A desperate call was made to Quinn, but Chucky was unsure if it had gone through or not. He was too panicked and just shouted a message down his receiver, hoping it would go through and Quinn would know what to do because if someone didn't step in to stop what was happening, there would be a dead student on the canteen floor.
If this was to happen, Chucky truthfully didn't know how the Cursed faction would recover from such a thing.
He knew that Quinn was making great efforts to convince others that the Cursed faction was the right place to be, but once this got out, that the Cursed had sent their own men in the school under disguise and ended up killing a student. No one would want to join a group like that.
Grabbing the black balls around his belt, Chucky threw them, aiming for Sil's legs.
'I'm sorry, Sil! But my job is to protect you, and this might hurt a little!'
Sorry abotu the chapter memss up, it;s all fixed so if you are confused read 1003 and it should all be fine
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