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89.18% pokemon fanfiction / Chapter 33: chapter 39 part 2

Chương 33: chapter 39 part 2

 You're not running, are you?" Hala asked. He could feel blood pumping through his veins. It was crazy, to think the last time he felt like this was five years ago...

"No. As a matter of fact, I'm just getting started! Pidgeot, use Hurricane!" Ash said as Pidgeot came down and brought a Hurricane with him. It was so strong, Hala and some spectators behind him had almost flew from their places.

"That was close." Hala said.

"Not quite." Ash said.

"Close Combat!"

"Mirror Move!"

"He's wearing Hariyama down!" Hau said as he saw how confident Serena and Ash both were that Ash would win.

"Go Ash!" Serena cheered.

"Close Combat!"

"Use Hurricane!"

"Hariyama!" Hala shouted as both Hariyama amd Pidgeot were looking bad. Not too bad, but definitely not close to where they were before.

"Finish him off, with Brave Bird!" Ash said as Pidgeot flew towards Hariyama and grabbed him. Pidgeot flew Hariyama to the sky, and let go of him in mid air. Then, Pidgeot used Steel Wing to send him back down, and then flew after him, Steel Wing after Steel Wing, until they both hit the ground. Then, both lay in a crater, with Pidgeot slowly coming to, and Hariyama also trying to wake up and fight. Pidgeot stands with difficulty and Hariyama is still on his knees. Pidgeot is now on both feet, and repositions himself for battle. But Hariyama is one knee, amd he struggles to make it to the next. Hariyama, too battered from that final attack, collapses where he was before.

"Hariyama is unable to battle! Pidgeot wins!" Kukui said.

"Alright! Way to go Pidgeot!" Kiawe said.

"Yay Pidgeot!" Lillie said.

"Keep on winning, Ash and Pidgeot!" Serena said and Pikachu said his name and Hala recalled Hariyama.

"Wanna keep going, Pidgeot?" Ash asked.

"PIDGEO!" Pidgeot said as he flared his wings as he did before.

"Alright! I'm sticking with Pidgeot!" Ash said.

"You've got guts Ash. But I seriously doubt you're ready for this. I choose you, Machamp!" Hala said and he sent out his Machamp.

"Okay, use Hurricane!" Ash ordered.

"Machamp, Thunder Punch, and follow up with Ice Punch!" Hala said as Machamp charged up a Thunder Punch on one fist, and and Ice Punch on another, and repeated the process with his other hands.

"Watch out!" Ash said as Pidgeot dodged the first Thunder Punch, but then was hit by an Ice Punch, followed by a Thunder Punch, and another Ice Punch after that in rapid succession. All that was simply too much for the giant bird.


"Pidgeot is unable to battle! Machamp wins!"

"It's that Ice Punch/Thunder Punch Combo that took Pidgeot out so fast. Pidgeot's not fast enough to dodge them. He will need to buy some time. At least enough to land a hit." Molayne said to Kiawe as he agreed. Ash then realized that those four fists went in rapid succession, and that Pidgeot dodged the first one by sheer luck. In order to compete with that, he needed to fight fire with fire.

Or in this case, Speed with Speed...

"Are you gonna choose, Ash?" Hala asked.

"You bet I will! Go Talonflame!" Ash said as Talonflame arose and spit a fireball.

"Talonflame. Flame Charge, of course! A Fire move will render Ice Punch useless!" Serena said as she made a connection and thought that that was why Ash chose Talonflame.

"Wait! It knows Flame Charge?" Molayne asked.

"Yeah!" Serena said.

"That's the advantage Ash needs!" Hau said.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"Flame Charge is a move that will make the user faster with each use. Pidgeot was too slow to dodge Machamp's 1-2-3-4 Ice-Thunder Combo, but Flame Charge could give Talonflame the edge it needs, in addition to cancelling Ice Punch!" Molayne said.

"Now, Machamp, Thunder Punch, and follow with Ice Punch!"

"Flame Charge, Talonflame!"

"Okay. I'll give you that. But are you ready for Cross Chop?"

"I am. You should get ready for Brave Bird!"

"Cross Chop!"

"Brave Bird!" Talonflame's Brave Bird was similar to Pidgeot's, but with a Flame Charge on the way to the sky, reducing Cross Chop's damage, and also on the return trip, and the Steel Wings were hitting more, because of Talonflame's increased speed.

"Thunder Punch, and follow up with Fire Punch!"

"Flame Charge!" Thunder Punch connected with Talonflame, and while Fire Punch may have connected as well, it didn't do much on account of Talonflame already being on fire.

"Fire Punch didn't work!" Kiawe said.

"All Fire Punch is doing is making Talonflame's Flame Charge burn hotter!" Lillie said.


"You good Talonflame?"


"Alright then, use Razor Wind!"

"Push forward and use Cross Chop!"

"Get ready!"


"Brave Bird!" Again, Talonflame used Brave Bird which was even faster now, and as a result, both Talonflame and Machamp crashed and burned.

"Both Talonflame and Machamp are unable to battle! Hala and Ash each have four Pokémon left!"

"On three!"



"Three! Go Primeape/Noctowl!"

"Prim!" Hala's Primeape was bigger than normal Primeape. It also had a black belt, similar to Hala's.

"Nooct-oowl!" Ash's Noctowl was a shiny one, gold and neon green, and smaller than a normal Noctowl.

Pidgeo!" Pidgeot said as he spread his wings, ready to fight again.

"Alright then, use Steel Wing!"

"Close Combat!" Hala ordered. Hariyama went to get close to Pidgeot and use Close Combat, but Pidgeot was also heading for him, with no intention of slowing down. Close Combat hit the Steel Wing, and while Fighting moves usually render Steel moves moot, Pidgeot's Steel Wing left a mark on Hariyama, while Close Combat dislocated Pidgeot's Wing. Doing this lead to both Pidgeot and Hariyama going into blind furies against each other, Pidgeot swinging his wing, still in a Steel Wing, like a slingblade, and Hariyama hitting anywhere and everywhere. Eventually, Pidgeot ended up on the ddefensive, and was trying to deflect Hariyama's fists of fury, and in doing so, Hariyama popped Pidgeot's wing back into place. Then, Ash and Hala knew they needed get an upper hand on the battle so Ash gave an order.

"Up in the air!"

3 or 6?" Hala asked.

"All six, Kahuna!" Ash said.

