Inside the tower, the entire team that was working on Quinn's armour had yet to rest. Not even for a breath of fresh air. They had no idea what was going on outside, in the tower they were unable to hear the cries of battle, or whether it had even started yet.
Regardless, in their minds, they imagined that it had already started. They imagined how many more lives would be saved if they just finished the armour a fraction of a second earlier then there was the possibility that they could save more lives.
"Hurrahh!" One of the Amra shouted in the air, and soon even more had shouted after.
Quinn quickly went over to what the Amra were cheering about, for him he had been busy setting up the crystals, getting ready to melt them down. According to Alex it would be best to use the special furnace that the Amra were using, but at the moment it was being used to melt down the special rock.
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