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34.61% Into the World of Bleach / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: The Lieutenants Meeting

Chương 18: Chapter 18: The Lieutenants Meeting

AN: Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well.

Updates for the story are coming fairly steady/fast to my surprise. I have a document where I write down my ideas for the story and I have (for the most part) the overall picture of where I want the story to head. As for the small details and things in between I sort of just sit and write and write off the top of my head. Then I leave for a bit and re-read and think how to progress the chapter into the next one and I sit down and write again. After finishing a few chapters I wait several days to think about what was written and sometimes new ideas of how something should progress in the story comes to mind so I change things here and there. When I hit sort of a writers block on how to proceed with a chapter I actually just work out. I don't know why but working out and exercising just helps to clear my mind and come up with new ideas.

BTW, how do you guys feel about Mature Content/Scenes? (Though I've never written one before so...can't say it'd be good if I do)

As always, thanks for your continued support!

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 18

"Hiya!" "Heya!"

"Ha!" "Hua!"


The sound of Rukia's voice echoed from the training ground just outside of Kishin's office as he sat at his desk looking through paperwork that he had to sign off on to ensure that the division could continue to run smoothly. The large sliding door that led to the training ground was left open so he could occasionally monitor Rukia's training progress, however at the moment he had nothing to say. She had wholeheartedly dedicated herself to training and improving her basic forms in Zanjutsu. It had already been a week since they began. If he had something to comment on then it would be how the facial expression she made every time she swung her sword looked pained and anguished. No doubt training with the sword continuously reminded her of Kaien and the time when Kaien trained her in Zanjutsu.

Just as he was looking over the next piece of documents his fingertips slightly twitched when he felt Yushiro's reiatsu near his quarters.

What's he doing here?

Then it hit him. A lightbulb clicked in his head as he had totally forgotten about returning the Tenshintai. It was then the loud sounds of Yushiro's running footsteps could be heard before he appeared right in front of the room huffing and panting.

Huff. Huff. Huff.

"Kishin...huff...didn't you say that you were going to return that Tenshintai thing before the deadline?!"

Kishin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he guiltily replied, "Ha...Hahaha, right. Sorry, I forgot."

"What?! You forgot?! I could get into major trouble you know!"

Kishin just awkwardly smiled and snapped his fingers causing the Tenshintai to manifest out from his earring.

"I know I know. So much happened all at once that it slipped my mind." He then pointed to the stacks of paper on his desk and continued, "See? This is all the bothersome work I have to do now. Besides, don't you still have time to return it? You rented it out for a week and a half right?"

Yushiro pointed accusingly at him and replied, "That may be so, but it's been a week and a half of a half! I have to return it by tomorrow you know! If I didn't come looking for you then you probably would have never remembered to return it."

Kishin once more could only awkwardly scratch the side of his cheek. "Yeah yeah...I apologize. I admit I'm at fault, but look on the bright side."

"What bright side?"

"Heh, the deadline isn't up yet so technically you won't get in trouble."

Yushiro's jaw just dropped in disbelief as he silently mumbled to himself, "And you say I'm childish."

Kishin just waved his hand. "Alright. Well you can have it back. I'm done with it."

Yushiro raised his eyebrow with curiosity. "Really? You're done using it? What was its use anyway?"

"Haha, if you really want to know then ask one of the Onmitsukido members tasked with keeping inventory in the weapon barracks."

Yushiro could only stare at Kishin with suspicion in his eyes but in the end he just shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. Have it your way. I'll find out either way." Yushiro picked up the Tenshintai and just as he was about to head out, he paused in his step recalling the second reason why he had stopped by. He quickly pointed his thumbs up and amiably commented, "Ah! Right, I forgot. Congratulations on becoming a Lieutenant Kishin!"

He simply nodded in response as he watched Yushiro disappear from his sight. Once more he stared at the pile of paperwork on his desk and sighed. "Haaah...what a bothersome thing to do." He cracked his knuckles and went right back to reading, writing, and signing off on documents. It wasn't until a couple of hours later when he had finally finished. He worked nonstop without food or rest just to get all of the tedious paperwork out of the way. Due to his efforts he had completely finished all the work that was piled up for both his duties as the Lieutenant and the work that was supposed to be overseen by Ukitake. By now his mind was empty and exhausted so he laid his head down on the wooden table.

"Why did I become Lieutenant again?" He mumbled lamentingly to himself. After taking a moment to rest he turned his attention back to the training ground just outside the door. Rukia's loud shouting when swinging her katana echoed across the field and into his ears. Her voice was unknowingly soothing to him. His mental exhaustion was already beginning to lighten. He watched as Rukia continued to practice the basic Zanjutsu forms. The sleeves of her shihakusho were rolled up to her elbows and her hair was tied into a low ponytail style to keep it from getting in the way, save for a few loose strands that managed to come loose and fall down by her right eye. Her breathing was a bit uneven from all the work she was putting in, but she didn't stop nonetheless nor did she slow down.

He watched her thrust her sword in a forward piercing motion before retracting it back to her side. Her clothes began to stick to her body from the sweat produced from her workout. It was completely ruffled at this point making her look incredibly disheveled, but Kishin couldn't help staring in a trance. To him, it was like he was watching a small bunny swinging a wooden stick around. It was a bit comical, but in a good way. He also took note of the frustrated and pained facial expression she was unknowingly making. Once more he was sure that the cause was because she was still haunted by the death of Kaien.

Rukia. What do I need to do so you stop hurting…

In the end he couldn't help himself from leaving her alone so he silently strode over making his way directly behind her. Rukia was completely lost in her own little world and didn't register his presence as she pulled back her Zanpakuto. It was then that she accidentally bumped into him.


She was about to turn around when she felt Kishin place his hands over hers. His action also forced their bodies to press up against one another entrapping her between his arms.

"Kishin? What are yo-"

"Here Rukia." He cut her off. His hands slowly guided her sword closer to the side of her body which in turn brought her even closer to his. He bent his head a little lower and spoke softly by her ear. "Like this."

Rukia couldn't help feeling self conscious at their current position. If anyone else saw them when looking on from the outside without any context of the situation, they could only interpret the scene as Kishin embracing her gently from behind. Her face no longer had a pained expression, but rather it burned crimson red from a myriad of different emotions. She didn't dare look up at him at this moment and simply let him guide her body.

"K-Kishin...I can do it myself." Her voice slightly trembled sounding almost like a small whimper. It only made him want to tease her more, so he did. He squeezed his hands a little tighter around her own smooth tinier ones.

"How does this feel?" He softly breathed out almost seductively.

Rukia couldn't answer him. She couldn't think straight. Her mind was currently plagued by the image of him embracing her from behind. She could only think about how large his hands were compared to hers. Her breathing was already quite winded before when practicing her sword skills, but it was nothing compared to how rapid her breathing had become in this moment.

