of producing massive amounts of electricity. Apparently, they were created using some failed experimental machine that accidentally created the Glows themselves. It was a shame Isaiah couldn't find the machine in question in the soldier's memories.

Isaiah had flown for approximately an hour when he noticed his reserves depleting and it was still night-time.

"Emerald, my mana reserves are almost finished. I'm gonna have to rest while you refill it." Isaiah said.

"No problem! But where are you going to rest, we're still in the forest."

"Don't worry I have an idea." the boy replied with a grin.

Isaiah found a dry spot in the forest and landed there. He then cast a spell using his own mana or True Ether.


Glowing blue particles of mana formed above Isaiah's palm before coalescing into an object. It was a silver handkerchief.

"What's that?" asked Emerald as she floated near the handkerchief in the boy's hand.

"You'll see."

The boy then threw the object onto the ground in front of him. As soon as the handkerchief hit the ground, it started to unfold itself like some sort of origami. It continued to unfold itself all the while breaking many laws of science along the way. Soon the once handkerchief rose and transformed into a sophisticated-looking tent.

"Voilà!" Isaiah said as he admired the tent

"Woah! What was that and where did you get this!?" the stick exclaimed.

"Just a little above a year ago, I crossed paths with Artemis and her hunters. They used these tents when they need a place to stay since they are always on the move. I was curious about them so I copied them here," the boy replied as he tapped his right temple.


Isaiah smiled and went inside. The inside was much bigger than what it appeared. The tent itself was five meters in length and two meters in width as well as three meters in height, but the inside easily surpassed these dimensions by at least three times. The inside was lit by torches that didn't emit smoke. He could feel the warm and cozy heat enveloping him when he entered the tent. He also saw a fountain spewing fresh and drinkable water. Finally, he saw a double-sized bed on the other corner of the bed.

There was also a bathroom that disintegrates any biological wastes into non-existence.

"Woah! A space expansion spell!" Emerald said as she flew everywhere inside the tent.

"That's right. This tent was created by Hephaestus for Artemis when she told him to build something for her hunters."




Isaiah looked down at his stomach as the latter protested loudly.

"Let's eat then we'll sleep for the night. Crossing worlds can be tiring." Isaiah said as he turned to the floating wand.

"Okay! A magical boy must rest properly to regain the energy to spread justice!" Emerald replied.

Isaiah simply let out a sigh before smiling.


The next day, Isaiah woke up from his bed refreshed when suddenly,

"GOOD MOOORRRRNIIIIIING ISAIAAAAAAAAAH!" shouted Emerald extremely loudly.

She had done this so many times that Isaiah wondered why his eardrums haven't been shredded to pieces. Luckily, he had learnt to convert her voice into white noise and simply ignore her.

"Good morning to you too, Emerald," Isaiah replied with a yawn.

"So? are you ready to go back to flying?"

"Yeah, just give me a moment," Isaiah said and he went to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Isaiah was now outside of the tent completely refreshed and ready to leave.

He turned to the tent and uttered in ancient Greek.


The next second, the duo saw the tent start folding itself until it had transformed into the familiar silver handkerchief which Isaiah dismissed into blue motes of mana. It was after all a simple projection created from his mana.

"Alright, let's go, Emerald," Isaiah said and held out his hand.

"Great!" the wand said and flew into the boy's open hand.

He then transformed into his magical boy outfit and took the skies. He still had two hours of flight left before reaching the base where the Peruvian army had captured the so-called Electroclan. To be honest, he couldn't wait to meet them. In his universe, the Glows would be classified as either mutant or mutates, although, Isaiah leaned more towards the latter due to the fact that their powers were artificially acquired.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already 10:00 AM. He would reach Puerto Maldonado at around 1:00 PM if he took into account the rest he had to take to refill his mana provided by Emerald.

Last night, he had asked Emerald how she would supply the mana he needed.


"The way it works is that I connect myself to a world containing mana using Kaleidoscope. I then siphoned a part of it and give it to you. Technically, you could have infinite mana in this way, but in reality, it's not so simple. There are limits" Emerald said.

"How so?"

"The maximum output generated by your circuits remains the same even with all the mana."


