Fex was at a loss for words. He literally had his mouth open wide and had no clue what to say as he looked at Quinn. He was trying to see some sign, to see if he was joking or not, but it didn't seem to be the case at all.
"Wait Quinn, I know you weren't a vampire, so maybe you don't know, but not just anyone can become a Royal Knight!" Fex tried to explain. "The Royal Knights are selected from the leaders. The Kings' left and right-hand men. I'm not a leader, and I'm not even a knight. Don't you remember I was also banished from my own family!"
Quinn nodded along and placed his hand on Fex's shoulder. Hoping that it would calm him in some way.
"I do know, but that was under the old rule. Look, me becoming King, it wasn't exactly due to regular circumstances, and think of it this way. You were so loyal to me that you were even about to be executed, for my sake.
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