The group looked at all of the other inhabitants that were down in this cellar with them and felt like even if they were to ask the others the same questions, that they would be met with the same answer.
The fact that they would rather be dead, it meant they were in a troubling place to say the least, and the feeling of the place was the same. It was hard to tell if it was the energy that was coming off from these beings or the air itself.
All were quick to notice that the air itself had some sort of energy to it.
"Hey!" Peter said, grabbing the man by the scruff of his neck. They had very loose clothing that looked like rags on them. It hardly covered their body, nor could it be used as any form of armour or such.
"Answer my other questions about Immortui and Quinn!" Peter asked again, thinking that perhaps the person didn't believe in this little threat of his.
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