"Say, for example, your output of mana is a thousand units, I can only grant you a thousand units of prana at the same time to refill your reserves. There is also the fact, that it won't be instantaneous. However, the prana regeneration will be cut short by a lot compared to if you regenerate by yourself. For example, if it takes you around two hours to regenerate all your mana, I can regenerate all your prana in thirty minutes. That is only if you completely exhaust your reserves since prana regeneration is always a passive skill no matter how much you use your prana"

"Although, you'll probably hold a larger quantity of prana since you possess True Ether which is higher in quality and density than prana," Emerald added.

"Prana?" asked Isaiah.

"Yeah, it gets confusing to label True Ether and normal mana so we'll just call normal mana "Prana" which is essentially the same in my creator's world."

"Huh, you know. One day, I'm going to find out how Kaleidoscope actually works."

"You think you can handle it?" Emerald said with a challenging tone.

Isaiah simply deadpanned,

"You're talking to the guy who literally shattered his soul to survive and gain a reality-altering power. That guy also has the power to understand things very fast. I think I can handle it," he replied.

"Hohoho! I'd like to see you try!"

(Flashback end)

Isaiah looked down below at the vast expanse of green as he realized he was approaching his destination.

Puerto Maldonado.

"We're almost there, Isaiah. I can't wait to meet them." Emerald said.

Isaiah nodded,

"Yeah, me too. I wonder what their powers are?" Isaiah replied.

He then asked a question,

"Did you find a way back home?"

"Not yet, but I'm making progress," Emerald said.

Isaiah frowned,

"How exactly did we cross worlds? I remember that back home, right before being teleported, my mana was being drained along with the prana you provided."

"Yes, since we hopping worlds, I needed access to your mana since it requires quite a lot of mana since I possess just a fraction of Kaleidoscope."

"So that's why."



"SO THAT'S WHY!" they both exclaimed.

"My calculations were not exactly wrong. It was just your True Ether that gave my spell more power than necessary, since it was meant to be powered by prana, which is why, instead of crossing universes, we crossed multiverses! In the end, it's your fault!" Emerald said with a victorious tone.

"Don't pin the blame on me. You're the one who didn't take into account my mana. So it's still your fault," Isaiah rebuked.


Isaiah grinned and looked back to the approaching city. It took another fifteen minutes and they were now hovering above Puerto Maldonado. Fortunately, nobody could see him since he had a small bounded field around him that turned invisible. He refrained from adding a hypnotic effect since it used his True Ether and he didn't want to kill anyone by exposing them to it.

"Now, let's see where they are being held," Isaiah said as he took out his map from his ring and started to find a place where the Electroclan could be held.

That's when he found it.

"Penal San Francisco de Axis."

Although Isaiah didn't speak Spanish, he remembered, from Carvelle's memories, that the Electroclan was being held here in Puerto Maldonado.

"Alright Emerald, let's take a break and recover our prana then, we'll break into a prison."



Isaiah was currently walking towards the prison with his camouflage bounded field deployed around him. He had rested for two hours. During that time, he had learnt to shift the source of his spells that used True Ether with the prana provided by Emerald which was a really simple task, to be honest. The whole process was the same however, he simply needed to pump a much larger quantity of prana when he used his spells due to the nature of True Ether although his control won't be the same since he wasn't used to prana yet.

As he walked towards the prison, he saw many soldiers patrol around. He could also see a lot of them talking amongst each other. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand them since he haven't learnt to speak Spanish yet.

"Something to rectify once I go back home."

Until now, Isaiah could speak English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Hebrew and Japanese. The only reason he learnt Japanese was so he could read manga and light novels as well as watch anime without waiting for them to be translated or subbed. Big sister Hinata recommended him to learn Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji after witnessing him learn Hebrew in less than two days. She was also the one who taught them to him.

Isaiah now found himself in front of the prison Penal San Francisco de Asis. It was bustling with soldiers of the Peruvian army. He could sense the tension in the air. He also spotted some Elgen soldiers with their distinct uniforms and logo. He saw the gates were closed so he took the other option to enter.

Jumping over the walls covered with barbed wires. Simply reinforcing the legs will do that trick. He lightly landed on the ground and looked around.

"So where are they?" asked Emerald.

"Let me check."

Isaiah closed his eyes and concentrated on his sensory ability. At that moment, he felt multiple sources of electricity. Four to be precise and they all possessed electricity mixed with their life force just like Michael and Tessa. However, all of their electricity behaved differently.

