When Linda had seen her chest piece crack, she knew straight away the mistake they had made. It was impossible for a king tier beast to damage emperor tier armour. The only thing that could, would be emperor tier and above.
This was what had tipped her off in an instant.
'The scout team, they must have made a mistake, when they had only engaged the red beast. Because they look so similar, they had just assumed.' Linda thought. 'I swear, when I get back there will be some heads rolling due to this screw up!'
After informing everyone of what was now in front of them, the group listened and left immediately, including those that were over at area two. Every time one would face a new tier of beast, there would be a significant increase in power.
This wasn't something C and D ranks could handle. They had seen the strength of a king tier and without Linda, even that would have been too much for them. So obediently, they had left the cave as ordered.
Third chapter of the day,
and i will be returning with three more chapters tommrow :)
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