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44.73% Teen Wolf: Inari's Scroll / Chapter 17: Chapter I: Malia Pt.2

Chương 17: Chapter I: Malia Pt.2

"I need your help," Tenko spoke as he sped down the street.

"Ummm, sure. Where are you?" Mareth asked.

"On my home, Something is wrong with Malia. It's like she's going Hypothermic. Her body is cold to the touch and I don't know what to do! " Tenko exclaimed.

"Tenko, calm down. Just get her home. I'm on my way." Mareth replied as she ended the call and rushed to pack a bag.

"What's happening?" Stiles shot up from the couch when Mareth rushed into the living room.

Mareth jumped back, startled. "What the fuck! Stiles! Why are you still here?!"

"You're supposed to be training me?! I can't be Scott's wingmen if I can't fight werewolves and stuff?" Stiles spoke a bit dejected.

"Look, Stiles. Tenko needs me, my Alpha, my number one priority. Not building a support squad for Scott McCall. But you can start by going down to that Mixed Martial Arts Center in town. Get strong and learn some moves. When I have time, I'll call you"

Stiles sighed and nodded as he got.

"Stiles?" Mareth called with a hint of a smile on her face.

"Yeah." he looked up.

"Thank you for staying with Jennifer the other night. You might not have claws and fangs but you're more valuable than you give yourself credit for and far more valuable than Scott acknowledges. So don't get all moppy on me."

Stiles grind with appreciation as he folded his blankets. Mareth continued to pack her bag with a few things that might help diagnose and aid Malia ailments. Before she left the house. ________________________________________________________________

Tenko rushed into the house carrying Malia. Mark, Nikita, and Melissa rose to their feet when Tenko rushed in with a body and set it on the couch.

"Tenko, who is that?" Mark asked.

"Malia. She needs help. I think she's going hypothermic but something tells me it's more than that. I already called Mareth, she's on her way." He replied. Mark gestured to Melissa before he ran upstairs to get his bag. Mellisa moved to the couch and began to look Malia over. When Mark returned the two of them started to do a full workup. Soon, after Mareth arrived and did her druid magic to find out what was wrong with Malia.

"So?" Tenko asked.

Mareth looked at Melissa and Mark. "Psychosomatic?"

Mark nodded his head. "Her temperature is 98.5" he said.

Mareth exhaled and looked at Tenko. "Take her upstairs and talk to her. Turn the heat on, get in bed, and relax. My guess is, that a part of her is still thinking like a coyote. Without her fur coat, the temperature change is dramatic. It's been a while for her. Just give her time."

Tenko nodded and took Malia upstairs and did as Mareth said.

Mark, Melissa, and Nikita went back to the supernatural lessons to help Melissa during her change.

Mareth plopped on the couch and sighed as her second cell phone rang. A phone only two people had the number to.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Mareth asked.

"Because the Fox scared it," Anisa answered.

"What's up, girl?"

"Gerard arrives in three days and coming heavy"

"I'll tell the Fox," Mareth replied."Can...Can I see him?" Anisa asked.

"When he wants to see you. Keep us up to date, girly"

"I got you." Anisa then ended the call with an exhausted sigh.

Melissa and Nikita were staring at Mareth until she turned around with a sour face. "Stand down Mama Fox. This is your son's show. And you, Mama McCall, focus on getting to know what you are and keep that son of ours out of trouble. Shit is about to get real lethal in this town."

"We survived a serial killing alpha werewolf…"

Melissa was interrupted by Mareth's outburst. "Hey! Peter was created by hunters who took it upon themselves to murder his family and burn him alive. I hate the son of a bitch. And I'm glad he's dead… But the fact is, he's a monster of the Argents making. And now they're leading an invasion into Beacon Hills. This is a war, not another serial killer"

"He can't ice us out, Mareth! Hunters affect us all." Nikita snapped.

"That's not my fault! He thinks you're lying to him, Nikita. That's a mother and son thing. Leave me out of it. And your son is still pining after a damn hunter he can't control and quite frankly, has already abandoned their relationship, so how about everyone do as Tenko fucking asks and stop the bitching! Lay low, consolidate our strength and keep yourselves under control, and Melissa as Scott's mother, he's your responsibility."