"You don't back down, and you don't settle! Wish I had met you sooner! Go, Hariyama!" Hala said as his Hariyama came out of a Poké Ball

"Let's go, Pidgeot!" Ash said as Pidgeot came out of the Nanodex.

"Okay, Hariyama, use Heavy Slam!"

"Defend yourself with Steel Wing!"

Pidgeot's Steel Wing reduced the damage that Heavy Slam would have done, but the force of the slam was still enough to throw off Pidgeot's game.

"Okay. Now, Knock Off!"

"Mirror Move, Pidgeot!" Pidgeot made a reflective shield that allowed him to use an opponents move against them, in his case, he used Knock Off back to him while taking no damage.

"Fake Out, Hariyama!"

"Pidgeot, don't flinch!" Ash shouted, knowing darn well what flinching would do, and knowing the opening Hala and Hariyama will have if Pidgeot does flinch.

"Wow. This is the longest I've seen him battle." Hau said.

"It hasn't been that long." Molayne, a lanky, tall, dirty blonde boy with glasses, messy hair, and blue blazer, light blue shirt, and black pants said to Hau.

"Exactly! Against Sophocles and Ilima, he wiped them both out, or at the very least, beat their first Pokémon by now. Hariyama doesn't look like he broke a sweat. Course, Pidgeot looks okay too. But this is the hardest time he has had taking the first Pokémon since he has been here." Hau said as Sophocles scoffed.

"He has an Ace up his sleeve. He just hasn't used it yet." Serena reminded everyone as Pikachu nodded, and Rowlet continued to snore.

Ilima and I watch this vlogger, her name is Iris Cuasorome." Hau said, looking Ash in the eye.

"So that's why I heard Serena's voice." Ash said.

"Iris is way too over the top with everything. She even said she could out dance Serena. You wanna be mad at someone, be mad at Iris Cuasorome."

"You didn't insult Serena?"

"No. We insulted this chick. She talks all this crap, and can't back it up. She called a Water Type gym leader from Kanto a stupid kid!" Hau said. "Are we cool now?" Hau finished as he extended his hand for Ash to shake, and put all of this behind them. Slowly, but surely, everyone else eased up. Braixen put her stick away, Greninja retracted his "blades". Pikachu has calmed down, and Serena is motioning for Ash to make peace with Hau. Ash decides to accept Hau's apology and shakes his hand.

"We're cool." Ash said.

"Good luck, Ash." Hau said.


"Ash," Serena said as she put her arms around his neck. "I''m glad you didn't break his face."

"Me too, Serena, me too." Ash said as they kissed again.

"Well, my boy, one of my guests is late, and as unfortunate as it is, cause I think he would've been excited to meet you, the Trial must go on! Should you defeat me, I will read aloud the Prophecy Of Alola's Light! Ash Ketchum, do you accept the Challenge?" Hala asked.

"I never back down from a challenge! You got it, Kahuna!" Ash said with a thumbs up

He's holding his own against Kahuna Hala..." Gladion Lynch said as he watched Ash and Hala battle from afar on his way to Iki Town. He then saw a Decidueye fly high over him, and deduced that it could be only one person...

"Just in time, old friend..." Gladion said as a smile formed on his face, and he ran towards Iki Town.

"A Noctowl?" Sophocles asked, not impressed with Ash's follow up to Talonflame.

"A SHINY Noctowl!" Kiawe emphasized.

"What does he plan to do with that?" Sophocles asked.

"Why is it so small?" Lillie asked.

"What are you planning, Ash?" Serena asked as she held Pikachu, who cheered for Ash and his old friend from Johto, the wise Noctowl.

"Your Noctowl is special, at least on the outside."

"Not just the outside! Show em, Noctowl!"

"Will do, Ash." Noctowl simply said, despite his beak not moving.

"Wait, did he just speak?"

"I'll ask later!"

"Let's see if Noctowl's big brain can beat the Brawn Of Hala! Time to holla! Primeape, use Rock Slide!"

"Dodge it! Then use Hypnosis!"

"No! Don't pass out!" Hala shouted, hoping Primeape would shake it somehow.

"Now, use Sky Attack!" Ash said as Noctowl flew to the sky, and spread his wings.

"Primeape, snap out of it!" Hala shouted as Primeape finally woke up after pretty much remembering who, or what it was. "Okay, now use Stomping Tantrum!"

"Finish it!" Ash commanded as Noctowl connected.

"It missed..." Kiawe said.

"Cause Ground moves don't work on Flying types, dummy!" Sophocles said to Kiawe.

"Don't worry, Ash has a plan! After all, his Noctowl wouldn't be here if he couldn't do something cool!" Hau said to everyone.

"Why can Noctowl talk?" Serena asked.

"It must have a high level of Psychic Power. It's not uncommon for Noctowl's to have some level of Psychic power, but it's stronger in shinies, due to their higher intellect. It is on par with Slowking in intelligence." Molayne explained as Serena got an idea.

"Ash! Try a Psychic move!" Serena shouted to Ash.

"Extrasensory!" Ash commanded, but when Noctowl went to use Extrasensory, a noise came out, instead of the wave that would have come out otherwise.

"What is that noise?" Kiawe asked.

"Synchronoise." Gladion said as he approached to seating area.

"Alright! Use Synchronoise!" Ash ordered.

"No!" Hala shouted as Primeape was seen to be dizzy, and holding his head, trying to cover his ears until he simply couldn't handle the Synchronoise.

"Primeape is unable to battle! Noctowl wins!"

"Alright then! Go Bewear!" Hala shouted, not giving Ash time to celebrate.

"Noctowl, return! I know what to do here! Go Charizard!" Ash shouted.

"Bewear, Dragon Claw!"

"I know you wanted that to work, but Charizard isn't a Dragon type. Now, Seismic Toss!"

"Turn that Seismic Toss into Brutal Swing!" Hala shouted, and as a result, Bewear brilliantly reversed Charizard's Seismic Toss into a Brutal Swing, sending Charizard to the ground.

"Fire Punch!" Ash and Charizard were now both fired up, and ready to wreck this Bewear.

"Hammer Arm!" Hala and Bewear also wanted to show Alola, and more importantly, the world that Kanto doesn't always make the top Trainers.

"AGAIN! FIRE PUNCH!/HAMMER ARM!" Ash and Hala both shouted at the top of their lungs as Charizard's and Bewear's arms clashed again, this time making a pulse that now split the crowd in half.