Kishin's eyes unknowingly wavered. He felt a slow burning sensation course through him when he heard how heavy Rukia's breathing had become beneath him. His own breathing began to involuntarily quicken. He bit the bottom of his lip trying to keep himself together and began to slowly move her hands into a striking position. He placed his feet beside both of hers to correct her stance and brought his left hand down to her small tiny waist. Rukia's entire body shook when she felt his hand on her side. An odd but pleasurable tingling sensation ran from the tip of her scalp and down to her very toes. She couldn't move or do anything. She had no idea what was going on with herself. The driving force of her internal turmoil was that she knew she should move or push him away, but even more than that...she really didn't want to. She liked how close they were, and right now she was completely at his mercy.

Kishin fought his own internal battle. He instantly regretted grasping her waist because it became ten times harder not to let his imagination go wild. He had only wanted to tease her a bit and stop her from making such a sad expression, but now he wasn't sure if it was such a good idea. He had effectively backed himself into a corner. He closed his eyes doing his best to keep calm and shifted her body into the proper posture.

"Remember the motion." He struggled to breath out as he guided her sword to perform a perfect forward thrust. The ending stance forced his chiseled chest to completely press down on her small warm back. The smell of Rukia's sweet scent mixed with her sweat drove him mad. His heart rate quickened and he felt his lower half beginning to react. His hormones started to run a bit rampant.

Rukia was no different. There was no way she was remembering anything about the corrected sword form Kishin was helping her with. She tried to tell herself that Kishin was only demonstrating the correct way to perform the sword strike. She tried to force the image of Kishin being the little kid who she taught and played with all those years ago into her mind, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't see him as a kid anymore. Especially not in their current predicament. Several long seconds passed by between them until Kishin exhaled her name in a soft and desperate exasperated breath.


Him calling her name brought her back to reality so she immediately distanced herself from him and turned around to face him, however she kept her gaze on the ground and responded, "Y-Yeah?"

Kishin licked his lips and took a step towards her to which she responded by taking a step back. He cocked his head to the side and grinned at her reaction taking several more steps forward, but Rukia responded by taking several steps back. The distance between them didn't change. In the end he gave up, but he was secretly thankful that she kept her distance and didn't look at him because he just now noticed the large tent forming below his body.

He gave a hesitant cough and said, "Ahem. So senpai, did you commit it to memory?"

"Commit what to memory?" She nervously replied.

"The sword form."

She awkwardly shifted in place and quickly nodded her head. "Y-Yeah. I mean yes! Of course! I got it."


"Mhm. No problem."

After buying himself a little time he let out a deep breath in relief, finally managing to calm his raging hormones and mentally cursed himself for nearly losing control. Had Rukia not distanced herself from his body when she did then she would have definitely noticed how turned on he was. He didn't know if he would have been able to properly explain to her what was going on with him then. In the end he cleared his throat and stretched out his arm ruffling her hair. The tension in the air finally dissipated.

Rukia pouted and slapped his hands away, finally gaining the courage to meet his gaze. "Stop that. I'm not a kid you know."

Kishin just smirked back with a hidden meaning in his response. "Neither am I."

"Hmpf. You should show me some more respect. I was once your teacher you know."

"Oh? But I do show you respect. I still call you Rukia-senpai from time to time don't I? In fact, I hold the higher status now. Shouldn't it be you showing me some respect?"

She clicked her tongue and folded her arms. "You interrupted my training."

"Hahaha, I had to correct your form. Bad training is worse than no training."

Rukia let out a sigh in defeat as she couldn't argue with his statement, but the memory of how he corrected her posture earlier replayed in her mind causing her to blush. There was no way she remembered the corrected form when the only thing she could recall was the warmth of his body and the loud rapid beating of his heart. Her own heart skipped a beat at that last realization.

Wait...why was his heart beating so fast?

Kishin took note of her silence so he waved his hands in front of her. "How about you take a break from training today?"

She glanced up at him in confusion. "Why? I haven't even made it through half of the forms today."

"It's fine. I can't stay to watch over the rest of your training today anyways."

"Why not?"

"I need to attend a Lieutenant's meeting."

"Oh? The other Lieutenants are gathering today?"

"Yeah, Rangiku sent out invitations."

Rukia raised her eyebrow in curiosity at his comment. "I didn't know you were on a first name basis with Lieutenant Matsumoto."

Kishin was momentarily caught off guard by her statement. "Senpai, are you by any chance...jealous?"

"I-I am not! That's not why I said that!"

He just grinned at her reaction. No doubt she didn't make that comment due to jealousy, rather it was because she was actually curious. But after she heard Kishin's comment she couldn't help thinking whether or not she'd be jealous over something like that. She wasn't exactly sure how to gauge the level of relationship she had with Kishin. Was it a division member to Lieutenant relationship? Acquaintance level? Friendship level? Close friends level? Student to teacher level? She didn't want to entertain the thought of the nature of their relationship being anything more intimate than these levels. She didn't know if she could handle the strain on her heart.

Kishin had quickly disappeared before blurring back by her side with a cold water bottle and handed it to her which she gladly accepted. He watched her gulp down the cool water before he quickly tore his gaze away to mentally scold himself.

Stop it Kishin. I'm better than this.

It was then his attention was brought back to her as she let out a satisfied gasp after rehydrating. She gave him a beaming smile and said appreciatively, "Thanks! I really needed that."

His eyes involuntarily widened. He felt a hard thumping pound in his chest as one singular thought crossed his mind.


Rukia cocked her head to the side in curiosity as she noted his silent and stunned expression. "Kishin?"

He felt his cheeks burn up in embarrassment having no idea what came over him. He quickly turned to look away from her and awkwardly gave a light cough. "Ahem, you're welcome."

She stared at him suspiciously wondering why he was behaving so oddly, but in the end she simply shrugged her shoulders. "So, you were saying that there was a Lieutenants meeting right? Have you met the other Lieutenants?"

His expression finally returned to normal as he responded, "Well, now that you mention it I haven't. I only really know the Lieutenants of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 12th divisions."

Rukia nodded her head. "I see. If I'm not wrong they're Marechiyo Omaeda, Izuru Kira, Kotetsu Isane, Matsumoto Rangiku, and Kurotsuchi Nemu right?"

Kishin just smiled and clapped his hands in praise. "Ohhh! Nice senpai, you got it right!"

The hidden sarcasm in his words caused her to glare at him.

"Senpai, you'll burn a hole through my chest if you stare at me like that."

Rukia just crossed her arms and huffed. "Hmpf. Then hurry up and burn."

"Hahaha, don't be like that. I'm sorry if I wronged you in anyway."

She just let out a defeated sigh. She didn't know why, but no matter how hard she tried she could never bring herself to actually be angry at him.

"By the way senpai, who are the other Lieutenants again?"

Rukia gave him a look of disbelief. "You...aren't seriously asking that right?"

Kishin just grinned in response. "I'm giving you a pop quiz."

"What for?"

"I'll give you a reward if you get it right."

"Reward? But…" she gave him a suspicious glance, "isn't a quiz like naming the other Lieutenants a bit too easy for a pop quiz?"

"Then you'll take it?"

"What are you scheming?"

"I'm not. I'll really give you a reward if you can name the other Lieutenants."

"I don't know..." She responded with hesitance.

Kishin just gave her an innocent smile. "Aren't you even a little curious as to what the reward could be?"

