Inside the Shelter itself, Fex, Linda and Wevil had decided to head inside. At the moment, Fex was continuing his investigation into what had happened to those that had gone missing. Linda and Wevil had agreed to come along to see if they could help. While, Peter and Layla had remained outside, still helping out all around the Shelter.
The Shelter was pretty large, but they could always communicate with each other through the masks if anything happened. Besides, according to the information they had learnt from Ko, an attack from the beasts wouldn't happen for a while now.
There were only a few people out of those that returned that could still speak. Still, so far, not a single one could remember anything. Until he had managed to come across one person whose mark had hardly developed at all. A young male with a scruffy beard and messy hair.
"I do remember a few things." He said. "I remember we were being led somewhere. I think we were in a group being taken away."
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