--- Hunter 23HX443---
Hunter 23HX443 watched as the merchant's eyes lit up and new that she made a mistake somewhere. A quick review of her words… and nothing stood out to her. She'd implied that the sale needed to be made to avoid the city but it was not as if the line was moving fast so that seemed acceptable. She had specifically made mention of the fact she needed it to be a good price, but she didn't believe that mattered to the merchant. She was going to be gouged, she knew that… but it was annoying to not quite understand where the mistake had been made.
Then the merchant was speaking and Hunter 23HX443 needed to turn her thoughts back to the present. "Well, the only thing I can offer you is my personal map that I use to help plan my travels. I don't exactly wish to part with it, but I am a merchant at heart so if you can offer me proper payment for the old thing I guess I can let go of it…"
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