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The Judgement

"Next time you summon us, can you give us more time than 5 minutes? I didn't get the chance to finish my makeup." Stussy said to Hades as she complained about not finishing her makeup before being summoned by Hades. It was an honest mistake on Hades as he got carried away to punish Du Feld and Gild Tesoro for their treachery.

"Sorry sorry, I will give more time next time I summon you guys," Hades said with a smile as he apologized to Stussy and the rest of the emperors he summoned.

Giberson is in his usual clothes except he was missing a bottle of wine in his hand, Umit on other hand was on his casual clothes instead of his captain's uniform and hat. Most importantly, Morgans are in his blue seagull pajamas as he was in the middle of sleep before summoned by the Shadowkhans. In the end, none of them were happy that they were forced to be here when a shadow suddenly swallowed them.

"The reason I summoned you all here is that we have a traitor. Du Feld conspired against me by teaming up with Gild Tesoro and broke his oath of loyalty." Hades explains to four emperors but it seems they weren't surprised by Du Feld's betrayal.

"That's what it is about? Du Feld always schemes around every week against people who work for him." Giberson spoke as he reached to the table to grab a bottle of expensive wine to drink from it.

"We all knew Du Feld has a tendency to do shady things, so breaking his oath isn't that much of a surprise at all," Stussy said to Hades with a small smile as she tried her best to show sympathy. The other two emperors nod their heads as they agree with Giberson and Stussy's statement on Du Feld.

Hades shook his head as he realized that one of their own betrayals is a normal thing, this news gave a disappointment to Hades. Still, he has one more piece of information that none of them knew about.

"Fine, but I have to inform you all that not only did Du Fled plan to kill me, but he also funded Gild Tesoro's personal project with all of your money." The moment four of them heard, they all flinched with a mix of surprise and anger. Hades gave Stussy Du Feld's financial files to show he was telling the truth, which after a few minutes, Stussy confirmed Hades's claim.

"Hades is telling the truth, not only did Du Feld used our financial account to fund Gild Tesoro's giant ship but he also been funneling our money for years. We didn't realize it because our accounts were secretly working for Du Feld." Stussy said with frustration in her voice as she passed the file to Morgans.

Meanwhile, Du Feld was sweating rain as his entire plan including screwing over the other emperors now came to light. His plan was to withdraw enough money to pay off an army of assassins to kill others and take over the underworld, but all of this is now in ruin the moment Hades showed up with the corpse of Drug Peclo a few months ago.

Gild Tesoro on the other hand was quietly laughing as he suspected Du Feld was up to something before Du Feld contacted him. Du Feld has a bad habit of spending a fortune on luxury life such as food, clothes, slaves, etc. Gild Tesoro observed the rate of Du Feld's overspending which in the end suspected Du Feld must be getting more money from someone else than getting debts back.

"I don't believe this, he's been stealing money from us under our nose and we didn't suspect him of doing this to any of us." Morgans said as he was now fully awake from his sleepy mood the moment Hades mentioned Du Feld's crime.

"Now that we all are victims of Du Feld's crime, I would like to sentence the punishment. But, before I do that I have good news regarding my meeting with Yonkos." Hades cheerfully said to everyone as he pulled out his flask to take a sip. Hearing this, everyone including Gild Tesoro took a great interest as it was unknown what kind of deals Hades made with each of the Yonkos.

"After my crown to the underworld, I went to the New World to meet Four Emperors. Edward Newgate the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Red-Haired Shanks the Captain of the Red Hair Pirates, Charlotte Linlin the Captain of the Big Mom Pirates and finally, Kaido of the Beasts the Captain of the Beast Pirates." Hades paused to take another sip from his flask as everyone waited to hear the main topic.

"I first met with Whitebeard to discuss business opportunities and obtain his permission to expand our black market into his territories. This, of course, comes with few conditions; do not capture people for the slave trade, no illegal drugs and no murdering unless we get permission from him. Follow these rules and we can conduct business in which I manage to get it in writing.

Shanks is the second person I met, which was a difficult first because Red Hair Pirates tends to travel a lot. Still, I managed to meet him and obtain his secret sea routes within the Blue Seas and Red Line. With these secret routes, we can cut our trade ships time in half or more, not to mention we don't need to worry about the Navy intercepting our ships for random inspection.

The third Emperor I met was Big Mom herself, at first it was troublesome but in the end, I convinced her to open her Totto Land's border to trade with us. This of course means, we need to give her 30% of the profit just like the other two Yonkos, but compared to exclusive goods and products we can get from the land of sweet, 30% is nothing. It will be a chump change when we will introduce goods to the black market.

Lastly, Kaido. He was my biggest challenge as I ended up fighting him for 9 days straight. In the end, we got drunk and made a deal to have exclusive access to Wano country." Before Hades could continue, Stussy interrupted him a moment she heard Wano country.

"Are you telling us that we can visit Wano? Do you know how crazy the nobles are with the myth of Oiran and Geisha?" Stussy explains her previous struggle in her district to Hades and everyone, it seems in Stussy's occupation, there is a heavy request of Wano culture as it was mysterious and romanticized by many nobles who heard of the country.

