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After the whole incident that involves a certain frozen slime that gets encased in ice courtesy of me, the police officers start to investigate all the customers one by one to identify which one who froze the slime since there are no heroes in the restaurant.

So now they are suspecting one customer is probably the one who uses his or her quirk to freeze the prevent slime.

Even I included but the one who investigates me is just some police investigator who has a hound appearance.

Many people will feel nervous but as for me, I have 2 reasons for the police to not be suspicious of me.

First is because I am quirkless. Like any people will believe I have the ability I freeze the pervert slime when I am quirkless.

Second is because I made my personality to he like Danzo where I always keep my poker face and lied to the police investigator during the interrogation.

And the result is I am clear and get to walk back to my house safely but of course, I do my training while practising using some of Danzo's deadly wind jutsus.

In the end, the polices cannot identify which of the person who freezes the pervert slime though I can see that if anyone or rather the person who freeze the pervert slime admit, they will receive 10000 yen.

If the old me heard this, the past me will admit it to get that money but now, I did not have to since ai received a million yen every month by selling gold bars to Taki who is very glad to see my face every day.

Right now, I am contemplating one thing which is the path of my life in this world.

I want to be a hero since being a villain will make yourself to be hunted by the heroes and polices.

But what kind of hero? The anti-hero one since I am a person who believes the villain should be killed.

Besides, I have assured the citizens in this world is happy hearing the villains are dead.

Pretty harsh huh? You never see yet how Joker kills hundred or a thousand people in a day.

Villains in this world are what you called evil so yeah, I will kill them except that Gentle guy.

As for the Stain, I will just beat him up pretty badly and if he pisses me off, I will just kill him.

Overhaul and his gang will be killed by me since they did not deserve to be alive after what they did to Eri.

Poor girl.

As much as I want to barge into Overhaul's base which I know where I will not since I know heroes and villains surely will be after me when I killed Overhaul and his gangs.

But the moment the Hero Killer Arc begins, I will find my way to rescue Eri.

No need to wait for Nighteye, that fanatic fan of All Might with Mirio and Izuku to rescue her.

But if I ever got the chance to meet Eri soon for later, well fuck the plotline of this story.

It is 10 months before the exam begins with me now is trying to relax but still do some light exercise since my body now is like Ban from Seven Deadly Sins with me has grown slightly taller.

The sludge incident will happen today since I just receive my clone memory who witness that Bakugou just throw Izuku's Hero books to the pond.

Well, the story officially has begun as I am walking to witness the birth of the second hero in this country since I am the future number, one hero.

Izuku can be the number 2 hero. Shame on you Izuku and All Might.

Moments passed as I am now laughing internally when I see how useless and pathetic these heroes are when they are hesitating, no rather stood like the pedestrians while looking at Bakugou who now is being entrapped in the sludge as his hands keep blasting many explosions to the surrounding.

"My quirk is not effective against him."

"Damn it. I cannot be near that villain."

"Where is the backup?"

"What an unlucky day for my hero debut."

Hearing those words from the Pro Heroes made me shake my head.

"I am starting to doubt this world future when All Might become a normal person with no quirk in him. I cannot imagine when there are no All Might and leaves a certain flaming hero who has a superiority complex and family issue to become no 1 hero.

Oh wait, he suddenly becomes a kind person when he got throned as the first hero and his family start to be kind to him with them supporting him when he almost lost his life toward that High-End Nomu or its name is Hood.

Another major plotline for the half hot half cold boy.

But back to the current timeline, I now can see All Might in his skinny form and mind you, he looks like a walking corpse with a certain green nerd who has a horrified expression seeing his best friend is in danger.

With me already knew what is going to happen, I walk away but then I stop as my head had a wicked idea.

" Well, Bakugou. Time for my revenge." An evil smile flashed in my face for a second as I stand up straight with my body warm-up before a yellow figure appeared beside me.

"The World." I thought as I look at the stand belongs to certain vampires who have a catchphrase that I liked a lot in my past life.