Mareth rose from the couch and walked upstairs to check on Tenko and her new packmate. The work wouldn't kill Mareth, Tenko always had her out on errands and running to and fro. But when his mother gets into his head, Tenko tended to get erratic and away from himself. During the past week, Tenko was erratic and not himself. Mareth disagreed with have Melissa around, which meant that Scott would indirectly become a priority, something that a clear-thinking Tenko would never allow to happen. But Nikita insisted because Mark insisted. So, Tenko allowed it.

The Hunter girl, Allison was also a problem. Her life was chaotic and confusing, but for some reason Tenko would leave to speak with her when she had time for her. They would argue and fight, but Allison would always call again and Tenko would answer. It was Toxic. Tenko didn't fully trust the girl and Allison partially blamed him for Kate's death. She wanted to make excuses for him, but Tenko being Tenko parades the fact that he orchestrated her death and it fucks with Allison in ways that make her explosive. Mareth even figured that Tenko enjoyed their drama-filled meetings.

All in all, Tenko was making Mareth's life as an emissary extremely troublesome. When she arrived in his room, she kicked her shoes off and took off her outside clothes before climbing into bed with Tenko and Malia. Mareth hugged his left arm and cuddled next to him.

Malia looked over with tired eyes. She observed Mareth's face and the way she acted with Tenko. She could see that mating was a possibility but Tenko and Mareth shared a different connection and developed a relationship of trust, healthy desire, and comfort. It was more than that of brother and sister, but not exactly lovers. Whatever it was, Malia could sense that her presence calmed the worry and anxiety that Tenko had for her current condition.

"Tenko… You were right. I do like her." Malia spoke in a low voice and just rested in his arms, taking in his warmth that he happily shared with her.

Mareth heard her words and smiled with elation. She was worried about Malia's animalistic nature, she thought Malia would be territorial and strain her and Tenko's relationship. But now that she heard Malia's words, all of her worries were buried. Mareth kissed Tenko's arm and said, " We need to talk later, okay?"

Tenko leaned down and kissed the top of Mareth's head before he replied, "Okay."

The three of them drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Malia's chills promptly abated and her shivering stopped.


Tenko laughed to himself, Malia looked uncomfortable in the clothes Mareth got for her. When she was finished fiddling with the sweater she walked over to the bed and grabbed the bear fur to wrap herself in for warmth.

"I can't get warm. It feels like I'm freezing, Tenko"

"Don't worry, It'll get better."

"I know, but it's still cold." she quipped.

Tenko chuckled. "Look, the family's getting bigger. So Mareth and I need to run to the den and grab somethings. I'll be back tonight, if you need anything, ask my mom or dad. And if Melissa is around, you can put her to work. And if anyone comes in this room that isn't my mom or dad. Treat it like our den."

Malia put on a devilish smile. "What about the body?"

Tenko shrugged. "If you have to kill em, I can always clean it up."

Malia tittered and stepped closer to Tenko and kissed him deeply. Like their time in the den, both of their senses fired up and a rush of shared emotions took over. Emotions so strong, that it transcended sex and hoovered on a synergetic level. New and scary for both of them. But it was a feeling they wouldn't trade for all of the riches in the world.

"Hey… we have to go." Mareth called out.

Tenko forced himself away and Malia stepped back.

"You're going after the money, aren't you?" Malia asked

"Yes. The money and the furs and animal bones. I found a buyer " Tenko replied.

"A buyer, for fur and animal bones? How much?"

"A lot. The guy knows some wannabe berserkers. It's a big market and people are putting out big money for what I'm offering." Tenko explained

Malia closed the distance between them and looked into his eyes... " I've been coyote for a very long time. But I remember enough to know that my parents didn't keep bags of money hidden away. At least not as much money as you're hiding. I also have enough sense to know that what your doing sounds sketchy."

"Do you want to go home? to the place you grew up?" he asked.

Malia looked sad and shook her head, 'no'. " At least not yet," she replied

"Then I'm going to need every dollar in those bags and whatever those furs can get me."

Malia smiled. "I was just going to tell you to be safe." Malia then kissed his cheek and pushed him away. Mareth smirked and said, " I like you Malia."

"Just bring him back in one piece, please," said Malia.

"Of course," Mareth replied before she walked away.

Tenko followed Mareth and Malia hopped on to the bed and fell fast asleep. For some reason, she was extremely tired lately.


Sometime later, Tenko and Mareth were pulling bundles of furs, hide, and bones from Tenko's den.

"Didn't you say, you and Malia had two other coyotes in your pack out here?" Mareth asked as they walked their product to the truck.


"How did you keep them from ruining the furs?"

