It had taken a few tries, but finally the marking had succeeded, granting Quinn control over a Dalki of all things. As soon as the red mark had appeared on its back, it had stopped all its resistances. All of its aggression, its anger, everything seemed to have seeped out, reminding him of Peter when he had just been turned. However unlike his undead friend, the creature before him was still very much alive, standing straight and awaiting instructions.
'Great, so I don't have to worry about them going crazy wild like the Marked from the trees. Now to test out a few things.' Quinn thought.
The description had stated that the User of the Branching Link Amulet could do two major things to his Marked, Control and Energy Transfer. The former was split up between Partial Control and Full Control, whereas the latter allowed the User to either enhance the Marked by sending them his energy or strengthen himself by draining them, although at least the latter case was just a temporary boost.
Golden ticket rank 1 = 8 Chapter mass release
Golden ticket rank 2 = 6 Chapter mass release
9 days left until the end of the month :)
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