The yellow platform was raised to three metres high, spanning almost all the ground area in the hall. The stage was elliptical in shape, 60 metres in length, and 30 metres in breadth. It spanned an area of 1414 square metres, a large moving space.
Thanks to the depth of it, situated 3 metres below the raised yellow platform, the students had to be decisive in jumping down and climbing up, a fraction of a second delay or a single misstep could cost them their lives.
Four teams currently stood on one edge, in teams of two. Standing on the left extreme was Ashten, giving a piggyback to Jyorta. To the extreme right was Esina, carrying Haesha. To her left was Dalna Doppler, carrying Laila.
Finally, to Jyorta's right was a boy, a head taller than him, sporting a slight blush on his face. Jyorta remarked, "Are you nervous? You don't seem well."
Our first legit battle folks~!!! How do you think Jyorta and friends will fare?