"Jeez. They can't beat each other." Kiawe said, amazed at the fact that while he had seen no one go toe-to-toe with Hala like this, he had also never seen anyone challenge all six of Hala's Pokemon.

"Crazy. By now, anybody else would've forfeited at the sight of Bewear-" Molayne said.

"Don't forget." Gladion said as everyone turned to face him. "Kahuna Hala has two more Pokémon after Bewear. Two that we don't know of."

"Gladion..." Serena muttered. "Why are two of his Pokémon unknown?" Serena asked cautiously, expecting back talk from Gladion.

"Because as long as Hala has been Kahuna, no one has ever beaten that Bewear." Gladion responded.

"Ash will be the first! You'll see!" Lillie said with the utmost confidence as Pikachu said it's name and put up a thumbs up, and Serena nodded in agreement.

"Keep dreaming. Ash is strong, but he's not invincible. If not Hala, he'll lose to someone much more powerful." Sophocles said with a scoff.

"This is why we are not friends, Sophocles. You're such a pessimist. He may be an idiot, but I think Ash can win here. But if he can't, well he's a liar too." Gladion said as Serena stood up, turned to him, and slapped him across his face so hard that there was actually a red spot where she did. "Don't you ever insult Ash again!" Serena growled as Lana, Mallow, who had been quiet until now, and we're too in awe to say anything along with Kiawe and Hau had to restrain them both.

"What's wrong, young lady? Afraid your boyfriend's gonna lose?" Gladion teased as Hau turned him to face him.

"Knock it off, Gladion!" Hau said as Gladion put his hands up.

"Let it go, Serena. He's not worth it." Lana told Serena as she was still trying to get to Gladion.

"Dragon Claw!" Hala ordered.

"Okay, Charizard, use Dragon Claw, but turn that Claw into a fist!" Ash said, attempting to one up Hala. He figured that if Dragon Claw was on Charizard's hand, and was used in a clawing motion, why can't it be used in a fist?

"Do the same with Dragon Claw and Hammer Arm!" Hala said, attempting to match Ash's creativity, and also unknowingly teaching Bewear a new move.

"Dragon Punch!" Ash called the combo.

"Dragon Hammer!" Hala announced. However, both attacks collided, and we're sending an impact that we're headed for Rowlet, who was still sleeping in Ash's bag, and Pikachu, who had long since jumped out of Serena's arms, and was now trying to wake Rowlet up.

"Pikachu! Rowlet!" Serena shouted she jumped to push both Rowlet and Pikachu out of the way, and protect them from the impact of Dragon Punch and Dragon Hammer.

"You got heart." Hala said as Bewear stood ready to attack, both panting by now.

"Thanks, Kahuna." Ash said as Charizard scoffed fire out of his nostrils. Bewear then motioned while putting up his fists to "come on". Charizard's just stuck one hand out, and motioned for Bewear to "just bring it", with a smug grin on his face.

"Heart doesn't win battles, Power does. Bewear, Shadow Claw and Dragon Claw, back to back!" Hala said. Bewear landed both, but Ash and Charizard stood and took Bewear's attack. However, despite these stronger than normal attacks, Charizard didn't move an inch, and Ash just smiled.

"You're right, power does win battles. But you can't use that power if you can't take a hit. Charizard, Seismic Fire Punch!" Charizard used Seismic Toss with his hands on fire. Then he brought Bewear to a halt in the air, then he punched him down once with a Fire Punch on each fist, and sent Bewear crashing.

"Holy shit..." Molayne said as he saw Bewear crash to the ground, which then made dust come up. Then Charizard landed. And he waited for the dust to settle. Finally, Professor Kukui saw Bewear on the ground, and saw that he was knocked out.

"Uhhh... Oh jeez! Bewear is unable to battle, Charizard wins!" Kukui said, briefly forgetting that he was the official of this battle.

Ash and Charizard high fived as Serena, Lillie, Pikachu and Rowlet cheered for Ash.

"Well played, Ash, well played indeed. Since I like you, I'm willing to call this a win for you, to save you the embarassment." Hala said, willing to recognize another equal. Ash then looked to Lillie and Serena, and they encourage him with a nod each. Then Ash notices Brock and Officer Jenny behind them, and at first thinks he's imagining them there, but then Pikachu runs to them, and they both nod to Ash as well. Then Ash looked to Charizard's, and Charizard cracked his knuckles and scoffed fire and prepared to fight, and then Ash had his answer.

"You want to go all the way?" Hala asked as Ash cracked his knuckles, and turned his hat backwards, and nodded.

"You were warned. Go Poliwrath!" Hala shouted as everyone waited for the next part of the battle.

"Poliwrath, use Poison Jab!" Hala commanded.

"Charizard, Dragon Punch!" Ash commanded.

"That's a tough Charizard!" Hau said in astonishment.

"His next Pokémon is a Poliwrath!" Lana shouted in excitement, due to her favoritism towards water types.

"Can you be-lieve it?" Molayne simply said.

"Hydro Pump!"


"His Charizard can really go!" Kiawe said.

"It is one of his first Pokémon." Brock said as he and Officer Jenny took a seat behind the rest of the Alola Bunch and Serena. Pikachu was still on his shoulder, but then ran back to Serena once Brock sat down.

"You know him?" Serena asked.

"I taught him almost everything there was to know about bringing out the best in his Pokémon." Brock said.

"How long have you known him?" Serena asked again.

"Oh, about 7 years." Brock said as everyone else gasped at this revelation.

"You met him when he started..." Serena said

"Name's Brock Slate. I'm-"

"The Pewter City Gym Leader!" Lillie said as she cut Brock off.

"And you are?"

"Lillie Lynch! I have a friend from Kanto who told me all about you!"

"About me?" Brock asked.

"The first Gym Leader he ever faced! He's now the Champion Of Alola!"

"Whoa. And who might you be?" Brock asked the honey blonde who Pikachu ran to in a way he hadn't seen since Johto.

"Serena Yvonne. I'm Ash's- uh..." Serena trailed off as her face turned red again, and Pikachu looked on in concern.

"Say no more, you two are just friends, got it."

"Tell me, Mr. Slate, was Ash always so- unorthodox?" Sophocles asked, trying to give Ash a backhanded compliment behind his back.

"Yes and no-"

"A fog!"

"That Flamethrower and Hydro Pump canceled each other out!" Brock analyzed.