The World is humanoid Stand, The World is tall and has a very muscular build. It bears a striking resemblance to DIO in terms of appearance. It wears a headpiece covering its face to below the place of its nose, slanting at a steep angle from the base of its forehead to a peak situated above the rear of its head by about half its height, leaving the face of an inverted triangle visible to the front; somewhat similar to the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. It wears small, simple twin diving cylinders on its back, connecting via short, twin-ridged cables to the rear of its mask; perhaps secured by thick, ridged or puffed straps running from the rear of its waist over both its shoulders to its front. The back of both its hands bears the shape of a simple clock face. Its chin, the base of its abdomen, its crotch and its knees are topped by heart shapes.

I cannot contain my excitement as I slowly thought a sentence in my head as I had to hold my urge to say loudly those words but what can I say need to stay low key with my power.

"The World! Stop Time!" I shouted in my mind as the whole world turned grey as all movement has stopped.

Nothing moves not even a falling leaf which means now the time in this world has stopped completely.

And only I can move in this place right now as I run to Bakugou as the current me can stop the time for only 4 seconds.

The World meanwhile swiftly delivered many punches to Bakugou which I know will leave him with a broken nose and bruised cheeks.

"3 seconds. 4 seconds has passed as the time has resumed once more," I said as I have returned to my location with The World retract back into my body as the world become colourful and time has continued to resume to move normally again.

But one thing happens as Bakugou grunt in pain as his face now looks like someone beat him up very badly which make the heroes worried more about him with Skinny Might is clenching his fist tightly.

Well Izuku Midoriya, time to show your worthiness of receiving One For All right now by rescuing your dear friend, Katsuki Bakugou.

And everything goes exactly like in the anime and manga though I can see how shameless the heroes are when they praise Bakugou for his strong quirk whereas the true saviour, Deku got scold by the heroes which led me to laugh loudly earning everyone attention.

"Who would've thought that heroes are weak and cowards?" I said in a loud tone as I secretly record what is going to happen in the next moment.

"What do you mean by that?" Mount Lady ask me as I look at her while smiling.

"I mean you heroes are useless when facing tat slime villain," I replied making the heroes angry.

"Listen here kid my quirk is not..."

"It can harm me as I..."

"My attack is not effective since the slime villain..."

Listening to those lame excuses made me smile.

"See what I mean. All those excuses made me realise how weak you guys are. I mean, everyone can see you heroes are frozen and just stare at the villain as a pedestrian does. Just do not use that lame excuse damn it. Heroes sacrificed their lives to rescue someone. The fire is dangerous to you? Then wear fire resistance cloth. Your attack is not effective. Then search or think for something else to defeat that villain. But wait, you guys did not do that since you guys are weak and not so very heroic." I said to them as I smirk seeing Mountain Lady is furious.

"Listen here, you twerp--"

"Shut up you fame seeker. I bet you just use your giant body to increase your fame." I said to her and that is all I need as her anger is about to explode.

"Even with that giant body, your brain is still small as your small brain cannot think of a way to defeat a sludge. Wonder if you are a hero or just woman who want popularity by wearing heroin attire?" I ask her making her stomp her feet to the ground very hard as now she is about to throw a tantrum.

"How dare you call me a fame seeker brat?! Let me teach you a lesson." She is about to grab me before Death Arms hold her back.

"What are you doing? Let me go. I am going to teach this smart brat a lesson." Mount Lady said to him.

"Calm down will you. Look at your surrounding." Death Arms said to her as Mount Lady start to notice the citizens now take pictures of her and record her.

"I know you are angry but what the kid says is true. If we just throw unleash our anger towards that kid, it just shows us that we heroes are bad as the villains for attempting to assault a middle school student." Death Arms said to her making Mount Lady look to the ground feel ashamed as she knows that she almost attack me as she cannot contain her anger towards me.

"Young man. What you said is correct. As much as I want to deny your exclamations, I am unable to as what you said are indeed the truth. We feel very useless when we faced a villain like that." Death Arms said to me making me raise my eyebrows.

"Hmm. And here I thought that he will just hold me for insulting them. Or he just delivers these words to make the citizens have a good impression of him."

