Xuxu could overhear everything they were saying. Despite Shizun's hushed tone, the elder never seems to quite grasp just how loud his voice could be.
"This isn't a good idea."
Master He's voice was unconcerned, "You were the one that said he does not have a system."
"I said that I've not seen any evidence of it existing, not that it doesn't. For all we know, Xuxu could have been hiding it all these years for some reason."
"He's a child," Master He insisted.
"Precisely why there isn't any need to go through unnecessary risks like this!"
"Having the two of us is more than sufficient protection."
What Shizun said next was obscured by movement that shuffled around the other room. Xuxu almost jumped when the door was thrown aside and Shizun's scowling face was hanging over him.
Xuxu quelled his anxiety and blinked up innocently. "I didn't hear anything." He totally heard everything.
Shizun's eyes twitched.
Weee just an official update: I WILL be putting this story on hold while I finish up TTEO in the upcoming holiday season. After maybe 2 or 3 more chapters, CWTDK will be on hiatus for 2-3 weeks, however long it takes me to finish my other story. Thank you for understanding and please enjoyyyyy.
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