"Found them." Isaiah grinned. "Let's go to the first one."

He checked his bounded field and entered the prison. He had to narrowly avoid soldiers to how small the prison was and the fact that it was bustling with soldiers. He could see pairs of soldiers in front of several doors which he deduced were the Electroclan. Isaiah closed his eyes and whispered to Emerald,

"I'm gonna need your help here, Emerald."

"You got it."

The boy then opened his eyes and dipped into his prana reserves.


A breeze swept the corridor and the outside of the prison. However, what really happened was simply a wave of mana sweeping through the entire prison carrying a hypnotic spell.

The soldiers staggered a little and stood back up a little confused. Isaiah then walked up to the first pair of guards and went past them. The guards didn't react as if he wasn't even there.

Isaiah stood there for a moment as he observed the guards and, seeing no reaction, nodded in satisfaction.

'Good. Converting spells to be prana-compatible had succeeded.'

He looked through the barred opening and saw a black teen probably a little older than him sitting on the ground with a black box-like contraption on him. He was wincing as if he was in pain. Suddenly, the teen opened his eyes and looked directly at where Isaiah was. That's when Isaiah noticed something wrong with the teen's eyes. They were milky white even the pupils.

'Is he blind?'

But the intensity with which the boy was looking at him suggested otherwise.

"Who... are you?" the boy asked.

Confused, Isaiah tilted his head in confusion but remained quiet.

"What's... a kid doing... here?" the teen asked another question.

This time Isaiah was surprised,

"You can see me?" Isaiah asked.

This time the boy raised an eyebrow,

"Was I not supposed to?" the latter replied with sarcasm.

However, Isaiah shook his head,

"No. You were not." the twelve-year-old replied effectively stunning the dark-skinned boy.

"Huh? Who are you? What happened to the guards?"

"I'm Isaiah. Nice to meet you! What's your name?" Isaiah replied.

"Huh, Ian?"

The teen was effectively off-put by the younger boy's cheery behaviour.

"Then I'm coming in!" Isaiah then said.

"Wait what?" Ian replied confused.

Isaiah placed his hand on the keyhole of the door and cast (Structural Grasp). Once he figured out the inner workings, he used one of his least used abilities,

'Denial of Nothingness'

Suddenly, a key appeared in his hand which he used to unlock the door and open it. The guards in the prison didn't even react to the door opening.

"What the actual hell?" Ian whispered as he observed the entire process.

What Isaiah did was that he put them under a mental illusion of the same prison except they can't perceive the events happening right now. They won't be able to hear, touch, or see Isaiah talking to Ian due to the mental illusion. It's the same for all the other guards in the prison. Although maintaining the bounded field that size takes quite the amount of prana. Luckily, he had Emerald.

Isaiah quickly entered the room and locked the door before anyone could see him.

"The security here is kind of lacking, don't you think?" Isaiah asked with mirth.

Ian didn't know how to respond to the unknown. kid who was casually speaking to him. The fact that he saw Isaiah straight up summon a key from out of nowhere left him speechless. There was also the fact the guards made no move to stop him.

"Wh... How... What?" Ian stuttered.

He backed away from the stranger making Isaiah raise an eyebrow.

"There's no need to be scared. I'm not here to hurt you. Besides, you can't exactly run away with that thing on you." Isaiah replied as he pointed at the contraption on Ian's chest.

"Who are you? Another Glow?"

"I already told you didn't I? I'm Isaiah."

Ian glared at the younger boy,

"Did Elgen send you? I know there are seventeen Glows, but I never had any information about the last two. Are you one of them? Do you have the same powers as Taylor?"

At that, Isaiah's interest peeked,

"So Taylor has powers similar to hypnosis? Now that I think about it, Michael never mentioned the powers of the other Glows." Isaiah muttered as he rubbed his chin.

This time it was Ian's turn to be surprised.

"Michael? You talked to Michael?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah."


"About a day and a half ago."

"What!" Ian exclaimed.

Isaiah had a finger on his own lips.

"Shh. Although I placed the guards under a mental illusion, a large enough stimuli could awaken them.

Ian stayed quiet.

Isaiah nodded and continued,

" Let's get this thing off of you. I'm sure it's painful for you. And by the way, I'm not with Elgen. In fact, I only learned about them yesterday."

Ian raised an eyebrow. He had so many questions, but he had to warn the boy with the weird outfit and a wand.