Tenko smirked. "They know better. But stop the small talk and just lay it on me."

Mareth looked off into the woods as she walked. When the two arrived at the truck, she tossed her bundles in, then faced Tenko.

"Let's start with the huntress. You need to stop seeing here. She's bad for business. I understand that she's alone and she probably has a plethora of other emotions. But you can bone her when she gets her shit together and isn't part of a homicidal family."

"Okay," Tenko replied.

Mareth frowned at him. "Okay?" she asked, "That's it?"

Tenko nodded. "Yeah. I trust you, Mare. And if as simple as not talking to somebody you feel is bad for my health. Then that's it. The Pack comes first, you, come first. So, what is on your mind?" Tenko asked.

Mareth was a little taken aback, but she shook herself from a stupor and continued. " I think the McCalls should stay away. Allison might be going through allot and might even be a little drawn to you, but young love is a dastardly thing, Tenko. What she and Scott had just isn't dead in the water. We don't need that drama. After Melissa knows what she knows, you have to send her away. At least until the figure out the life they want to live."

"I can see how they can be a distraction. If the McCalls don't join the Hale Pack, we ice them until they form one of their own. We need allies not charges." said Tenko.

Mareth nodded her head with a smile. "Right. Well then, Gerard will arrive in three days, I pushed the work on the house into overdrive. From sun up to sundown. I said we will cover the overtime. Derek wants to talk to about new betas…"

"Tell him that's his business." Tenko interrupted.

"Well he trusts your judgment, Tenko. As a friend and ally. He also doesn't know how you feel about turning people." Mareth replied.

" I can see why he might be hesitant. I'll talk to him"

"Good, Now how will we handle, Gerard?" Mareth asked.

"Buy selling our goods to the highest bidder" Tenko replied.

After Tenko and Mareth's short conversation, they worked faster to get the trucked loaded. Cleaning out the den in the process.

The two drove out of Beacon Hills but stayed in the county. They arrived at a little warehouse, owned by a man named, Sasha.

Sasha, was as sketchy as they came. Mareth did her druid mind-reading thing and figured out that he was a Russian spy. They wanted to create berserkers stateside for some sort of insurrection. A lot of bullshit that Tenko didn't really care for because the money was good.

"Runs with Fox, welcome!" Sasha called out in a thick Russian accent.

Mareth looked at Tenko with a questioning expression.

Tenko shrugged. "It's my native American name. My dad's a shaman and my tribe used to create spirit warriors."

"Berserkers?" Mareth asked.

"You know it…" Tenko replied with a smile.

Mareth just shook her head with an amused smile.

"Sasha! Good to see you again, comrade!" Tenko called out and left Mareth by the truck.

Sasha and Tenko walked to the warehouse after they greeted each other. Tenko signaled for Mareth to follow and the business began. Sitting in the warehouse, Tenko and Mareth sat at one end of the table while Sasha and his goons sat at another end.

"My men are pressing the furs into packs as we speak." Says Sasha.

"Good. I have Bears, mountain lions, deers, a few coyotes. I know exactly what I brought and we will walk through inventory before I sell." "Of course. My American friend. 30 dollars a per deer hide, 40 per coyote, 35 dollars per foot of the bear hide…"

"Let me stop you right there, Comrade. I know what you're making and here are my prices. 50 per deer hide, 50 per coyote, 300 per mountain lion -they're illegal, 500 per foot in bear hide. Should we start talking about bone prices?" Tenko asked with a hard look.

The Betas behind Sasha growled and Tenko flashed his red fox eyes. Sasha threw his hand up to calm his people down and began to laugh. "Let's talk bone prices," says Sasha.

"Yes. and then we can talk organs, bear paws, and heads" Tenko added.

Sasha's smile vanished and his face turned ugly.

"Those parts are most valuable when creating Berserkers. Of course, they're going to cost you. Shall we continue?" Tenko asked.

Tenko and Sasha then spent a few hours arguing prices, but Tenko was a hard ass that wouldn't cave. The bones averaged 400 dollars a pop, the organs then averaged 2000 dollars a pop, and the paws and heads, average 10,000 dollars a pop. The heads bound the berserkers and the paws made them deadly and harder to kill.

Mareth then worked with Sasha's bookkeeper to tally up the total price of business, before the two parties did a final walkthrough to shake hands.


"Sasha, their price is steep. Zander will not like this. The Triad is moving heavily in the bay and there are also rumors of the yakuza looking our way. We need this money for guns and financial support. Not some long-shot berserker project, that has failed twice." A man spoke in Russian to Sasha.