Rukia hated to admit it, but she had MAYBE just the HINT of curiosity. In the end she conceded. "Ahem. Then...the 1st division's Lieutenant is Sasakibe Chojiro, the 5th's is Hinamori Momo, the 6th's is Abarai Renji, the 7th's is Tetsuzaemon Iba, the 8th's is Ise Nanao, the 9th's is Shuhei Hisagi, and the 11th's is Kusajishi Yachiru."

Kishin smirked in triumph. "Congratulations, you pass."

"Of course I did. So, what's the reward?"

He bent down so their eyes were level and amiably replied, "Here, you can kiss my cheek."


"Ow!" He exclaimed while rubbing his head where she hit him. "Senpai, you're really strong when you want to be…"

Rukia didn't dare to look at him as she silently grumbled to herself. "Should've known it was just another prank."

Kishin just grinned at her reaction and asked, "Do you know what they're like?"

Rukia shook her head. "Not really. I haven't had the chance to interact with most of them."

He raised his eyebrow a bit in curiosity and ventured to ask, "What about Renji?"

His question caused her to slightly frown and shift uncomfortably in place. "What about Renji?" She responded with a soft voice

"Well...I heard you two were...close?"

She furrowed her brow and wanted to respond, but she didn't know what to say.

Kishin frowned at her silence and patted her head. "Fine. You don't have to say anything. I get it."

She carefully looked up and noted his sour facial expression. She didn't know why but she felt like she needed to apologize. "Sorry. I just don't know what to really say."

He just let out a sigh. "Do you like him?"

His question startled her and came completely out of left field. Now she really didn't know what to say.

"What exactly are you implying? I don't see how that is relevant."

"So you do like him."

She immediately shook her head and swatted his hand away from the top of her head. "Of course I like him. Renji is a very close friend of mine. We grew up together in Rukongai, it's just...in the past couple of decades we haven't really spoken to each other. I was adopted into the Kuchiki Clan and had a lot of responsibilities to uphold so..."

He stared her in the eyes momentarily trying to see within the depths of her gaze, but ended up not gleaning much. "So...you like him…as a friend?" His lips involuntarily curled into a slight smile near the end.

Rukia pouted a bit, having no idea what was going through his head and wondered why he asked something like that.

"What's with you…" She silently grumbled.

He just gave her a gentle look and poked her cheek. "Fine. I won't pry."

Her puffed out cheeks instantly deflated from his action. She felt both embarrassed and warm from him suddenly poking her so she lightly covered her cheek where he had touched. She couldn't help the involuntary smile that graced her lips. Ever since she became a Shinigami she had experienced many ups and downs. Mostly downs if she had to count. She was adopted into the Kuchiki Clan which was both a great honor and a burden. She began to build a wall around her ever since and started to see less and less of her friends until she no longer met or talked with any of them at all. She began to smile and laugh less and less and she unknowingly built a cool, graceful, and lonely exterior. She became isolated. It especially got bad when Kaien had died. That is, until she met Kishin. Even from their very first meeting back when he was a kid she always felt free with him.

Kishin just let out a tired yawn, but was unable to sleep due to the Lieutenants meeting that was about to take place. Just as he was walking away, Rukia called out to him. "Is it time already?"

He yawned again and nodded. "Pretty much."

A saddened look flashed past her eyes. "Then...I won't keep you."

He paused and turned to look at her. A soft smile graced his lips. "Sorry Rukia."

She simply shook her head and sheathed her katana. The realization that Kishin held a higher position than she did came back to hit her in this moment so she mentally scolded herself for being so careless as to not address him with his title.

"It's fine. I'll head out first...Lieutenant."

When the word Lieutenant rolled off of her tongue she couldn't help but feel internally conflicted at how distant it made her and Kishin seem.

Kishin however, just waved his hand uninterestedly. "It's fine Rukia. Just address me like you always have. I'm not a stickler on the whole formality thing."

She gave him an unassured and awkward glance as she inquired, "But...last week when we talked, didn't you flick me on the forehead saying how you were the Lieutenant now? Wasn't it because you wanted me to address you by that title?"

Kishin raised his arms to stretch his back and lazily replied, "That's because I was trying to get a point across to you at the time. You can go back to addressing me as usual. Besides, you were doing just that a few moments ago."

Rukia silently thought about his words for a few moments before just smiling and nodding. His actions reminded her of how lax Kaien was about the whole formality thing as well. "Okay, Kishin. Then I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded and quietly watched her disappear into the distance feeling a bit relieved and a bit disappointed.

"What am I going to do with you…" He whispered beneath his breath.

It didn't take him long before he reached outside the entrance of the 10th division grounds. Apparently Rangiku had offered to host the meeting in the backyard of the 10th division quarters. He placed a vanilla flavored reigar between his lips lighting it with a small red kido flame from the tip of his finger before stepping inside, however the moment he stepped foot into the division he crossed paths with a familiar looking short white haired person.

"Eh? Toshiro?"

Toshiro halted and turned to look at who had addressed him so informally, however he could only frown as he didn't recognize the person standing before him. "Who are you? And it's not Toshiro. It's Captain Hitsugaya."

A moment of silence hung in the air between them before Kishin bursted out laughing. "Ha-Hahaha!"

A thick vein popped on Toshiro's forehead at Kishin's reaction. "Oi! What's so funny? You should show some respect to a Ca-"

Toshiro cut himself off and furrowed his brow in confusion. The reiatsu he felt was too familiar, so familiar in fact that he couldn't mistaken it, however it was coming off of the person who stood right before him. In the end he ventured a guess.


Kishin smirked when he heard his name being called and wiped away the tears that fell from the corner of his eyes. "Yo!"

Toshiro's jaw just dropped in disbelief. He could only stare at Kishin with his eyes wide open having no idea what to say. He was having trouble believing what he saw in front of him. It was a much much taller Kishin. They hadn't seen each other in the past few years for various reasons. Mostly because they were both extremely busy. He was sure Kishin was busy doing who knows what, but he was extremely busy integrating in his new role as the 10th division Captain. Even so, he never could have imagined that the next time they met that Kishin would have grown to his current height.

Kishin just waved his hand in front of Toshiro's shocked face and commented, "You'll catch flies if you don't shut your mouth."

"You-...But how...why are you-...it can't be…right?"

Kishin just raised his eyebrow seemingly amused. "You're mixing your sentences. Speak properly or I can't understand you."

Toshiro just pointed at him accusingly. "This is impossible! How did you grow so much? Even if you were taller than me before it's impossible for you to grow so much in such a short amount of time! It's only been 4 years since we last saw each other!"

"What can I say? I guess my growth spurt came faster than expected."

"You liar! I knew you were keeping secrets from me since the last time we spoke. What is this witchcraft!"

"Hahaha! What are you going on about?"

"There's only one possibility in which you could have grown as fast as you did."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"You sold your soul to the devil!"

"Ha! Hahaha! Toshiro, I think you're losing it."

"Don't lie to me Kishin! There's no way you grew this tall naturally. If that were the case then there's no way I'd be shorter than you!"

"Are you implying that you'd grow up to be taller than me someday?"

"Isn't that obvious? Haven't you heard that the longer it takes for a flower to bloom the more beautiful it'll be once it does?"

