VOLUME 8 The Last Vampire
History that had gone on for millions of years had continually changed throughout time in the world of humans. Beasts had once existed on earth, creatures known as Werewolves had been alive during a time, and there were also the vampires.
A lot of what had happened in between those times had been lost. As to what had really occurred, there were only a few fragments of history, things written down in books which would connect things here and there, but as to the things in between…
How they were linked, how and why did the beasts leave, or why certain things happened… Well there were only a few beings that knew about everything. That knew what had truly occurred each time.
"Ray Talen… Gary D- No that's not right, it was Tai Talen… and Quinn Talen. The world certainly has gone through a lot of changes because of one crazy family, but how long can all of this last?
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