With the cheers of some centaurs, the entire trial ground swelled with commotion. Seeing the cheers for this stranger from the Young Khan, the centaurs didn't hold back their excitement and joined in, leading to an uproar.
Mu Zi, who had already cast Resist Fire Circle, didn't retreat and continued to cast his next spell as if already knowing the outcome.
He raised his magic wand high, surrounded by intense red elemental magic. He seemed like a god of fire, as if a layer of raging flames had ignited on his body.
Upon Mu Zi uttering the number, countless red spots appeared above him.
With this word, the spots transformed into countless ephemeral fire birds.
At this command, hundreds of firebirds swooped down like meteors.
Boom, boom, boom...
All the firebirds attacked the centaur Chiliarch laying on the ground, unable to dodge.
The dizzying damage numbers made everyone's eyes blur, and the centaur's health instantly dropped by a third.
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