"Oi oi, your analogy sucks. You're seriously comparing yourself to a flower right now? Besides, doesn't that refer to your beauty and not your height?"

"What does it matter? It works the same. I may be short now but once I hit my growth spurt I'll be taller than anyone."

"Sure sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Wait, we're getting off topic. You haven't answered my question."

"What question."

Toshiro narrowed his eyes in focus as a serious look shadowed over his face. "What is the secret behind your growth?"

Kishin gave a toothy grin and held out a bottle high in the air.

"Vitamin C!"

Instantly the pill bottle disappeared from Kishin's hand as Toshiro had utilized his fastest Shunpo to steal it. "You liar! I'll get to the bottom of this right now!" He glanced at the label and read aloud, "Shinigami Conversion Growth Factor pills. What...What is this?"

Kishin just stared at his empty hand for a moment and blinked in amusement. "Uhh...Toshiro, are you by chance addicted to drugs?"

Once again a thick vein appeared on Toshiro's forehead in annoyance. "Me?! You're the one who pulled this out."

"Hahaha, really? Then why is it in your hands?"

Toshiro just ignored Kishin as he read the label of the pill bottle. "I see. So this is the secret behind your growth. By taking this pill it allows your body to grow like a human body. Then...if you've been taking it for the past few years it would make sense why your height is so tall now."

"Done reading?"

Toshiro glared at him before opening the bottle. "Hmpf. Seeing as how you're my friend I should make sure that this drug isn't dangerous."

Just as he was about to consume a handful of pills at once, Kishin widened his eyes in shock at his extreme action and immediately gripped his arm to stop him. "Oi, are you crazy?"

Toshiro simply smirked. "Why'd you stop me? Afraid I'd grow taller than you in one go?"

Kishin finally let out a defeated sigh as he had enough messing around with him. "You can't just eat them all in one go. It's supposed to be one before bed and one when you wake up. Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Toshiro simply grinned in response. "So that's how it is. Where the hell did you get yourself such a miraculous drug?"

Kishin couldn't help but smile at Toshiro's comment. "Miraculous drug you say? Weren't you accusing me of selling my soul to the devil?"

Toshiro just shrugged his shoulders. "I did, but then again it's highly unlikely. You're the one who'd have the devil hooked around your finger, not the other way around."

"Nice to know you think so grimly of me."

"Don't lie. You thought I complimented you just now."

"You seriously haven't heard of these?"

Toshiro simply shook his head. "Let me guess. A creation of the R&D department. Captain Kurotsuchi is crazy. I don't make it a habit to know everything that comes out of that lab."

"Then, are you going to hand back my pills?"

A deathly silence loomed in the air before Toshiro gave a mischievous grin and downed a pill. Kishin was momentarily shocked at his actions and was just about to say something when he heard Toshiro comment, "I've gotta go, it was nice seeing you!"


Toshiro immediately dashed off. Kishin could only watch as he shouted towards his back. "Where are you going?!"

"I took a pill. I'm going to sleep!"

In the end Kishin remained awkwardly standing in the same spot greatly bemused.

"He just took my pills? No class at all." He mumbled to himself. It was then he felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned around to see who it was he simply grinned and greeted, "Yo, Rangiku-san."

Rangiku remained silent for several minutes as she just stared at Kishin's face. She circled around him a few times and pulled on his arms. Tapped his chest, poked shoulder, and patted his back before returning to face him in front and asked, "You...are very familiar. Have we met before? I never forget a handsome face, especially one as handsome as yours, but...who are you?"

He just gave her a smile and bent down slightly so their eyes were level with one another. In less than a few seconds after their eyes met Rangiku immediately knew who he was.

"N-No way! Kishin-kun?"

"Hahaha, the one and only. I've been getting that reaction a lot."

"W-Well no wonder why. I mean...look at you! You've grown so much in such a short amount of time. I mean it's only been like 5 years since I last saw you and back then you were a little kid."

"Time flies right?"

Rangiku gave Kishin a suspicious stare as she responded, "Time flies, but not that fast."

"Well, you can ask Toshiro about it next time you see him."

"Eh? The Captain? Why? Oh, where is he anyways?"

"He went to sleep."

"Sleep? What the...it's still too early for that. What about his work? Why'd he go to sleep all of a sudden?"

"Haha...like I said, you can ask him when you see him next."

"Haaah...that's odd. Of all days too...Well, whatever. The party is starting soon!"

Kishin tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Party? Don't you mean meeting?"

Rangiku simply winked and laced her arm around his. "Well Kishin-kun, how about you escort this beautiful lady to the party?"

He grinned in amusement playing along. "It'd be my pleasure to escort a beautiful lady such as yourself."

She slightly pouted at his response. "Aren't you nervous?"

"Hm? Should I be?"

"Haaah...here you have such a beautiful lady leaning on your arm and you're still so calm and confident. You know, everyone I've pulled this trick on gets flustered. All except you."

Kishin smiled as a mischievous glint flashed in his eyes. He leaned down to her ear and whispered softly, "Would you like to see the source of my confidence?"

Her face immediately flushed bright red as she immediately released his arm in embarrassment, however before she could move too far away he linked their arms once more keeping them hooked together. "What's wrong? I already promised to escort you, fair lady. Please allow me to do my part."

His words and actions didn't help alleviate Rangiku's flushed face one bit as she simply let him do as he pleased and mumbled, "You're no fun to tease…"

Kishin just let out a light chuckle. "Hahaha, well on the bright side I think you're very fun to tease. Rangiku-san."

As they continued walking through the division grounds for several minutes Rangiku finally calmed down her emotions, but even if that was the case she had another emotion coursing through her mind right now. Confusion. By now they had passed by the same building twice already. They were going in circles. While their arms were still linked she couldn't help but look up and ask, "Errr...Kishin, you do know where we're supposed to go right?"

He halted his step and answered her with confidence. "Nope. I have no idea where we're supposed to meet."

The sound of crickets could be heard in the silence that filled the air between them at that moment. Then, several seconds later Rangiku bursted out laughing in shock. Then she laughed in amusement and started slapping Kishin's arm involuntarily. "Ha! Hahahaha! Pahahaha! Oh god! Hahaha! You-Hahaha! All this time you-Hahaha! This is too much! Hahaha!"

She laughed and laughed feeling her abs begin to ache, her lungs heaved desperately for air. Kishin just awkwardly but confidently rubbed the back of his head unashamedly. Finally Rangiku had calmed down and wiped away the tears that fell from her eyes.

"Pheeeew...Jeez. Why didn't you say anything if you didn't know where we were supposed to go?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. "I was trying to be a proper escort. So, how'd I do?"

Rangiku could only shake her head in amusement. "Even though you failed miserably to get us to the designated site," she gave him a wink before continuing, "I'll give you a pass since you're really interesting."

Kishin just gave her a toothy grin in response as she pulled him to where they actually needed to go. A few minutes later and they had arrived behind a large white colored building with neat wood furnishings on the outside. A long wooden platform circled around the building for people to walk on. A neatly cut grassy area was situated in the back with a long rectangular table set up outside. Some chairs were stationed around the table and on top of the table were several grills that were currently heated with hot coal underneath. Around the grills were different cuts of meat and vegetables. A giant cooler was situated at both ends of the table filled with ice and alcohol.

