Meanwhile Kyra is talking with Enterprise and Belfast in the cafeteria.
"So? You don't understand do you?" Kyra asks looking at Enterprise.
"Understand what?" Enterprise asks
"The mental cubes that made you were born from the combined will and hope of mankind. You were not born to fight. You were born to lead them into a better future." Kyra says sitting back
"How would you know that?" Belfast asks
"Because she made the mental cubes… allow me to introduce you to Doctor Yume. She made them in a different timeline that the sirens have long destroyed." Nimitz says throwing a file down on the table.
All the ship girls watch as the Admiral pulls out a chair and sits down with them.
"You read through everything rather quickly." Kyra says
"Well when they aren't fighting a war amongst themselves. They are having disputes that tend to destroy bases. I have dealt with my fair share of paperwork." Nimitz says
Kyra sighs
"I know that feeling, and I've only got a few daughters I couldn't imagine watching all of them." Kyra says
"So? Planet wide evacuation?" Nimitz asks
Everyone in the cafeteria perks up at that.
"Yes, I can get the ball rolling on that if you want?" Kyra says
"If you could. I'll start things in my end." Nimitz says
"Maybe it will give the girls some time to finish their feud." Kyra says
"I have a question. What are we going into?" Nimitz asks
"The world itself is safer than with the sirens especially with the weapons you have. Ontop of that techniques can be taught. There is however a threat coming. Luckily we got a decade to prepare and technology that would make the sirens jealous." Kyra says
"Well that's reassuring. Is there anything else that I should be aware of?" Nimitz asks
"There is a United Nations. It is like the failed League of Nations here." Kyra says
"Okay?" Nimitz asks
"They will be required to join." Kyra says
"Ah, some may not want to but worst case scenario you can get the people themselves." Nimitz says
"How many?" Kyra asks
"On earth we had around 3 billion as of 6 years ago. The sirens started picking up their attacks again recently. We might be lucky to have 2 billion left." Nimitz says
Kyra hands Nimitz a roll of film.
"That's the world I fought for. The world I call home. The country I built and once led. You will see several things on these films. Feel free to spread it around as you wish." Kyra says
"I'll be back, I have to go prepare." Kyra says disappearing.
"This is going to be a frustrating call with the countries leaders. Finish your dispute with each other please." Nimitz says
"Sakura empire is working with the sirens." Belfast says
"… so it's a crime against humanity." Nimitz says sounding disappointed.
Meanwhile on the pelican above Coruscant.
"Ghira? This is Qui-Gon can you hear me?" A voice says
"Loud and clear." Ghira says
"Right, they wanted me to tell you an astroidmech has been trying to send you coordinates for you to land at but it can't get through." Qui-Gon says
"Familiar if you could?" Blake asks
"Right away." Familiar responds as a flight path lights up on the hud.
"Our pilot can see it now, I guess we will see you on the ground?" Ghira asks
"Unfortunately not me. Another Jedi will meet you though." Qui-Gon says
"Jarvis, please get some builders ready. We've got some work to do." Kyra says plugging in a USB stick
"Ma'am, I'm afraid I can't go ahead without President Ghira's approval. Even then it would require the other kingdoms to accept it aswell." Jarvis says
"Show them what we are going to face in a decade if we don't get our population up and our military stronger." Kyra says
"Show who ma'am?" Jarvis asks
"The elected representatives of Niwaki and the other kingdom's councils." Kyra says
"I know they are nervous about our recent increase in military spending and investment. Not to mention the ships that are being made." Kyra says
"Show then the clone wars, show them the war crimes the droid armies commit. Show them what we have to defend ourselves against." Kyra says
"If they say there isn't room on remnant. Tell them we have two other planets we could colonize." Kyra says
Meanwhile at the Jedi temple.
"Master Yoda?" Windu asks
"See them you must. Questions we have, answers we may get." Yoda says
"I understand master, however to allow a foreign delegation land at the jedi temple." Plo Koon says
"See you shall." Yoda says
"Master windu do you mind if I tag along?" Plo Koon asks
Azurlane arc is coming to an end pretty soon.