The Baron's point was very valid, under normal circumstances, absolutely. However, things had veered from normal the moment Starfire decided to establish a base here.
Starfire's attempt to make a stand on the sandbar had leaked out, and managed to amass such a force overnight.
For such elaborate preparations to be made in one night, the plot had been brewing for some time. This calculated move to cripple Starfire could only be aimed at hindering the guild's growth.
How could Li Yao tolerate this? They've made such a spectacle; he can't let them leave without throwing a kick of disappointment. Of course, Li Yao would play along, not according to their scripts. He would keep the stakes high. He had never backed down in his past life, and with so many brothers and friends by his side this time, he definitely wouldn't back down. If they wanted to play, it had better been big and thrilling.
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