Every Lieutenant from each division had already arrived. They were currently standing around amiably chatting away as they waited for the host to show up, which of course was Rangiku. They were the last to show up for obvious reasons. The second they stepped into the back their presence was made known from Rangiku's loud entrance.

"Everyone! Hello! We're here!"

Everyone turned their attention over and also greeted back.

Renji clicked his tongue and commented, "Tch. Oi, Matsumoto. You're the host aren't you? How could you show up so late?"

Rangiku just lightly waved him off. "Don't be like that Abarai," she gave him a wink and teasingly continued, "how about I give you a kiss to make it up to you?"

Renji's face instantly heated up in embarrassment so he turned his back to her and retorted, "W-Whatever. You're here now so forget it."

She smirked in triumph, however she gave a sideways glance at Kishin knowing that he was tougher to crack than the others. As Kishin walked around, the other Lieutenants came up to him in order to greet and congratulate him on his recent promotion. Kira came over and offered him a drink. "Kishin, you never cease to amaze me. Now that you're here it seems a bit nostalgic. I remember the time when you served in the 3rd division, but now you're already the 13th division Lieutenant."

Kishin didn't really give a response as he took a sip of the alcoholic drink in his hand and nodded his head in approval. "Mn. Not bad."

In the end they both simply stood next to each other and watched everyone chat away in silence. The atmosphere between them became a bit awkward so Kishin was just about to break the ice when he was interrupted by Kinji's voice. "Hey, how come you didn't come say hi?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "You looked busy chatting away with Lieutenant Sasakibe."

Kinji scratched the side of his cheek in awkwardness. "Y-Yeah…"

"What's with the hesitant response?"

"Uhh, nothing. It's just that Lieutenant Sasakibe has an interesting personality. He talked a lot about the Captain Commander. It was sort of hard to find an opening to interject into the conversation so mostly he talked and I listened."

"I see. I'm surprised to see you here seeing as you're part of the Kido Corps and all."

Kinji just shrugged his shoulders. "Matsumoto invited me. She said that when she was making the invitation cards Toshiro mentioned me and so here I am."

Kishin took a moment to look around before commenting, "This isn't a meeting huh?"

Kira nodded his head. "Yeah, it's a party. Actually, we Lieutenants meet up every couple of years in a gathering like this to destress from our work and just to get to know each other or to simply hangout. We call it a meeting, but truth be told we only have serious meetings if there's something drastic happening in Soul Society."

"So we're just hanging out for the rest of the day?"

Kira awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Ha...haha...yeah. Errr...were you expecting something else?"

Kishin just gave Kira a blank stare for several long moments before shaking his head amusedly. "Well...I wasn't sure what to expect, but then again I should have known a party and drinks were going to be involved with Rangiku as the host."

It was then some loud shouting noises could be heard from Renji and Rangiku who were in the middle of having an argument. Everyone just gave them a curious glance until Renji shouted out, "I am not a scaredy cat!"

Rangiku just stared back at him with a mocking smile. Her face was completely flushed from drinking too much. She rested her chin on her hand and retorted, "Oh? Not scared huh? Then how's your progress going?"

A thick vein popped off of Renji's forehead at her comment. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's a work in progress!"

"Work in progress? How can that be when clearly you haven't even made a single move."

"I-I'm working on it at my own pace okay!"

Rangiku just took another swig of her drink and slurred, "Soooooo sloooooow."

"Tch. You're drunk."

"I am nooooot! Ssssseeeeee. I can shtill twalk fwine."

Renji just face-palmed. "Do you even hear yourself?"

Rangiku smirked. "I dare you," she paused momentarily as she semi-nodded off before regaining consciousness, "I dare you to talk to her tomorrow."

Renji just frowned. "You can barely remain conscious. This conversation is over." Just as Renji turned around to walk away, Rangiku retorted, "Scaredy cat."

Renji halted his steps and turned back to face her. A frustrated look gleamed in his eyes as he responded, "Me? A scaredy cat? Hmpf! I know that you're close with Captain Ichimaru right? Then I dare you to tell him that you like him."

Rangiku's flushed face immediately returned to a normal color. Any trace of her being drunk instantly disappeared as she seriously glared back at Renji.

"Is that a challenge?"

Renji smirked in triumph. "Hmpf. Do you dare or not?"

Sparks flew in their eyes as they held each other's gaze before Rangiku smirked. "Then let's put it to a bet. The loser has to do the dare."

Renji smirked with confidence not backing down. "What's the challenge?"

She then pointed to everyone else. "Capture the flag. We'll split into teams and whoever leads their team the best to capture the other team's flag wins the challenge. Only Hoho, Hakuda, Zanjutsu, and Kido are allowed. No Zanpakuto abilities. The loser will have to perform the dare."

Renji scoffed. "Afraid you'll lose if you fight me by yourself?"

"Hmpf. Don't flatter yourself. I can stomp you in my sleep."

"Oh? Is that so? Fine! I accept your challenge."

As everyone stood in silence watching the whole ordeal they all couldn't help the awkward look that showed on their faces when they had suddenly been dragged into Renji and Rangiku's bet.

Kishin just scratched the side of his head in confusion. "How'd we get dragged into their mess?"

Kinji just let out a sigh. "Haaah...no wonder most of the Kido Corp members keep to themselves. Dealing with others is troublesome."

It was then that Rangiku dashed over and gripped Kishin's arm. "Since there are a total of 14 Lieutenants we'll each get to pick 6 others to be in our team. My first pick is Kishin."

Renji just smirked and nodded. "Fine. Then I'll choose Hisagi."

"Fine. Then I'll pick-"

Before Rangiku could finish her sentence Kinji stepped forward and interjected, "Ah, I'll be on Kishin's team."

Everyone stared at Kinji in awkwardness, but he didn't care as he simply gave a smile keeping his thoughts to himself.

Like hell I'd be on a team against Kishin. If this is really going to happen then any team against Kishin would get murdered.

Kishin just glanced over to Kinji and smirked amusedly. "You sure acted fast."

"I would like to keep my life."

"You make me sound like some sort of demon."

"When you're fighting you're worse than a demon."

"Ouch. That hurts."

"I can hear the sarcasm."

Kishin just grinned and shook his head. While everyone was still staring at Kinji in awkwardness it was then Kira followed suit. "Ahem, then...uhh...I'd like to be on Kishin's team as well."

Nemu was next as she nodded and walked over. "Yes. Since it seems like this challenge is going to happen then I would also like to be on Kishin's team."

Yachiru jumped in the air excitedly and threw her hands up. "Yay, Yay! This sounds fun! Then let me join Kishin's team."

Isane just let out a sigh and walked over standing behind Kishin's back to hide herself. "I-uh...since it's like this then I'll follow Yachiru and Nemu's lead." Although that was the excuse Isane gave, in truth she had chosen to join Kishin's side for a different reason. It was because she witnessed his strength back when Kishin was a member of the 4th division. The ominous pressure of his reiatsu was still ingrained in her mind to this day and she didn't want to be against it. Especially since her Captain, Unohana told her that one day he may even be stronger than her.