The fog started out very thick, with both Charizard and Poliwrath coming to a halt. Then as the fog cleared up, Charizard and Ash looked for Poliwrath. But Charizard's flame on its tail gave it away. And Hala knew it.

"There you are. Poliwrath, Hydro Pump!"

"Charizard, dodge, and then try for Seismic Toss!" Ash said as Poliwrath used it's Hydro Pump. The Hydro Pump gave it away, allowing Charizard to go in for a Seismic Toss. However, he had no such luck, as Hala and Poliwrath beat him to the punch, figuratively and literally.

"Poliwrath, Brick Break, then Hydro Pump!"

"Watch out!" Ash shouted as Charizard took the full attack. If this was the Johto League, he could have been in trouble. But with Charizard's extended training in the Charific Valley, and Ash's own tenure in Mt. Silver, with Charizard, Staraptor, Pikachu, Infernape, Noctowl, and Donphan, he wasn't so worried.

"He's come a long way. He can now take a Hydro Pump and still stand." Brock said as everyone wowed in unison.

"He's tough!" Kiawe said.

"He's a freakin moron." Sophocles said.

"Sophy, just don't." Molayne said.

"What's that?" Lillie asked.

"A Decidueye..." Hau said as Gladion nodded to himself as he knew whose Decidueye it was.

"Now you're starting to piss Poliwrath off." Hala said as Ash realized he was right.

"Charizard, return! I have a better idea. Want revenge for Primeape?" Ash asked as Hala nodded. "Go Noctowl!" Ash said as Hala chuckled.

"I won't even need a Z-Move for you. Hydro Pump, Poliwrath!"

"Hypnosis!" Ash countered.

"No, no, no!" Hala said as Poliwrath almost fell asleep. However, it then smelled the berry it had in it's glove, and ate it. "Yeah!" Hala shouted as his Poliwrath countered Ash's Noctowl.

"Uh-oh." Ash said as he panicked for a bit. He kinda hoped hypnosis would do it's thing, and then he could move in for the win, but luck wasn't on his side this time.

"Stone Edge!" Hala called out as Noctowl tried to keep all stones at bay with his Synchronoise, to no avail. Noctowl, powerful as he had become, didn't develop the endurance and resilience that Charizard had. Then again, Ash didn't plan on using him more than once. Ash's bad...

"Dang it." Ash said. Now he was in a corner. He knew he should save Charizard, but he didn't know who else to bring out. Swellow wasn't that powerful, and Hawlucha, Noivern and Rowlet we're all too green to take on a Poliwrath that beat Noctowl and almost beat Charizard. Then, he had an idea. He would call on an old friend from Sinnoh...

"Go Staraptor!"

"Another Flying Type? This getting ridiculous." Sophocles said.

"Shut up, Sophocles." Gladion said to Sophocles.

"Poliwrath, Poison Jab!"

"Staraptor, Quick Attack!"

"Poliwrath, Brick Break, and follow up with Poison Jab!"

"Staraptor, Brave Bird!" Ash said as Staraptor used Brave Bird. Like the others, his Brave Bird was a combo of what was basically Fly and another attack. In Staraptor's case, it was Fly and Wing Attack, except Staraptor's Wing Attack was more like Pidgeot's "Slingblade" manuever.

"Get up!" Hala said as Poliwrath landed.

"One more time, Staraptor! Brave Bird!" Ash said as he performed another Brave Bird on Poliwrath.

"No!" Hala said as a dust bowl came up. As Hala was in the dark about whether Poliwrath survived or not, so was Ash unclear if Staraptor was still able to fight. However, the dust was still up, but Staraptor had flown out, looking no different than when he started. Then, slowly, the smoke finally cleared, and the decision was made, upon discovering the fallen Poliwrath.

"Poliwrath is unable to battle! Staraptor wins!" Kukui announced.

"Yeah!" Serena cheered.

"Hold it, he's not out of the woods yet. Kahuna Hala still has one more Pokémon. And he's already seen Charizard and Staraptor." Molayne said.

"At least I didn't miss the best part." Brock chuckled.

"No way are you ready for this. You've never seen this Pokémon. Go Crabominable!"

"Staraptor, return! What is that?" Ash said as he held up his Nanodex for him to scan.

"Crabominable, The Woolly Crab Pokémon. It stores coldness in its pincers and pummels its foes. It can even smash thick walls of ice to bits!" The Nanodex said.

"Charizard, LET'S DO THIS!" Ash said as he called out Charizard, who again snorted fire.

"I hoped you would! Crabominable, use the Z-Move!" Hala said as he did a dance. "Subzero Slammer!" Hala said as he held up his Z-Ring, and in turn, light blue energy flew out of it, and to Crabominable.

"Charizard, counter with Seismic Fire Punch!" Ash responded. Although the hit connected, so did Subzero Slammer: a wall of ice-cold water, solid ice, and heavy snow that came crashing down onto Charizard. Charizard was tough, but he was still just a fire type. He took a Hydro Pump full force, and that could've been what did him in. Either way, the Charizard that withstood two of Hala's Pokemon, was now defeated.

"Charizard is unable to battle! Crabominable wins!" Kukui announced, to everyone's dismay. They were really rooting for Charizard to beat him. Even Gladion wanted Ash to win, and he didn't even like the idiot. The only one who was happy about it was Sophocles. And then a group of random kids grabbed him, and chucked him into a bush.

"Charizard! Are you okay?" Ash said as he was about to go to Charizard, but then Brock, Officer Jenny, Hau, Kiawe, and Molayne went to tend to Charizard, his flame barely burning.

"We'll take care of Charizard, you keep going! Charizard wouldn't want you to forfeit." Brock told Ash as the aforementioned group lifted Charizard off of the battlefield. Ash watched his first Ace Pokémon get carried off the battlefield. 'That's not how I wanted you to leave the battlefield, old friend.' Ash thought as he took off his hat and threw it to the wind, where Pikachu caught it and brought it to Serena. He then took his zip up short sleeve shirt off and threw it to the ground. He then looked to have a new fire in his eyes, with only one thing on his mind: Revenge for Charizard.

"Alright. STARAPTOR, LET'S GO!" Ash shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Sta-raptor!" Staraptor flared his wings as he landed, ready for Crabominable to strike, and to strike back.

"Crab." Crabominable flexed his giant, ice-cold pincers.

"You're gonna fight to the end, huh?" Hala asked.

"Always." Ash said.