"The deal has not been struck. Anything can happen, you and the men just stay ready." Sasha replied in Russian before walking away.


"Everything looks good. The final price is 2,539,500 dollars." Says Mareth.

Sasha smiled and faced Tenko. "Then let us do the confirmation, then our business is finished."

The group walked to the other side of the warehouse where the Russian was sorting and packing the goods. Sasha and Tenko walked looked through the good and counted everything.


Five miles away from the warehouse, Malia was sniffing around under the cloak of night. When she had woken up, Tenko and Mareth hadn't yet returned. When she looked out of Tenko's window and saw that the sun had gone down, she began to track his scent.


At the warehouse, Sasha's men began closing the outer doors and surrounding the building. Tenko could smell the anticipation, the killing intent, and betrayal.

"So will this be paid in cash or wire transfer?" Tenko asked nonchalantly.

"We deal only, in cash." Sasha replied, he then turned away and shouted, "Fenya, prinesi den'gi!"

A woman with blonde hair and green eyes nodded and brought a large silver case locked to her wrist. Sasha gestured to the woman and said, "There, is your money."

Tenko chuckled, "Good. Well, until next time, Sasha. spokoynoy nochi."

Tenko reached out to grab the case from the woman but Sasha grabs his hand.

"Mare… why don't you disappear for a while." Tenko spoke in a calm icy tone.

Mareth didn't reply, she just vanished. The men in the warehouse became spooked and backed away from the spot Mareth had been standing.

"You don't want this heat, Sasha. Because after I kill every one of your boys… and girls. I will personally light your ass up. Just pay me what you owe or I'm taking all this shit!" Tenko growled.

Sasha frowned and said. "Nothing personal, Comrade. ubey yego!"

Tenko wasted no movements, though he didn't have his ninjatos, he always kept his shuriken on him. Tenko spun and a barrage of shuriken were thrown, ripping through their target creating a storm of raining thick crimson blood and dying wails of thunder.

But even though Tenko had massacred many men with a single attack, the thing that made Sasha nervous was the fact that Tenko had only targeted the human. Something in his gut told him that Tenko wasn't a man of coincidences.

Tenko was now surrounded by 8 werewolves and he could hear the sound of the Russian mobster outside rushing to his location. Looking around the blood-stained room, Tenko notices a man that had stepped from behind Sasha. The same man that was chiding Sasha in Russian not that long ago.

The man loosened his tie and then pulled it from his suit. He removed his glass and placed them in his coat pocket. Brushing his hair back with a hand, the man looked up and flashed crimson red eyes.

Sasha tittered and said, "This is Luka. Luka is the Alpha of the Pack we employ. Luka and his pack will kill you now."

Tenko moved with great speed and Sasha jumped back in fright, Though Sasha was not the target. Tenko snapped the arm of the girl, Fenya, who was locked to the money case. Her bone ripped through her skin, Tenko pulled her by the back of her hair and drove her lethal bones through her neck. It was a cold display of brutality.

Tenko dropped his head and his eyes were blood-red with fox slits. He then released a low roar that shook the warehouse and signaled a battle of life and death. Not far from the warehouse, Malia looked towards Tenko's direction when she heard his roar. Her eyes glowed cold steel-blue and she shifted before sprinting towards Tenko.

Tenko was now dodging strikes and ripping flesh from punk ass beta. But Tenko was as arrogant to not acknowledge their strength as a pack, proven by the force of the punches and claws mark on his body.

"Roaarr!" A beta got bold right before Tenko fell backward into a bridge and sent a killer kick right beneath the betas chin. When the beta landed on his back. His head hit the pavement and cracked his skull open.

Tenko lept to his feet and looked for Luka. The moment he found the other Alpha, a troop of men barged through the door and began to empty their magazines in Tenko's direction.

Tenko somersaulted over some crates and hid when a familiar scent his nose and the sounds of dying men reached his ears.

"Mare! Help Malia!" he shouted, catching Mareth by surprise.

"Malia?" Mareth asked under her magical cloaking spell. She was currently sitting in a chair, in the far back corner, away from the fight. Though when she started to look around, she spotted the werecoyote ripping through men in an effort to get through the door and into the room where Tenko was pint down.

Mareth raised her hands and shouted, "Mean'ah, Alos!"