Kishin just stood on the side silently speechless and inwardly amused as he turned to Kinji and commented, "How did it become like this? I'm not the one leading the challenge, but why does it feel like I was chosen as the captain of a team?"

Kinji just shrugged his shoulders. "The instinct to survive is strong."

Once again Kishin just shook his head in amusement. "There you go again. Am I really that terrifying?"


"Haha, you really don't think highly of me do you?"

"It's actually the opposite. That's why I'm on your team."

"You mean Rangiku's team."

Kinji just smirked and whispered, "Sure, sure. You tell yourself that."

At this moment the area was completely silent. What just transpired was completely out of Renji's and Rangiku's expectations. The two of them were planning on choosing their teammates, however they never expected that the teams would end up choosing itself. Then again they did sort of dump the situation on everyone. In the end Rangiku just awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck and said, "Errr...ahem. Well then. There you have it Renji. Kishin's tea-errr...I mean my team will be Kishin, Kinji, Kira, Nemu, Yachiru, and Isane."

Renji furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. "Hmpf. Fine. Then my team will be Hisagi, Chojiro, Omaeda, Momo, Iba, and Nanao."

It was then that Nanao fixed the glasses on her head and inwardly cursed that she had been forcefully dragged into this troublesome game. In the end both teams walked over to the 10th division's public training ground. It was a giant field of paved dirt with some giant rock cliffs in the nearby surrounding. Both teams stood opposite of one another and placed down their flags. Kishin just lazily stood to the side with Kinji and lit a reigar in boredom.

Kinji just shook his head in amusement at his actions. "You're not concerned at all are you?"

Kishin simply shrugged his shoulders exhaling the vanilla flavored smoke from his lips. "Neither are you Kinji," he took a glance at Renji and the others before continuing, "you alone could defeat them."

Kinji waved his hands. "You jest. Me against 7 Lieutenants? I'd lose."

"You're being modest. You'd smoke the floor with Lieutenant class combatants. Just in reiatsu alone. Your reiatsu is Captain class already. Not to mention you're already working on Kido in the 90's. As for them," he paused and took another glance at Renji and the others, "they still have a long way to go."

Kinji just smirked in response. "By your logic you should be able to defeat them even more so than me given the fact that your Kido spells are probably even more devastating than mine. Even more so if we're talking about reiatsu. You possess Captain level reiatsu that's even greater than mine. Even without Kido, your Hakuda and Hoho skills alone would be enough to subdue everyone here. We aren't even including your Zanjutsu skills which are even more ferocious than your Hakuda skills."

Kishin just shook his head. "No thanks."

Kinji raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "What, not going to join the fight?"

"Should I?"

Kinji thought about it for a brief moment before he nervously asked, "You-uhh...you won't...kill them...right?"

Kishin just gave a toothy grin without responding, causing Kinji to face-palm and sigh in defeat. "Haaaah...right. Maybe it's best if you sit this one out."

Kishin gave a triumphant smile and patted Kinji on the shoulder. "Great. Then I'll leave it to you."

It was at this moment Rangiku and the others noticed that Kinji and Kishin didn't join their strategy meeting.

"Oi, what are you two doing? We need to plan our attack." Rangiku scolded.

Kishin just placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed manner and responded, "It's fine. I've already thought of a strategy."

"Eh? What is it?" She asked.

"Simple. I'll guard the flag and Kinji will press the attack. You guys can support him."

Kinji's facial expression was immediately shocked as he didn't think that Kishin would really dump all the responsibility on him, but before he could respond Nemu interjected, "But Kishin, with your strength wouldn't it be better if you were on the frontlines?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. "Do you want me to kill them?"

Everyone's jaws dropped at how nonchalant he could be when saying something so extreme. In the end everyone agreed that Kishin would guard the flag and everyone else would work on stealing the opposing team's flag. Kishin took a seat right next to the flag unconcernedly. The reigar between his lips continued to release a steady stream of vanilla scented smoke in the air. The others just let out a defeated sigh at his actions and got into position.

Yachiru was the first to speak out. "Nay nay, is it really okay like this? Kishin's not going to fight?"

Rangiku could only scratch the side of her cheek in awkwardness. "Well...I guess not. The Captain always spoke highly of Kishin so that's why I chose him first but...things didn't exactly go as planned."

Kinji just waved his hands and shook his head. "It's fine. Kishin's always been like that."

Everyone turned their attention to him as they questioned, "Right, Kinji. You're close with Kishin right? What's he thinking exactly?"

Kinji just shrugged his shoulders. "Hard to say. He's always been a bit of an enigma, although I will say this. If you want to keep your life then don't get on his bad side. He's the type of person who will defend his friends, as for everyone else? It depends on his mood."

Everyone's jaws dropped in realization at how fickle Kishin's personality actually was. Kira then hesitantly asked, "U-Umm...then how would one know if he considers you a friend?"

Kinji could only give an awkward chuckle. "Ha-haha...to be honest it took me a few years to figure out this side of Kishin and it took even longer to hear him tell me that he considers me a friend. I can't help you guys out on that one. Maybe if you spend enough time with him then he might start calling you a friend." Kinji noted everyone's mixed feelings so he just smirked and added, "On the bright side, if you ever manage to get on his friends list then you can consider Kishin as your greatest ally."

It was then Renji and the other opposing team members got in formation. Renji, Hisagi, and Iba stood in the front whilst Chojiro, Momo, and Omaeda stood several meters behind them. Nanao remained back by their flag as the guard.

"Oi? What's the hold up? Getting cold feet?" Renji remarked from across the training field.

Rangiku furrowed her brow and clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Hmpf. Fine, let's do this."

Their formation took on a similar appearance as Rangiku, Nemu, and Kira stood in front whilst Kinji, Isane, and Yachiru stood behind them. Both sides stood in a stare off as the wind slightly rustled in the area. Silence. Neither side made a move for several moments, however Kishin got bored watching this quiet stillness so he chimed in, "Just start already!"

A thick vein popped on everyone's forehead at Kishin's comment, but it gave them the signal they needed. Immediately both sides began rushing at the other, but before either side could even get close Kinji let out a sigh and shouted, "Bakudo #62: Hyapporankan!"


A hundred white and blue colored rods flew through the air towards Renji and the others. Hisagi widened his eyes and instantly countered by firing off his own Bakudo #62.

Bang! Boom! Bam! Boom!

The hundreds of rods clashed midair in the middle of the training field, however Kinji wasn't fazed in the slightest. Instead he simply chanted his next spell. "Bakudo #75: Gochutekkan!"

Everyone but Kishin widened their eyes in disbelief and shock at how easily Kinji had nonchalantly utilized a level 70's Kido spell. While they had expected Kinji to be able to perform Kido feats at that level as the Lieutenant of the Kido Corp, it didn't make it any less shocking when they witnessed its use in combat. Especially since he had utilized the spell to great effect without the incantation.


The five giant iron pillars fell right on top of Hisagi effectively pinning him to the ground.

