"Elenea! Aleck!"
The moment Aranea and the others heard of the news that Elenea and Aleck are now awake, they Aranea and her other Familiars immediately rushed back to see them. With Aranea barging the door right this moment, she embraced Elenea immediately.
"You're awake," she whispered against her sister's ear, and then looked at Aleck with relief as well. "And you're okay!"
"We're fine, thank you," Elenea said, wincing a bit when she felt a slight pang of pain on her body because of the impact of Aranea's hug.
"Ooops! Sorry!" Aranea immediately apologized, some tears in her eyes appearing as she was obviously happy and relieved that both her sister and her Familiar, are okay.
I noticed that I'm only writing updates during the weekend, but better to do it slowly but surely. :) Thanks so much for the undending support! I hope I still have readers for this story. ^^