There was no shouting, no crying, no shaking, nothing. All that could be heard was silence as the two girls remained together in the room. Cia was doing her best to avoid eye contact, and Layla just didn't know what was going through her mind right now.
She had just finished telling Cia everything about herself, as well as her.
How she didn't know much about Cia's past but that both of them used to work for the terrorist organisation, known as Pure. She even later revealed the fact that Layla had broken off from the group and was now no longer a part of them.
Hearing all of this, Cia didn't really know how to react. When learning about herself, she didn't really know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this. On top of it all, even though Layla was telling her all these things and she believed it, it still didn't feel real.
Sory for not producing the two chapters yetserday that were menat to be done, im goign to try catch up, if I cant will do a mass release at some point. to make up for these extrs chapters.
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