After hearing the words come out from the boy's mouth. Edward couldn't keep his own closed, it was left wide open as his mind was slowly processing everything that was happening.
"I'm-mmm sorry, do you mind repeating that?" Edward asked, stuttering his words and fumbling over them.
"Are you deaf, old man?" Peter said. "He said he is the tenth leader."
At any moment, Edward wanted to be woken up from this nightmare. The tenth leader was a mere vampire noble, and not just that, but his strength was nowhere near that of an actual leader.
Although he didn't want to believe it, now things were starting to make logical sense in his mind. Now he understood why the castle had lit up and when he entered why he saw these two. The castle had to be reacting to the very child in front of him.
"Oh Vincent, what have you done?" Edward mumbled.
Double chapters. I want to try get two chapters out at this time every day, but no confirmation yet, will see how it goes tommrow.
thank you for everyone who is supporting.