"GAH!" He shouted in shock and pain as the heavy pillars grounded him.

While everyone was distracted by what just happened Kinji simply continued on. He pointed his finger straight at Chojiro and chanted, "Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro."


Six yellow rods instantly ensnared the 1st division Lieutenant and paralyzed his movements. Renji, Omaeda, and Iba were about to rush in to break Chojiro free of the rods, however Kinji didn't let them get too close as he shouted, "Hado #58: Tenran!" A giant tunneling tornado blasted across the field forcing the three Lieutenants to dash away with their Shunpo in order to escape the deadly whirlwind.

It was then that Momo pointed her finger towards the yellow rods binding Chojiro and shouted, "Hado #4: Byakurai!"


She shot forth six separate pale blue lightning beams at the yellow rods causing them to break apart, freeing Chojiro. By now Rangiku, Nemu, and Kira had crossed the center line and engaged in a close quarter sword fight with Renji, Iba, and Chojiro. Omaeda on the other hand was busy running away in panic from Yachiru who was happily chasing behind him. Their fight wasn't quite a fight per se. It seemed more like a game of tag. As for Isane, she stood opposite of Momo to which the both of them simply stood in awkward silence. Neither one wishing to attack the other. Instead they had a silent tacit agreement that they would just watch how things played out, after all it wasn't as if the outcome of the challenge would affect them anyways.

The entire battlefield looked a bit comical. Nanao simply stood by her team's flag completely unconcerned and simply read a book. Isane and Momo stood off to the side in awkward silence. Omaeda was busy running around screaming for help as he was chased by Yachiru all around the area. Hisagi continued laying flat on the ground unable to move due to the giant steel pillars that held him down. Kinji just stood in place unsure of whether he should continue or not. Nemu and Chojiro had somehow found a table to sit around and were now exchanging tea drinks. Kira and Iba simply sat laid back against an earthen wall taking turns drinking alcohol from one of Iba's flasks, and Kishin sat in a relaxed manner by their flag smoking a reigar. The only ones who actually engaged in combat at this moment were Rangiku and Renji. The two of them were too engrossed in their fight exchanging sword strikes, verbal disses, and taunting remarks to notice that no one else was helping them.

The fight continued on for another 10 minutes with no end in sight so Kinji let out a deep sigh and decided that things couldn't continue this way. He simply clapped his hands together and said, "Bakudo #85: Roppo Fujin."


A giant three-dimensional green colored cross shaped barrier was erected right around Rangiku and Renji, trapping them inside. This caused both of them to stop immediately and come back to their senses. It was then they finally noticed that no one else was fighting. Renji took a quick look at his teammates before he hesitantly asked, "O-Oi! What the heck? What's going on here? Why aren't you guys fighting?"

Rangiku had the same thought as she pointed at Kinji and commented, "What's the big idea here? You made a mistake! You trapped me along with Renji! You're only supposed to target him!"

Kinji just shook his head. "Look. No one else is invested in the fight. First, what's the point of this fight anyways? It serves no benefit to any of us. The only ones who have something to lose are the two of you. Second, we didn't want to fight in the first place. Our actions are the only natural outcome. And finally third, just sort this challenge out by yourselves. In fact, can't you both just agree to disagree or something? Or just do things at your own pace? How about we all just calm down, sober up, and think about the situation a bit. I can only imagine what kind of scolding we'll get from Captain Hitsugaya if he saw us right now."

At the mention of Hitsugaya's name Rangiku and Renji immediately calmed down and awkwardly rubbed their necks.

Rangiku let out a light chuckle and nodded. "Ahaha...right. Uhhh, the Captain would probably yell at us. T-Then let's end things here for today. I'd rather not get more work dumped on me…"

Renji coughed and nodded in agreement. "Ahem. Agreed. It's best to end things here. We'll call it a draw, therefore neither of us has to do the dare. It's best if word of our actions today don't get back to Captain Kuchiki…"

In the end everyone returned to the backyard where they were previously and took a seat around the long table that was set up with grills and meat on top, however the atmosphere became extremely awkward. The only sounds that could be heard was the sizzling of the meat cooking on the grill. After several minutes of the awkward silence Kishin stood up and excused himself.

"Well, it was nice meeting everyone. I'll take my leave."

Rangiku stuck out her hand towards his retreating form as she tried to stop him. "Wait! Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to the 13th division."

"Why? We only just started?"

"I'm a busy person."

"Are you leaving because of the awkward atmosphere?"

"No, I'm leaving because you're all so chatty."

Rangiku gave a cough at his comment before clearing her throat. "Ahem. Well...AH! I know, it'll be fine after a few drinks."

Kishin just waved his hand in front of him. "I'll pass."

"But why?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"But wouldn't it be a shame to leave on a bad note like this?"

"Who said I'm leaving on a bad note?"

"Is that sarcasm again?"

He just smirked and started walking off. "Think of it as an awkward note instead of a bad one."

"B-B-But Kissshhhiiiinnn! I promised the Captain that you'd have fun at the gathering...if you just leave I'll get scolded."

He halted his steps when he heard her comment and turned back around to face her. "Say that again?"

"Ahem...ah…" she twiddled her fingers as she continued, "the reason for the party today is actually to celebrate your promotion to Lieutenant…"

Kishin couldn't help raising his eyebrow in curiosity. "What are you talking about?"

Rangiku just let out a long sigh in defeat. "Haaaah...the Captain's gonna kill me for this. You see, the reason that the Lieutenants meeting is being held in the 10th division is because it was supposed to be a celebration for your promotion. When the Captain heard that you got promoted," she then paused and began to pace back and forth repeatedly, "he kept pacing like this over and over and over again mumbling to himself about what sort of gift he should give you. He kept mumbling something about being your important friend and therefore he should do something for you. In the end I suggested a party and...ahem...that's how this makeshift Lieutenants party came about. The Captain told me not to tell you but…"

Kishin just awkwardly stared at Rangiku before turning to look at everyone else and asked, "Did you all know about this?"

They all shook their heads and replied with the same thing. "We had no idea." They then quickly followed up with, "Ah, but congratulations on your promotion!"

In the end Kishin just awkwardly shifted in place having no idea how he should react. He never imagined that Toshiro had a hand in the party and that it was supposed to be a gift for him. It was then he asked with confusion, "But...if what you said is true then why isn't Toshiro here with us?"

Rangiku just huffed in confusion as well. "Hmpf. Well that's what I want to know. You said that he went to sleep. Plus, he was the one who was looking forward to seeing your reaction at the party the most. How could he just abandon the hard work and effort that I put in for him."

It was then Kishin could only shake his head in silent amusement as the image of Toshiro popping a SCGF pill in his mouth before running off to sleep replayed in his mind.

I guess he didn't want to be left behind in the dust. Growing taller to keep up with me is important to him huh? Haha! To think that he wanted to give me a gift. Honestly that guy...it's only a Lieutenant position...

Kishin just smirked and turned to walk away prompting Rangiku to hesitantly call out to him, "Ah? W-Wait. Kishin? Are you really not going to stay?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. "I appreciate the thought," he then turned to give everyone one more glance before turning back, "but I think it's fine to leave it at this. Toshiro's asleep anyways so it's not like he'll know what happened. Just tell him that we all had a great time and he'll believe it."

