'I hope the soldiers went easy on the Cursed group. I don't need any of their blood on my hands right now. Not unless we are underground and there is plausible deniability at least.' Colonel Longblade thought as he left his office in the main base Shelter in the morning to enjoy the nice day.
'Besides, I should even thank them for getting rid of Innu. I always knew his own incompetence would be the end of him one day, just never thought it would be like this. It's a bit strange that they still haven't made an announcement about it yet. Could there be something else going on? Although it doesn't matter since news has already spread around this base.'
Until his scout teams returned from the tunnels to report back there was not much else to do for the military leader, so he decided to visit a certain place. One of his favourite pastimes was to head down to the AR field.
MAss release goal = 8 Chapter mass release
OKay, i'm finally in a place where i can sit down and write and not in a car.
JUst in time for the mass release :)
Your reward for all your tickets!
Let;s do the same next month!
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