Finally, Dumeixi was infuriated, for his opponent claimed he could defeat him with just one move. Not just him, but all the spectators were dumbfounded.
Although many players from Sankuk often lacked integrity, players from other districts didn't exactly love them either.
However, it must be admitted that Sankuk had always been strong in eSports, only surpassed in numbers of finals appearances by several super districts.
It was the strongest among the secondary districts, usually surpassing Huaxia, and it wasn't surprising to see a champion emerge from time to time.
This guy was the most popular of the newer generations in Sankuk, often touted as a future champion contender by many.
Blessed with good looks (no idea if they were surgically enhanced), his popularity had soared, not long after his debut. His advancement to the top thirty-six boosted his popularity once again.
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