Using the same spell that she used on Kate, Mareth shared the bones in the arms of the men Malia was fighting. A symphony of falling weapons hit the warehouse floor and the gun fired stopped.

Tenko immediately ran to the wall in front of him and kicked off of it, launching himself into an airborne backflip to the other side of the room. When Tenko landed he punched into a junction box and his body electrified. With five shurikens left, Tenko electrified them and threw them all at Luka.

Luka dodged one, then two. The third shuriken grazed and gave him a little shock, but he quickly dodged the fourth and fifth shurikens. Though he was to he couldn't redirect himself fast enough to stop the eclectic claws from jabbing into his chest like Chidori. The red in Luka's eyes faded to steel blue. And then those eyes reverted to human eyes. Tenko took hold of Luka's spine and ripped out a section when he pulled his hand from Luka's chest.

As Luka's body dropped, Mareth had killed the last human guard, and Malia had finally entered the room. The pack of three heaved aggressively as adrenaline pumped through their bodies.

Luka's four remaining Betas couldn't stop shaking after they watched the Alpha they feared, killed by what they thought was an electrified werewolf.

"Please man, we won't bother you ever again. Matter of fact we'll leave California altogether. You will never see or faces again." a Beta pleaded.

Malia looked at Tenko with fangs and claws dyed red with blood. "Lesson one," said Tenko.

"Werewolves don't have many cultural traditions. But they do have a traditional symbol for revenge. That is why, unless you plan to take them into your pack and reform them. You have to kill them. Because they will be back. Mare, Malia, do you feel safe with these four in our pack?"

"No" Mareth replied without a second thought.

Malia looked at the four Betas and then around the room and into the next room where she slaughtered the men that tried to kill her mate. A group of men, those four Beta were apart of. Cowering for mercy or standing tall with no remorse, Malia didn't care which, because if you attack her mate, the rules of the wild applied.

"They shouldn't be allowed to live." She said.

Mareth tilted her head with a smirk at Tenko. Tenko nodded in return. The splatter of blood could be heard as Malia sliced the throat of the first and second Beta, leaving the last two for Tenko.

Behind a crate, Sasha was sitting quietly with his hand over his mouth. He suddenly felt a hand grab him by the throat and pulled him over the crate.

Tenko drug Sasha to an outlet and said, "I told you I will kill everyone, I told you I would take your shit, and I told you, I will personally light your ass up."

"Guuuuuuh!" Sasha began to convulse and fry as Tenko feed him a steady stream of high voltage current.

Tenko then dropped Sasha's burnt corpse and whipped the dead flesh from his hand. Taking a deep breath. Tenko changed his mindset from war to love. He looked at Malia and smiled. He pulled her into a tight hug then kissed her deeply. She returned his passion with vigor and the two of them shared the taste of iron.

When they finally parted, Tenko's eyes showed a little sparkle as he looked at her. "My little brawler" he said with pride.

Malia blushed with a cheek burning smile.

"Hey! You two can romance each other later. We're kind of in the middle of what looks like mass murder." Mareth spoke out.

" Yeah, we know. We're the ones who killed them. What's your point?" Malia replied with a bit of snark. She was confused about why Mareth would interrupt her moment with Tenko.

Mareth palmed her face.

"Haha, you do remember killing people is illegal. So we can't get caught. Come on, help us pack this stuff up." Tenko told Malia.

Malia shrugged and just followed their lead. Collecting Tenko's shuriken, fur packs, the money, and a few guns that Mareth liked. Tenko and his pack then searched the rest of the warehouse and found a storage room of guns, drugs, and more money.

"Holy shit. We could start a cartel…" Tenko gasped. "But this criminal shit is kind of... dangerous," he added.

"No… What gave it away, the doublecrossing Russian mob boss, the gangster werewolf pack, or that other room full of bodies that we dropped." Mareth replied with a very unhealthy amount of sarcasm.

Tenko chuckled. " I think we should go legit," he said.

Mareth nodded with pursed lips. "Yeah, I would like that very much."

"Uhh I don't know… This was kind of fun. I like fighting with you guys. It's thrilling" Malia added nonchalantly.

Tenko just smiled as he looked at her. " My little brawler…" he repeated his early remark with redoubled pride and Malia blushed again.

D_Blackwell D_Blackwell

Believe it or not, the amount of 2,539,800 dollars took me a good five minutes to calculate. I had to get the numbers right to reflect a over a month of hunting and storing products that Tenko planned to sell.

Load failed, please RETRY

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