"Crabominable, Ice Hammer!" Crabominable started turning his giant pincers into icy wrecking balls, and started swinging at Staraptor.

"Staraptor, Brave Bird!" Staraptor evaded countless Ice Hammers and used Close Combat to get Crabominable in a vulnerable position to perform Brave Bird on him.

"Ice Hammer, Crabominable!" Hala said after Crabominable landed and sprung back up.

"Close Combat, Staraptor!" Staraptor's wings formed fists on the end, allowing for Staraptor to make triple the impact that he would with a Wing Attack.

"Stone Edge!"

"Use Aerial Ace to dodge it!" But Staraptor's Aerial Ace was not just an Aerial Ace. Feathers seem to have come out of the Aerial Ace, and Staraptor looked slightly better than when he started against Crabominable. However, the action was moving so fast that that Aerial Ace turned Roost was the only thing people saw through it all.

"He didn't just use Aerial Ace, he Roosted too." Molayne said as he put Charizard's head on a large pillow that was brought out by a local.

"He knows Roost?" Brock said as he and Officer Jenny tried to get a fire going for Charizard.

"I guess so." Officer Jenny said, not paying much attention to the actual conversation.

"Either way, he's got a boost now." Kiawe said as Staraptor came back around to face Crabominable.

"Alright, Staraptor, Close Combat!"

"Ice Hammer!"

"Brave Bird, one more time!"

"Not down yet!"

"Stone Edge!"

"Use Close Combat, then move in for Quick Attack!" Crabominable continued to strike with countless Stone Edges, with Staraptor narrowly evading each one, and each Stone Edge got closer and closer by the millimeter, and then finally, Crabominable followed with this. "Icy Edge!" A fusion of Ice Hammer and Stone Edge, if it hit Staraptor, he would either be down for the count, or in a bad way.

It didn't.

"Brave Bird Combat!" Ash commanded, as Staraptor struck with a Close Combat to get Crabominable in a favorable position, to set up for a modified Brave Bird: instead of simply flying him to the air, Staraptor continued to hit Crabominable until Staraptor saw fit to send him back down. Then, he continued with the Slingblade Wing Attack, and both Staraptor and Crabominable crashed hard enough to cause another dust cloud. When the dust settled, Crabominable was automatically decided to be unable to battle, for he had swirls in his eyes, which almost certainly indicated a KO. Staraptor, however, did not have said swirls, but he wasn't moving either. Ash, Serena, Pikachu, Rowlet, Lillie and Hau, along with Brock, Kiawe and Molayne stared at Staraptor, eagerly awaiting Kukui's decision. Staraptor's wings moved, and then Staraptor shook his head and started to get up. Slowly but surely, Staraptor got back up, and flared his wings again, as if he was ready to battle another opponent. But that simply wouldn't be necessary...

"Crabominable is unable to battle... Staraptor wins, and the victory goes to Ash Ketchum!"

"Ash!" Serena jumped and ran to Ash, with Pikachu, Rowlet, and Lillie in tow.

"Serena..." Ash said as Serena tackled Ash into a hug and Lillie followed suit.

"Pika!" Pikachu said as he jumped on Ash's shoulder.

"Roo!" Rowlet said as he flew and landed on the ground and brought Ash's hat and shirt.

'You may be stupid, but you definitely have balls of steel...' Gladion thought as he saw Hala return Crabominable, satisfied with the way the battle went.

"Brock!" Ash said as he had seen that Brock wasn't at Charizard's side anymore, and came to greet him.

"Ash!" Brock said as both he and Ash pulled each other into a hug that only Brock and Ash pulled off.

"Long time no see!"

"Little too long!" Brock said as he made note that Ash was now his height.

"Ash!" Officer Jenny called as she left Molayne and some locally licensed Pokemon Doctors to tend to Charizard.

"Officer Jenny!" Ash shouted as he went to greet her as well, but was then interuppted.

"Squirtle!" A little sky blue turtle jumped out from Officer Jenny's bag.

"And Squirtle too!" Officer Jenny said as Squirtle landed in Ash's arms.

"Hey, old buddy, how's the Squirtle Squad?"

"Squirt! Squirtle, Squirt!" Squirtle said, announcing that one of the other Squirtles evolved, and there were now three times as many Squirtles as the original Squirtle Squad.

"That's great! And you asked Officer Jenny to find me?"


"Well, how did you guys find me?" Ash asked, turning to Brock and Officer Jenny.

"Ashy!" Almost on cue, Melody, from Shamouti Island ran from the general direction of Hau'oli City to greet Ash.

"Melody! Hey!" Ash said.

"Where is this boy you told me about? Is he cute?" Melody asked, excitedexc meet her platinum haired Antonio Banderas.

"And who might you be?" Serena stepped in front of Ash with her arms around his neck, and Squirtle, Pikachu, and Rowlet jumping off of his head and shoulders.

"Melody. A former lo-ver of Ashy-poo here!" Melody said as she made a kissy-face to Ash. "And you must be his girlfriend!" She finished, recognizing Serena from Ash's video call.

"Ow!" Ash shouted after Serena's grip on him got tighter.

"Ash Ketchum!" Hala boomed, catching everyone's attention.

"You have defeated me. And in a very honorable and quite clever fashion. I am a man of my word, but there is another obligation I must fulfill before I carry on. As a prize for defeating me, you have now acquired Fightinium-Z." Hala held out one Fightinium-Z for all to see, and then gave it to Ash. "It is very different from the Z-Crystal I used in the battle, but for starters, only rookie battles will see the Fightinium-Z in action. Second, Sophocles, Hau, and Ilima tell me you have seen Z-Crystals in action prior to this battle. Most have not before they face me. Also, per a prior promise I made to Professor Kukui, and by now is just a hobby for me, I present to you, a Z-Ring for you and Serena." Hala held out two Z-Rings: A Black one for Ash, and a white one for Serena. He then gave Ash his, and held on to Serena's. "Serena, you will need to earn yours, as Ash did. Third, is the Melemele Pin. It goes on your Amulet, as proof you have defeated me." Hala held up the Melemele Pin, which had a shape and color that resembled Tapu Koko. "Now, the reading. I will bring the Tablet Of The Prophecy from the Ruins Of Conflict."

Around this time, Hau was ready to protest about Hala going to get the tablet alone. It was at this time that a hooded figure on the back of a Decidueye landed.