"Well, now we have access to not just their culture but their knowledge on smithing and metallurgy. If we use this right, we could literally monopolize the higher quality swords and entire weapons trade in the world. This is my first gift to you as your king and the first step into unimaginable riches in the future." Hades gave a big smile as he turned his head to see Du Feld's reaction. To witness the missed opportunity of a lifetime right in front of him as he dropped a cigar from his mouth due to shock.

As for the rest of the emperors of the underworld, they remain silent as they couldn't believe what Hades just told them. Access to protected islands in Paradise and New World, secret sea routes that only Red Hair Pirates know, trade with Totto Land and Wano Country and opportunity to obtain new knowledge. All of this was impossible to accomplish, but Hades managed to do it after a few months.

"I don't believe it, I just can't believe what just happened." Umit softly spoke as he couldn't believe what Hades just said.

"A complete access and trade, this is crazy. I need more bottles before I can process this news." Giberson slowly got up from his seat to search for more wine bottles in the bar area.

Morgans remained silent as he was already planning to expand his information network in Wano Country. Stussy on the other hand was jumping up and down with excitement as she could finally learn the art of seduction and manipulation from Geisha Masters. If her girls learn the ways of geisha it would help her tremendously to control powerful men's hearts and minds.

"I would like to return to the subject of punishing Du Feld for his betrayal and Gil Tesoro," Hades said to everyone as he stared at two nervous criminals.

"Kill them and get this over with. We have better things to do." Stussy coldly said as she gave a serious look to Du Feld.

"I agree with Stussy," Umit quickly said with anger in his voice.

"Do whatever you want with them. I'm busy" Giberson spoke out loud as he was busy looking for a bottle of wine in the bar area.

"For the King of Finance to lose this opportunity, it is ironic. Let them suffer while we harvest the rich." Morgans said to Hades as he found a pen and paper to write down what just happened.

"Well, it looks like we have a unanimous vote to execute two of you, now it is up to me to decide what to do." With that, Hades gave a mental command to Crab Khans to make two traitors take a knee.

"Du Feld, you have committed a crime against your king and fellow emperors. I would kill you right now but it is a quick death for a missable being. So, I will extract all the information from your head and sentence you to life in prison on a small island located in the Clam Belt. There will be no rescue or luxury life as it will be nothing but rocks and sands. Do you have anything to say?" Hades gave his judgment to Du Feld and gave him a chance to defend himself.

"I didn't mean to do you wrong, Hades. I was planning to make you the most powerful man by making the world fear you. Please give me a chance to prove myself." Du Feld gave his excuse with a full bow to the floor.

"Fine, but how will you explain your crime against your fellow emperors? You stole from them for years and used their money as your own personal wallet."

"I… I was going to pay them back, I…" Du Feld continues to give excuses but none of them change Hades or others' minds at all. In the end, Hades gave the command to Crab Khan to take him into shadow. After Du Feld disappears into shadow, Hades continues his judgment as he turns to see the Gild Tesoro.

"Gild Tesoro, you may not be the emperor of the underworld but you are a member of the black market purchasers and a loan shark. You conspired with Du Feld and planned to send false information to the Navy so they would hunt me down. What is your defense?" Hades asks Gil Tesoro with intimidation.

"I have none, I thought I could become an emperor of the underworld if I helped Du Feld. In the end, I made the mistake of siding with him without knowing who you are and what you are capable of. That is my only regret in the end." Gil Tesoro said to Hades as he looked at the young king. There is desperation in Gil Tesoro's eyes but there is also a determination to survive as well.

"... I already sentenced Du Feld for his failure as emperor of finance and fortune. Also, he can't be trusted since he tried to lie and escape his punishment. You, Gild Tesoro on the other hand, didn't give a false confession or excuse to save your own skin. I, Hades, need a new emperor to replace Du Feld. You will replace Du Feld as emperor of the underworld and sworn your loyalty to me. As I spare your life, your life is now mine, for this reason, I will keep in close eyes on your activity and if you ever fail me, I will personally harvest your soul and feed it to Big Mom as dessert." Hades said to Gild Tesoro with glowing eyes as he used his pig talisman to intimidate him.

Gild Tesoro remained silent until he realized that his life is spare for now. With new hope in his eyes, Gild Tesoro bowed his head to swear loyalty to his king.

"I, Gild Tesoro of Casino King, swear allegiance to the Hades, King of the Underworld and follow his order to the end." Gild Tesoro pledged his loyalty to Hades as the rest of the emperors watched it from the behind. They now have new members and due to Du Feld's crime, each and everyone will be watchful eyes as they won't be fooled again.

"Gild Tesoro, the Emperor of Fortune and Finance, I welcome you. From now on I will sponsor your project and listen to your advice just as I listen to your fellow emperors." Hades welcomes his new subordinate as he dismisses his remaining Crab Khan. This will be the moment where Gild Tesoro's destiny changes as in the future it will have a different outcome within the event Film: Gold.

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