"The wall should be pretty thick?" Hephaestus says questioningly.
"Okay, and there is no important rooms that may be full of people on the other side?" Kyra asks
"Since this is the basement that is a no." Tsubaki says
"Great!" Kyra says as there is a clanking noise as a foldable table appears out of nowhere.
Kyra then pulls out a compound bow, a cross bow and a 10mm pistol.
"So, this is a compound bow." Kyra says drawing back the string before lowering it slowly not dry firing it.
"Interesting, we have a few bow users up stairs, should I go grab them?" Tsubaki asks
"Sure, after I show you the one that shouldn't be replicated." Kyra says picking up the 10mm pistol.
"What is that?" Hephaestus asks not fully recognizing the weapon.
"I call it a gun." Kyra says pointing at the armor stand that has steel armor on it.
"So what does it-" Tsubaki begins to say but is drowned out by the sound of a bullet.
"Well I can see why you don't want to share this." Hephaestus says
"Yeah... it's quiet dangerous." Kyra says
"Then why is a gun your captains handle?" Hephaestus asks finally recognizing the mechanism.
"Because, why not?" Kyra says
"I'm guessing the mechanism isn't the secret to it working?" Hephaestus asks
"Yep it's not it's also not magic." Kyra says with a smile.
"So these 2 other weapons you have developed?" Hephaestus asks looking at the cross bow and compound bow.
"If you wanna go get your archer you should now." Kyra recommends.
"Huh sure. I will be right back goddesses." Tsubaki says leaving quickly.
"She's a good captain." Kyra says
"Better than yours?" Hephaestus asks
"Well you will probably hear me bragging about my vice captain more often. Although she is level 1 she shouldn't lose it a level 4." Kyra says
"That impressive? You aren't worried about a god trying to take her?" Hephaestus asks
"Name a god stupid enough to antagonize me on purpose." Kyra says
"Apollo, and Ares." Hephaestus deadpans
"I will end them if my captain doesn't." Kyra says
"Sometimes I forget how scary you used to be." Hephaestus says
"I really wasn't that bad was I?" Kyra asks
"You graffitied and pissed on a pillar in heaven." Hephaestus says
Kyra blushes remembering that part of the legend.
'But I didn't do that!' Kyra thinks wanting to yell.
Suddenly Tsubaki arrives back with an half elf.
"So? What is it you wanted me for captain?" The half elf asks
"Leafa we just need you to test these bows and give your opinions." Tsubaki says pointing towards the table. Which has the compound bow and tactical compound crossbow.
"Ooo these look fancy." Leafa says
Leafa picks up the compound bow.
"Hmm, this thing has roughly the same draw back as my fathers long bow, But it's much smaller." Leafa says suddenly it reaches all the way back and there is little tension in the string.
"Oh! This is amazing! Once it's all the way back there's next to no weight on the string." Leafa shouts excitedly.
Hephaestus looks at Kyra shocked.
"What? It's just pulleys?" Kyra asks towards Hephaestus.
Leafa takes aim and releases the arrow as the arrow shatters hitting the armor.
"That's actually a really good bow." Leafa says
"So Hephaestus? I was wondering if you would buy the design? For that and the compound crossbow." Kyra says with a smile.
"Let's see the crossbow." Hephaestus says
"You see the crossbow needs to use crossbow bolts rather than normal arrows." Kyra says
"Why is that?" Tsubaki asks
"It's too powerful for wooden arrows." Kyra says with a wry smile.
"Any way to load it you need to put your foot through there and pull the string back with all your strength." Kyra says noticing Leafa's issues with pulling back the string.
"Okay!" Leafa says taking aim with the crossbow.
She fires only for the metal bolt so go straight through the amor and stand.
"Well, that certainly is impressive." Hephaestus says
"Yep, it's quiet a good weapon." Kyra says
"So you can sell us the designs for both of these?" Tsubaki asks
"Of course, also Hephaestus we need to reforge my captains Scythe." Kyra says hoping to get that done aswell.
"I could reforge it myself in exchange for the designs." Hephaestus says
"Sure, but I want to be in the forge with you. Along with having your help seeing if this armor is good or not." Kyra says pulling out combat armor made to look like lightweight adventure armor.
"That's not Metal?" Hephaestus asks surprised.
"Nope it's a special type of fibers." Kyra says knowing ballistic fibers like Kevlar can stop a knife so maybe these could stop things besides bullets.
"There are such things as cloth armors." Tsubaki says taking the combat armor into her hands.
Leafa seems to have left while they were talking.
Tsubaki takes out a hunting knife from somewhere in her body and tries to cut the armor.
"It shows some promising qualities. I believe metal armor or dropped monster leather would be better." Tsubaki says.
"So? Go with lightweight metal armor for now then?" Kyra asks
"Yes actually I should be in the Hephaestus shop tomorrow if you want to have your familia fitted." Hephaestus says
"What do you want in exchange, remember you are not Loki so I don't believe you could trick me." Kyra says
"Well, I want my disciple's support pillar back." Hephaestus says.
"The snake?" Kyra asks
"He's a dragon." Hephaestus says
"Ohh, He really looks like a snake." Kyra says
Don’t have internet today or tomorrow luckily I prewrote chapters.