"You can't take this off. It will set off and potentially kill me if you try to tamper with it." Ian quickly warned the boy.

"Don't worry about that. I already figured it out."

Isaiah scanned the contraption using (Structural Grasp) startling Ian when the latter saw circuit-like lines flash on it. The young sorcerer then took out a remote that he had stolen from Carvelle.

Quickly using (Alteration), the boy then changed the frequency of the remote to match the one with the RESAT on Ian's chest and pushed the button. All that took less than a minute to complete.

The machine beeped and powered off,

"You can take it off now." Ian looked at Isaiah skeptically making Isaiah sigh.

'I guess I can't blame him.'

"Look do you still feel the pain from the machine?"

Ian blinked and looked down,


"Then, isn't that a good sign?"

Ian stared at him with half-lidded eyes before slowly moving his hands to the buckles of the machine. He hesitated for a moment before unstrapping it. To his relief, the RESAT came off quite easily without causing any trouble. Ian let out a huge breath of relief and Isaiah waited for him to catch his breath.

"Thank you," Ian said.

Isaiah smiled,

"You're welcome. May I?" Isaiah replied and pointed at a seat beside Ian.

Ian slowly nodded,

"Are you really not with Elgen or the Peruvian Army?"

Isaiah shook his head,


"Then who are you with?" Ian asked.

"No one."

"No one?"

"No one. It's just me, myself and I." Isaiah replied with a grin.

Ian nodded,

"Then are you here to help us?"

"That depends on you."


Isaiah tilted his head,

"Well, not just you, but all the Glows in the Electroclan."

"And what's that?" the dark-skinned boy asked warily.

"What's your power?"

"Huh?" Ian asked, confused by the unexpected question.

"Well, now that I'm close to you, I can sense the electricity inside of you. Although it's connected to your life force, I can feel it concentrated more in your head. And seeing how you saw through my invisibility, I would think it's a vision related to power. If I were to hazard to guess, your power is located in between your brain and your eyes, more specifically your optical nerves. Am I right?"

Stunned, by the boy's deduction as well as how he quickly found out the source of his powers, he dumbly nodded. Besides, if it meant escaping if he answered the kid, he would gladly take it. He didn't want to stay any longer in prison.

"So? What is it?"

"It's... electrolocation."

"Electrolocation. Now, that's an interesting one. How does that work?"

Ian could've sworn he could see sparkles in the boy's eyes.

"Well, I can see using electrolocation like sharks. This also allows me to see through walls."

Isaiah nodded,

"Then does the vision remain the same?"

"I don't know since I was born blind. I don't have the same vision as you guys. For example, I can't see colours like you."

"I see. So that machine mutated your photoreceptors in your eyes into electroreceptors that capture electrical signals from your surroundings. That means the reason why my spell didn't work is that it was based on the reflection of light. However, you can bypass that since you don't have photoreceptors."

"Does that answer your questions?"

Isaiah remained silent,

'Yeah, I'm gonna have to find that machine.' Isaiah thought.

"Yup, let's go see your friends."

"Are you going to get us out of here?" Ian asked hopefully.

"I'll do you one better."

Ian raised an eyebrow,

"I'll guide you to Michael."

"Really!?" Ian couldn't help but exclaim.

"Wait, how do I know you're not lying?"

Isaiah looked at him,

"You don't. I'm simply interested in you guys. After landing in this place, you're the only superhumans I've heard about. Now, let's go see the next person."

"Wait just who are you? You only told me your name and nothing else. How am I supposed to trust you if you don't give me some information? What if this is all just an elaborate plan to get us back to Elgen? Are you with the Voice? And why do you have a wand?"

"Paranoid, are you?" Isaiah asked.

"It comes with the experience." Ian sarcastically replied.

Ian stared at him before shrugging,

'I guess it can't be helped.'

Ian turned around and placed his right hand right above his heart and bowed a little,

"Hello, Ian. My name is Isaiah Sharpe and I'm a wizard." the younger boy grinned and looked up to the boy



"You know, if you don't want to reveal your identity, you can just say so. You don't need to make a joke about it."

"Hehehehe," small laughter erupted from the wand.

They both looked at the wand who simply giggled and didn't say a word,

Ian, looking confused, pointed at Emerald,

"Did that wand just-"

"Let's go see your friends, shall we?" Isaiah quickly interrupted him and walked out of the door.

