Arriving at the arena, Silver felt better than she had done in a while. It had been a long month and a bit spent at the academy military base. She wished to return home but would never do so until she had completed her task.
Now that it felt like she was drawing close, her mood was starting to change. As she left the hotel room to head outside she passed many of the students she had taught.
"I hope you have a good day miss."
"Stay Safe."
"I wish I look as pretty as her when I grow up."
The students couldn't help but praise Miss Silver. Although she had been strict in class her lessons were quite knowledgeable. Her lessons were also enjoyable as it seemed like when Silver taught, she had no filter. When speaking she would never sugarcoat her words like the other teachers.
Chapter a little later than usual, I had trouble sleeping last night.
Don't worry will still be getting three Chapters as usual.
Really enjoying writing again.