The huge dent that could be seen in the shutter was worrying everyone. It was clear that it was the doing of a single creature, and the sudden stop in the Wendigo's noise also made it apparent there was something far stronger than them in there.
"Over here!" Quinn said, deciding that they had to make a choice, left tunnel or right tunnel. No one cared as long as they could get away from whatever was about to chase after them.
The entire group had entered the left tunnel, but none of them was as fast as Quinn himself, and he was trying his best to hold back his speed for the others. The only one that could keep up a little was Vorden. He always had been naturally athletic, and it seemed like his long legs helped him greatly in this situation.
Then Cia, who was falling behind the others, suddenly felt a rock caught on her foot as she tripped and fell to the ground.
"Come on!" Layla said, lending a hand picking her up off the ground.
The third chapter of the day.
Sorry this is relly late, but will see you all tomorrow with three new chapters.