"No need, Kahuna." A confident young voice said from behind Kahuna Hala. It was the hooded figure Hala spoke to earlier. He pulled his hood back to reveal a dirty blonde, blue eyed young male, about a year older than Ash. His hair was medium length, and messy. This was the Champion of Alola, Sun Phillips, the fabled Iron Man of Alola, who banished Team Skull, and saved Alola from the Ultra Beast Invasion of 1999.

"I'll do it for you. I've seen how heavy it is."

"Sun..." Hala said as he and Sun hugged, like a proud teacher and his brightest pupil.

"Whoa..." Sophocles said from the bush he was thrown into.

"Holy Shit!" Kiawe said.

"It's Sun Phillips!" A random kid said.

"And his Decidueye!" Another random kid said.

"Sun, I'm not a feeble man!" Hala said grabbing his face with his hands.

"I know, but I feel like I don't do enough here!" Sun said, a little frustrated at his apparent minor role in the Melemele Grand Trials.

"You can help me bring it." Hala assured. "It's so great to see you again!" Hala continued as he and Sun walked side by side to bring him to greet everyone.

"It's great to be back!" Sun said as he started waving to fans and friends alike.

"Sun!" Gladion said from behind. He had an intense look in his eyes, fists balled up, and everyone around him backed away, revealing him as the one who shouted at the Champion. At this time, Ash prepare to stand in front of Sun, and take a hit, and deal one back at Gladion. 'This guy has no respect for a Champion. Who does he think he is? The King Of Alola?' Ash thought, and he prepared to stand in front of them, and it was at this point that Brock held his arm out, keeping Ash from going any further. Ash looked at him, pleading for Brock to move his arm as Brock slowly started to shake his head. Kiawe then looked to Ash, put his hand on his shoulder and nodded in agreement with Brock, with an assuring expression: assurance that this will be better if he doesn't get involved.

"Gladion." Sun said in a deep tone. Then he went over to Gladion and faced him in what looked like a stare down. The tension was building as Molayne, who was stepping into the Tauros-drawn ambulance-buggy with Charizard, passed out. Soon, it came to a point where neither one could really keep a straight face, and both started laughing profusely.

"You son of a gun!" Gladion said as he started into an uncharacteristically huge grin. Everyone laughed as Gladion and Sun started roughhousing before extending each other's hands for the other to shake.

"Get over here!" Sun said as he pulled Gladion into a hug.

"You don't come here enough!" Gladion said. Ash was honestly distraught at this point. He thought Gladion was gonna start a fight, only to reveal that he and Sun were like him and Gary. Ash was sure making a lot of bad judgement calls lately...

"Sorry, traffic was a mess. Big battle in town." Sun said jokingly. Lillie looked on with a big smile. She was simply happy seeing Sun and Gladion interact like this, because she knew that in this time, this rare occasion, Gladion was happy. Not just happy for her, happy for the sake of covering something up, or happy for his Pokémon, or even happy for Hau. But he was truly happy, like she remembered him... Before... Before...

At this point, Serena put her hands on Lillie's shoulders, and also looked on at Gladion and Sun. She was also a little less mad at Gladion, but not for Lillie's reasons. This was just a different side of Gladion that she had never seen before, and the side that Hau must have thought of when he told Ash that he wasn't a bad guy...

"Also, short notice! Sorry about that." Hala chimed in. Then Sun took notice of the boy who had just went to war with Kahuna Hala. Ash had a thousand-yard-stare, almost. Serena and Lillie both took notice and decided to shake him out of his stupor before he embarrassed himself in front of the Iron Man of Alola. Once they got to him, Ash snapped out of it, and prepared to meet the Champion Of Alola.

"And you must be the rockstar causing all the buzz here Sun said as he stuck his hand out for Ash to shake.

"Him? He's a crock. He can't even understand his own Pokémon correctly." Gladion said as he went back to his posh stance.

"Were we so different?" Sun asked, still facing Ash, but with an eyebrow raised.

"We were 11!" Gladion said as he once again expressed his disgruntlement with Ash through body language.

"What's your name, brotha?" Sun said as he dismissed Gladion briefly.

"Ash Ketchum." Ash said as he was afraid of another Gladion situation. He said his name and nothing more.

"Ash Ketchum. You're the kid that saved the world at 11 years old!" Sun asked as he made the connection and put his arm over Ash's shoulders, and started walking with him.

"That's me, hehe..." Ash nervously scratched the back of his head, trying not to look at anything, particularly Gladion, who he could just imagine was calling Ash every bad thing that wouldn't get censored, but at the same time, wouldn't make sense to Ash either.

"Don't be shy, man! I wish I could say I saved the world at 11!" Sun said, slapping Ash on the back.

"But you can say you saved it at 12!" Hau said as he jumped in front of Sun and Ash, making finger guns at them both.

"Hau!" Sun said, mimicking his pose.

"Sun!" Hau said as they started firing them off at each other. "You look thin. You need some Malasada in your life!"

"When do I not?"

"Sun!" Lillie shouted as she ran towards Sun, with Serena in tow, who eventually went by Ash's side.

"Hey Lillie!" Sun said as he hugged Lillie, who reached up to his ribcage. At this time, Hala pointed to his wrist, noting that he would still like to get the Prophecy before dusk.

"We can all talk later! I'm gonna help Kahuna Hala bring the Prophecy here." Sun said as he let Lillie go.

"We'll help too!" Gladion said as he stepped forward, maintaining his facade.

"Yeah! We'll talk Pidgey on the way!" Hau said, also stepping forward.

"And it'll be easier for all of us!" Sun said.

"Alright! Let's go!" Hala said as he, Sun, Hau, and Gladion went off to the Ruins Of Conflict to bring the Prophecy Of Alola's Light

Hala, Hau, Sun and Gladion made their way to the Ruins Of Conflict, where the Prophecy of Alola's Light sat. Hala was making sure the area was safe while Hau, Sun and Gladion we're playing "Shag, Marry, Kill"


"Okay, okay, okay! Shag, Marry, Kill: Beyoncé, Diantha Dupree, Jennifer Aniston, go." Hau asked Gladion.

"Shag Rachel- I mean Jennifer, marry Diantha, kill Beyoncé." Gladion said, almost remorseless.

"Kill Beyoncé? But she has a great voice!" Hau said.

"What good does that do me? Besides, she's also married, so to shag her is cheating." Gladion explained.

"You're over thinking it, Gladion!" Sun said.

