Some of them had closed their eyes for just a second and when they opened them, the whole scene had changed. It seemed so out of the blue, so unexpected. Hilston had been calm, talking the whole time to them all. Did Duke sound rude when he spoke up? Sure, but usually one would argue for some time or have some type of disagreement before it led to this
Those watching never thought Hilston would result in killing Duke.
Although Quinn wanted to be the one to kill Duke and thought he had gotten what he deserved, Quinn felt like they now had something bigger to worry about.
'He killed him, just like that? In front of everyone, what's going to happen now?' He thought.
Just as expected, that single action had soon caused a chain reaction of events. The ground was lifted where Hilston was standing, two large walls holding and trapping him in place, soon after Oscar had swung his sword and activated the first skill.
I am officially no longer single and married.
Anyway, i still wanted to give you guys at least one chapter even if late enjoy
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