Before she could convince him to stay he disappeared in a quick blur. This caused her to let out a defeated sigh. "Haaaah...I failed…"

It was then the rest of the Lieutenants began dispersing as well. "Ah? Wait...you're all leaving?"

Kinji just nodded apologetically. "Sorry Matsumoto. Now that we all know the true meaning of today's party, without the guest of honor it just doesn't seem as lively anymore. Maybe next time."

With that he too left. And soon followed the others.

At this point Kishin had already arrived back in the 13th division grounds. The sun had just set out of sight and the darkness of night crept over the sky. Just as he was walking towards his quarters he took note of someone sleeping on the outside porch of his office building near his personal training ground. He silently walked over and stood before them letting out an amused smile.

"Rukia." He whispered.

Her short neck length black hair sprawled out over her face and the floor. A few strands of her hair would flutter up and down from the soft steady breathing of her sleeping frame by her lips. She was currently sleeping in a semi fetal position. Her sheathed Zanpakuto gripped in her hands. He took note that her shihakusho was a bit messy, loose, and ruffled so he shook his head in amusement once more.

"Even though she was supposed to be done practicing for the day she came back and practiced some more...idiot…"

He slowly bent down and gently cradled her into his arms bridal style as he carried her over to his personal living quarters. The room was quite spacious. There was an open area after walking through the entrance. The floor was made of a nice smooth wood that was neutral gray in color. A long black couch was centered towards the front of the room while a large soft light gray and white fur rug lay beneath. A slick black rectangular table stood nearby and several black bookshelves lined the white walls of the room. A fireplace was situated on the one black colored wall facing the couch acting as an accent to the rest of the room. To the right of the couch stood tall glass windows that led outside to a small garden and pond. Behind the couch in the upper left quadrant of the room was a neatly cleaned kitchen whereas on the upper right quadrant of the room was a divider wall leading to his bedroom. As he made his way in that direction he couldn't help thinking to himself that Ukitake designed his room in a much more modern style comparable to that of the human realm. He surmised that it was probably because the Captain knew he was human before he died and hence, the Captain thought he'd be more comfortable with a modernized design. To him however, he actually didn't mind either way.

Kishin couldn't help grinning to himself as he noted how light Rukia felt in his arms. Her soft warm breath tickled his chest as he made his way into his sleeping quarters. Just as he stepped foot into the bedroom he paused feeling something wet on his chest. When he looked down he took note of a tear that fell from the corner of her eyes and then heard her softly whisper out, "Kaien-dono...I'm...sorry."

Kishin just let out a sigh and walked over to his soft king-sized bed, compliments of Jushiro. The Captain truly treated him well. His bed was centered in the middle of the bedroom with the headboard leaned up against the back wall. To the left of the bed were several windows with the curtains currently closed. On the opposite wall towards the foot of the bed stood a tall and wide mirror. His dresser and wardrobe was stationed to the right of it. On the right wall of the bed was a door that led to a connecting bathroom. Once more Kishin let out a sigh and knelt before his mattress before slowly tucking Rukia into the bed. Just as he was about to stand up and leave he felt his shirt being tugged on. She had at some point clenched her hand into his shihakusho when he was carrying her, preventing him from escaping her clutches.

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "I'm surprised she was able to sleep through all of the moving around. She must've really tired herself out."

It was then he heard her mumble in her sleep with a heartbroken expression. "Don't...leave me...please." Several tears soon followed rolling down from her eyes leaving small watery streaks along her soft smooth cheeks.

Kishin just let out a troubled sigh. "Haaah...I guess she's still feeling guilty over Kaien's death huh…"

He softly wiped away her tears and said to no one in particular, "If you feel that much guilt over Kaien's death which wasn't your fault...then how will you feel about me? I've killed way more people than you have. Rukia..."

There was a silent pause in the air as he just stared at her with a heaviness in his eyes. It was then he heard her whisper out his name. "Ki...shin."

He tilted his head a bit to the side. "Are you awake senpai?"


He just let out a soft breath after not receiving a response and lightly poked her cheek. "If you can hear me while you're sleeping then just sleep peacefully. Tell those bad dreams of yours to go away or I'll kill them."

As if Rukia had heard him she loosened her grip on his shirt and continued to sleep away. Her scrunched up facial expression finally relaxed. He smirked and stared at her sleeping form for a bit longer wondering if she unconsciously let go out of a sense of security or out of fear. He leaned in a bit so that their faces were closer. So close that he could feel her breath tickle his nose. He noted how loose her top became from all the moving and shifting around. One side of her shoulders were now completely exposed revealing her delicate and soft milky skin to him. He couldn't help but lick the bottom of his lip and didn't even notice that his eyes began to dilate with want and need. He reached over with his hand and softly brushed a lock of fallen hair away from her face before gently running his hand down along her soft delicate neck.

"You have no idea what sort of danger you put yourself in right now...Rukia." He groaned to himself with an unknowingly growing desire.

It was then he noticed how easily just one of his hands could wrap around her entire neck. The image of her innocent, vulnerable, and tiny naked body writhing, panting, grinding, begging beneath him for more. To take her and ravish her, to have her completely at his mercy...it caused his breath to quicken and heart to race. If he so wished, he could have his way with her. It would be so easy. He wanted so desperately to taste her right now, but he fought hard to hold back. He never felt this way before. To want something so badly. He bit the bottom of his lip, hard enough to draw some blood. The pain helped him keep a level head as he continued to kneel by her side. She seemed so fragile to him. All it would take to end her life was a simple squeeze. That realization caused his entire body to shudder in fear and excitement. His lower half began to have a reaction. A very...strong reaction.

Before he lost control over his raging hormones and wandering thoughts he turned away and gripped his arm with his other hand keeping it locked by his side. Kishin gritted his teeth and stood up walking out of the bedroom and back into the living area to lay down on the couch. It took him several long minutes before his raging blood cooled down. He let out a long deep sigh and stared at the dark ceiling above, his eyes reflected his current dilemma of frustrated feelings.

"The hell is wrong with me…"

He raised his hand above him and squeezed the empty air frowning in shame at what he had just imagined doing to Rukia.

"Get yourself together..."

With that he laid his arm atop of his head and shut his eyes letting sleep take him over.


Lieutenants: (Last Name, First Name)1st. Sasakibe Chojiro2nd. Marechiyo Omaeda3rd. Izuru Kira4th. Kotetsu Isane5th. Hinamori Momo6th. Abarai Renji7th. Tetsuzaemon Iba8th. Ise Nanao9th. Shuhei Hisagi10th. Matsumoto Rangiku11th. Kusajishi Yachiru12th. Kurotsuchi Nemu13th. Chigetsu KishinKido Corp: Tsunayashiro Kinji

KIDO:Hado #4: Byakurai (Pale Blue Lightning)Hado #58: Tenran (Orchid Sky)

Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro (Six Rods of Light)Bakudo #62: Hyapporankan (100 Steps Fence)Bakudo #75: Gochutekkan (5 Iron Pillars)Bakudo #85: Roppo Fujin

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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