"Why shag Jennifer Aniston? Why not marry her?" Hau asked as Hala could be heard trying to hold in his laughter.

"She just doesn't seem to fit the mold of "wife" for me."


"And Diantha does?" Hau asked, genuinely interested in what he sees in her.

"Well, she's powerful, beautiful, and smart too."

"Hmm... Someone has a crush on Diantha!"

"Shut up." Gladion said.

"Gladion and Diantha, sitting in a Fortree, K-I-S-S-I-N-" Sun and Hau sung together. Gladion then punched Hau in the arm as Sun started laughing.

"Haha, he mad!" Sun said after a pause.

"No u." Gladion said as he and Hau joined Sun in his laughter. With his contagious laugh, it almost seems like there was a reason that his name was Sun. They continued to laugh until their lungs hurt. And then Hau brought up a serious question.

"I just don't get something, though. Why would you be that harsh on Ash?"

"He didn't understand his Greninja." Gladion said.

"If I'm correct, he hadn't seen that Greninja for a while." Hau said.

"Yeah, cause two weeks is reasonable for a smart guy to forget a language..."

"It's not the Greninja, is it?" Sun asked.

"I saw him battle. And I saw Kahuna Hala get beat like no other."

"You mean, he beat ALL six of Kahuna Hala's Pokémon?" Sun asked.


"In one go?" Sun asked again.


"When I beat Kahuna Hala, his team was only four, not six." Sun explained.

"Which two did you not beat?"

"I never faced Hariyama or Machamp." Sun said, as Hau and Gladion noted that the absence of Hariyama and Machamp didn't discredit nor improve Ash in the eyes of the Trio.

"You guys think he might be the guy?" Sun asked after some hard thought.

"The guy?" Hau asked.

"THE guy. The guy who dethrones me as Champion?" Sun explained.

"Pfft, naaaah." Gladion said with utmost confidence.

"What makes you so sure?" Hala asked.

"His POKÉMON are good. He's not. A trainer who can't understand their Pokémon, can't battle with them as one. You taught me that, Kahuna." Gladion said as Hala put his hands up in surrender.

"Then how do you explain his Greninja?" Hau asked.

"A fluke. He can't do it again." Gladion said.

"If you've what I've seen, you'd know he's for real." Hau said.

"What, did he whip everyone with his Charizard?" Gladion asked with a scoff.


"No. That was the first time I saw it battle. He did take three Z-Moves in three different battles."

"THREE Z-MOVES?!" Sun asked in excitement as he jumped in front of Hau.

"Against who?" Gladion asked with a deadpan expression.

"Sophocles, Ilima, and Hala."

"Kahuna Hala wiped the floor with that Charizard with that Z-Move."

"Bear in mind, it took me three Pokémon and a Z-Move to beat his Charizard." Hala noted.

"He also tied Ilima's Z-Move with his Snorlax's Hyper Beam, and his Pikachu brushed off Sophocles' Z-Move without a scratch."

"Ilima barely battles, and Sophocles is trash." Gladion said.

"Are you trying to discredit Ash?" Hau asked. Never before had he known Gladion to put up such a fight with someone about someone since Sun himself.

"No. But if you're saying he's better than Sun, you're full of sh-" Gladion said as he was cut off by Hala.

"Language, Gladion." Hala said.

"The power of the Z-Move doesn't vary from trainer to trainer, though. It's power is pretty consistent, depending on the type. Electric and Ice moves are all similar enough to be consistent. Exactly what did Ilima use to battle him?" Sun asked.

"A Gumshoos, a Smeargle, and a Komala."

"Still a busta." Gladion said.

"He beat a legendary in the 2002 Lily Of The Valley Conference." Hau said.

"It took his whole team to do it." Gladion said.

"Did you also forget that he beat the entire Battle Frontier, and namely Brandon Reynolds, the Pyramid King?" Hau asked.


"He had a Regice, a Regirock, and a Registeel. Ash beat them all, and an Articuno that Brandon also had."

"So you're telling me that he has beaten 5 legendaries?"


"Which is four more than you've beat, Gladion." Hau concluded.

"Cute. It's the ruins!"

"Yeah, last time Grandpa and I were here, we ran into some unsavory characters who were also harassing Lillie." Hau said, remembering when Ash sent the seven men and women panicking.

"Did you guys stop him?" Gladion asked.

"Ash did. His Pidgeot and Charizard sent them away with their asses-"

"Language!" Hala said.

"On fire!" Hau finished.

"They came looking for Cosmog." Hala added.

"Another one?" Sun asked.

"Afraid so."

"That's why you think the prophecy might be coming true. The Prophecy Of Alola's Light." Sun asked Hala as he nodded.

"Yes. The signs of it are... We'll get to that when we get to that." Hala said as he remembered he was gonna read said prophecy shortly. Speaking of asses on fire...

"We told you to give us the key, old man. You refused. Where's your Kalos League Reject now?" A man in a silver shirt said.

"Okay, how did you even know we were here?" Hau asked.

"It helps to have someone on the inside." The main grunt said.

"Who's your mole?" Gladion asked as he, Hau and Sun grabbed a Poké Ball each.


"Doesn't matter. We now know all we need to know about Alola's Light. And we know you still have the key, so give it up, or face us all." The man in silver said as the grunts behind him sent out many Crobats, Mightyenas and Alolan Raticates.

"No way. You're dealing with Alola's Finest here! Go, Raichu!" Hau said as he sent Raichu into battle.

"Silvally, come out!" Gladion shouted.

"Decidueye, let's do this!" Sun shouted.

"You guys are real comedians. But we're not laughing. Attack!" The grunt in silver ordered as the grunts, each wearing silver, blue, red, orange, green, purple, and black. On the silver shirts were what looked like a holographic "R" on it. The blue shirts had a faint stylized "A", and the red shirts had a similarly styled "M". The orange shirts had a red "F", the green shirts had a gold "G", and the purple shirt had a gray and blue shield with a blue "P" on it. And the black shirts had a holographic skull on it. Hau, Gladion, and Sun didn't notice this, but Hala did. Whoever was doing this had brought Team Skull back from the dead.

"Decidueye, Rapid Fire Spirit Shackle!" Sun ordered as Decidueye fired off Spirit Shackles in rapid succession, and his speed AND accuracy were unmatched at this point.

"Raichu, Thunderbolt!" Hau's Raichu fired Thunderbolt after Thunderbolt, zapping Crobats out of the sky.

