Just like the times before, the evolution process had begun, and a shooting pain was felt throughout Quinn's body. At the moment, he couldn't move as it was due to his stamina issues and now it was even worse, as a strong sensation spread through his body. All of his muscles were cramped and felt tensed up. His body felt so tight it was as if his very own muscles were trying to strangle his own body.
'Damn, this is bad!' Quinn thought. If a beast was to come now, there would be no chance he could fight back. He would be killed in the middle of the evolving process.
His body continued to spasm, and Quinn tried to focus his mind to concentrate. Perhaps he could use the mediating method he did for his Qi. However, he soon found out that it was almost impossible for him to focus with the amount of pain he was going through.
Hey guys, as said before chapters coming out when I can until the 22nd when they will be back to three chapters a day.
Hope you enjoy this one, only two more days and back to normal
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