Once again, as soon as one of the big three had seen Quinn's ability, the mention of the Blade family was raised. No longer could Quinn keep this as a simple coincidence, but his search so far had resulted in no solution.
If the Blade family was well known, when Quinn had announced he was being protected by them, the whole world should have known about them. Yet neither the Crow faction leader nor the Eagles had ever heard of the Blade family before.
It seemed like the only ones that knew anything, were those from the Graylash family and those that worked for the Sunshields.
"You probably think we're going to let you go, let you retreat now we know who has your back, huh?" The squad leader said. "But the orders have changed. Even if you were a Blade yourself, we will be going against you. This is war!"
With that, the ten of them charged in. There were thirty or so men on Quinn's side, but the opponents were confident in their fighting abilities.
The two chapter realsied today together Hope you enjoy.
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