"At least made attempt to defeat the villain. It is not like All Might can rescue the day every time. Eventually, he will retire and who knows what will happen at that time. Are you going to ask a retired hero to reduce the day again? If you heroes keep depending on All Might, then you will not grow stronger. " Having finished my words I walk away before stopping.

"Also, at least praise that green nerd for actually try to rescue that explosion boy. From what I see, that kid is more heroic than you guys."

I then walk away leaving a crying green nerd when I said he is more heroic than the heroes.

"Hm. With my speeches and stunts just now, everyone will notice me which is good since my foundation to become a hero is to become popular when I was a teenager.

Fame is important since many people will look up to you and criminals will be afraid of you.

And that is why I will try my hardest to be in the spotlight when something happened.

" Now Izuku probably is going to meet All Might and get to be his inheritor of One For All.

10 month before the exam begins. Let's just focus practising how to execute elemental jutsus, martial arts movement, magic attacks and use the Stand more effectively than before.

"Oi." Someone called me and turn my head to are Bakugou who has that furious expression.

"Just do not think with your smart words, it will not get you into UA." He said to me as I laugh.

"You aim to get the first ranking in the entrance of UA right?" I ask him.

"Of course you bastard. I am going to show every one of the heroes how strong and good I am." He said to me.

"Heh. Well, for your information, I am going to get the first in the entrance exam." I said to him.

"Do not joke around quirkless. everyone knows despite you are strong and good at fighting, you are quirkless like that damn Deku. Just do not get your hope too high to enter UA. Like someone who is quirkless able to enter UA. Open your damn eyes." He said to me before I summon my Stand to deliver a right hook making his face hit the wall very hard.

"Ack. That hurt you bastard!" He shouted at me making me smile.

"You see Bakugou, sadly for you, I have a quirk and decide to keep secret about it. Besides, you said that your quirk is the strongest? Compared to mine, it is like comparing an ant and a dragon." I said to him in a provocative tone which made him approach me as his hand has sparked on his hand.

A clear sign that he wanted to explore my face or body but I made the World to mess up with his shoes tie lace why made him fell to the ground making me laugh as I know my smartphone record this moment.

"You damn bastard! What did you do to me huh?!" Bakugou asked me but I just keep smiling which made him angrier towards mem

"Figure out yourself Katsuki. Bye." I bid goodbye to him and walk away from him making him curse out some words that small child did not have to hear at an early age.

"And now the story has officially begun." I thought in my head as the next day with a single glance, I am able to see Izuku has that happy aura plus excitement around him due to him probably is deemed worthy to inherit the Japan Number 1 Hero, All Might's quirk, One For All.

But then the positive aura around him changed into despair making me know that he already received his training schedule from All Might since his current body is too weak with All Might asked him to clean up the Dagoba Beach in 10 months.

So for him to successfully clean the beach, All Might prepares a schedule which composed of his training, breakfast, lunch, dinner and sleeping time in the schedule.

Just looking at his body made me chuckle with that body, One For All will kill him when he activated that quirk.

Months passed as I can see Izuku's body now has changed with him keep doing exercise when he has the time to do it makes me impressed with his dedication to complete his training.

And as for Bakugou, he is still the same loud and rude kid but he seems to be not bullying anyone as shown in the manga and anime as he seems to not bother Deku anymore.

Seeing the dedication of Deku to make himself worthy enough to use One For All make me get fired up to do my training.

Seconds turn unto minutes as then minutes turn into days as many days have passed as now it only a month away before the UA exam will be held with me now is doing a handstand on top of the mountain with sweats keep falling to the ground but still I maintain my position.

"2 hours have passed." I then slowly moved down my other hand and then stand up properly as I crack my neck with my body which made me heard the sound of cracking coming from my body which made me sigh in relief hearing those sounds.

"Now one month before the exam begins. UA, just wait for your strongest students as I will break All Might's records and become the strongest student in that academy." Said me as I look at the sky while clenching my fist when mentioned my dreams in this world.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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