It was early morning, and it was finally time for school to start up again. The students would be attending their final term and preparing for the exams ahead before enjoying their summer break. This meant the teachers no longer had much to do, and this included general Nathan, who was in charge of the first-year students.
He was in a chirpy mood as he entered the office, with a hop in each step and whistling a tune. Usually, Mondays would be the worst for most people, but it was the start of something new for him.
Although, their military base had failed at securing the first position and becoming winners of the base event. They had been praised for at least not coming in last. Not only that but Oscar, the supreme commander, had complimented them for how much improvement they had compared to the previous year. He stated he would be coming over the summer when the students weren't present to congratulate everyone.
Third chapter of the day.
So i got a qoute for creating the webtoon, with artwork at solo levelling Quaility and it looks like its going to cost about 1k per chapter.
I will be paying for this out of my own back pocket. So if you can it would be great if you can support the patreon. A roller form all of you will quickly go a long way, and we can get more chapters faster.
Thank you to everyone who has supported so far as well, you are the best! if you can't support on patreon don't worry, just reading on here is support enugh :)
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