"Wait, what about the guards?" Ian asked.

"It's okay, they won't do anything. I said it before, there are in a mental illusion." Isaiah replied.

Ian stared at the boy and sighed.

They both walked out of the door. Ian walked up to his guard and waved his hand in front of his face.

No reaction.

"Huh, I guess you were telling the truth."

"Of course. I'm not one to lie easily." Isaiah retorted.

He looked at the cells in the hallway.

"Ian, before I do anything, do all doors with a pair of guards contain one of your friends?"

Ian looked around and nodded.


Isaiah nodded,


Isaiah closed his eyes and looked at all the doors and cast (Structural Grasp) on the keyhole. They lit up for a brief moment and Isaiah got all of their information. He then opened his palms and multiple keys appeared on his palm which he telekinetically inserted them into the holes simultaneously. The door opened up eliciting confused expressions from the prisoners as they got out. Although, some of them struggled since they were wearing RESATs on their chest.

"Huh, what's going on?"

"Why are the doors open?"

"Is it finally time to die?"

"Guys!" Ian exclaimed.

"Huh, Ian?" asked a girl with brown hair.

"Who the fuck is that?" asked the eldest-looking teen amongst the group as he pointed at Isaiah.

Isaiah didn't feel anything from him which means he was one of his non-electric friends of Michael.

All of them were now starting at Isaiah.

"Hi, there!"

They didn't answer and looked at the boy warily.

Isaiah could see their conditions were kind of deplorable.

"Who are you and what's with the get-up?" asked another teen as electricity sparked in between his fingers.

This time it was a blonde-haired teen.

"I'm Isaiah and I'll be your guide."

"Guide? To where?" asked an Asian girl.

Isaiah grinned,

"To Michael."

"What? Do you know Michael? Did the Voice send you? asked the same brown-haired girl.

Isaiah grinned,

"Questions later. We have to get out of here first." Isaiah said.

"Hold on. What do you mean get out? Are you saying you're rescuing us?" asked a chubby boy with glasses.

"Yes, here," Isaiah said before taking off his glasses and projecting a dagger.

"Won't, Wai-"

Before they could even protest. Isaiah quickly went up to them and cut the Lines of Death of the remaining four RESATS.

The others couldn't even react to his speed.


"WHAT THE F-huh?" the blond-haired Glow was about to attack Isaiah when his RESAT was cut apart and fell on the floor freeing him from its torment.

The same happened to the other RESATs as they fell into pieces.

"There. All good?"

"T...Thanks, but who are you?" asked the brown hair girl.

"I'll explain it on the road. Just so you know, I'm not with Elgen or the Voice whatsoever. I'm just here since I promised to help Michael and to meet you."

"Meet us? Why?" this time it was a blonde.



"Yup, Now let's go! The spell around the prison is not going to stay forever." Isaiah said and turned around and began walking out of the prison.

The rest of the Electroclan looked at Ian who shook his head,

"Don't look at me. I'm just as clueless as you are. But he did free us."

"Remember how the soldiers tried to sell us to Elgen when we tried to escape once? Who's to say he's not the same." the chubby boy asked.

"I know Ostin, but this could also be another chance, Look at the guards around you. Not a single reaction and we are out of our cells." Ian said.

The group remained silent.

"You guys coming or not? Last chance."

"You know what? Fuck it, let's go!" the eldest boy said.

"Wait, Jack!" Ostin called.

"No time to waste, Ostin. Let's go." another boy who looked the same age as Jack said and followed the latter.


"Let's go, Ostin. He could probably take us to Michael. And God knows, I want to see him" the brown-haired girl said.

"I could be a trap, Taylor!"

"I'll read his mind. If he's telling a lie, we'll escape."

Ostin looked hesitant as he saw his friends follow Isaiah. The Asian girl grabbed his arm,

"Come on Ostin. This could be our chance and I don't want to stay any longer here. You said it yourself, we're being treated as terrorists and we'll most likely be executed for it. We also didn't hear anything from the Voice. It's either the Peruvian army or Elgen or that boy. Guess which one I would choose?"

"Mckenna." Ostin said.

The boy gritted his teeth and before groaning,

"To hell with it! Let's follow him."

The Electroclan made their decision and followed Isaiah.

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