"Silvally, Multi Attack!" Gladion said. His attack was suddenly like a multi-directional Flamethrower. It hit any Pokémon around him, and Multi Attack has the potential to be anything, because Silvally itself has the potential to be any type, depending on the program it uses.

A short while later, the Crobats, Mightyenas, and Raticates we're down and out. Bested by three people who truly deserved the title of Alola's Finest.

"Uggh! Why can't we do anything against three boys and an old man?"

"You just challenged and lost to the Champion Of Alola." Hau said.

"The Champion?" A man in a blue shirt said.

"Great. Now he knows." A woman in a red shirt said.

"Koko!" A voice said from afar.

"Is that what I think it is?" The man in silver, who appeared to be leading this charge asked.

"Tapu Koko." Gladion said.

"Ultra Balls at the ready." The man in silver said.

"Morons. Are you guys seriously gonna try to capture Tapu Koko?" Hau asked.


"It's all we have since you won't give us the key! Maybe this way, the key will come to us." The woman in red said.

"Like hell it will. Decidueye, Leaf Storm!" Sun said as Decidueye fired off a Leaf Storm that seemed as if it was coming out of his wings. In his efforts he stopped all of the Ultra Balls.

All but one...

"Son of a gun, they caught Tapu Koko!" Sun shouted as Gladion got on Silvally and together, they charged at the grunts.

"Get back here!"

"Too slow, Huey, Louie, and Dewey. You couldn't stop em all." The main grunt said as he released a Red Gyarados from a Poké Ball.

"I'll be seeing you again." Gladion said under his breath as the grunts flew away behind him.

"We all will. For now, we need to get the Prophecy back to Iki Town. Don't tell anyone about Tapu Koko's capture. Except for Ash, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, and Samson." Hala said as he put a hand on Gladion's shoulder.

"Why Ash?" Gladion asked, again irritated that such a foreigner was allowed to aid with Alolan Affairs.

"He already knows about these guys. He's already on the case." Hau chimed in.

"He can't do it. Not by himself." Sun said.

"He's not by himself. He has Serena and Brock." Hau said.

"Hau has Kiawe, Lana, and Mallow, and you have Molayne and Lillie." Sun said.

"What about you, Sun?" Gladion asked.

"I have the Champions of the World if need be. But until then, I have my team. And you, my family."

"Here we go again, huh?" Hau asked as everyone nodded.

"You know, I can arrange a meeting between you and Diantha..." Sun said.

"Please don't." Gladion pleaded as all four men went to grab the Tablet that held the Prophecy of Alola's Light...

"Ash, this sounds like a lot. Can you handle that again?" Brock asked, referring to the Unown incident back in Johto.

"Sure. I handled it just fine in Kalos..." Ash said, nonchalantly shaking off the fact that he and his Greninja saved the world from what could only be described as Armageddon.


"The world would've gone boom if not for me and another guy." Ash continued.

"Where did you meet her? Kalos?" Brock asked, motioning to Serena.


"Kalos. But she is actually one of my oldest friends behind Gary."

"Are you guys more than friends?" Brock asked.

"What gave that away?" Ash said he froze, almost as if he was caught stealing something.

"You and her both responded nervously when talking about each other."

"I think I'm in love with her." Ash said rapidly.

"Uh... Ahem...(Sniff Sniff) WHAT?!" Brock said with so much shock that his eyes opened.

"We've even shared a sleeping bag." Ash said, not understanding the context that is usually associated with that response.

"Uh, okay, um... I honestly never thought I would see this day." Brock said as he ran his hand through his hair, and even fidgeting a bit.

"Why?" Ash asked.

"Well, you're not this type of person usually. Misty, Melody, Macy, Anabel, those girls threw themselves at you, and you gave no mind to them. Then she comes along. Serena, right?"

"Yeah." Ash said, now in awe that he was that oblivious to everyone that had gone with him and, as Brock put it, "Threw themselves at him".

"Anyway, she comes into your life and pretty much steals your heart. What's up with that?"

"I found her in a time of need." Ash said as he trailed into a flashback.

"Ash, where have YOOOU been?" A girl with dark chocolate brown hair and eyes to match asked as 7-year old Ash Ketchum walked out of the woods, with a 7-year old Serena Yvonne. They walked out, hand in hand. The other girl had a sky blue shirt and khaki shorts, with Converse All-Star sneakers on.

"I found this girl by herself, hurt. I had to bring her back." Ash said.

"You have a name?" The girl asked as Ash searched for a Nurse Joy, or at least Professor Oak.

"S-Serena." Serena said, not quite loud enough for Ash to hear, but loud enough for the other girl to hear.

"Leaf! Leaf Green!" Leaf said as she stuck her hand out for Serena to shake. She did not shake it immediately.

"Leaf's nice. She won't tease you about your hat." Ash urged as Leaf proceeded to punch him in the arm, much at Ash's expense. Then, Serena giggled and shook Leaf's hand.

"Hey, Straw Hat Girl!" A boy shouted from behind. He wore a purple shirt with red shorts. When Serena heard this voice, she jumped in fear. "I told you to keep up! What'd you get lost?" A seven year old Gary Oak said as he walked out of the forest with the Pokémon that he and Serena were supposed to find.

"C'mon Gary, you did move pretty fast when the game started." Leaf explained, trying to cover for Serena, seeing that she was afraid of Gary.

"Nobody asked you, Leaf!" Gary shouted as Leaf rolled her eyes at the response.

"I'm sorry." Serena said quietly to Gary.

"Sorry is a Poliwag in a rainforest! You should've kept up!" Gary said as he pushed Serena down.

"That's enough Gary!" Ash said as he came up and pushed Gary back.

"Look who it is. Superman the boy scout! Since when do you suddenly care about a girl with a straw hat? Do you looove her?" Gary asked.


"Why don't you just leave her alone Gary?" Ash said as he punched Gary in the face.

"Just wait until my grandpa hears about this!" Gary said as he ran away with his face half covered.

"Serena! Are you okay?" Ash ran to a fallen Serena who had fallen again.

"Oh no! He's gonna tell Professor Oak!" Leaf said with her hands now covering her face.

"I wouldn't worry." A girl, taller than most of the other kids present said from behind. She had a purple T-shirt, and blue denim shorts, and her hair was long, and the same color as Gary's. Her eyes were a hazel color, which she may have gotten from her mom.

"Who are you?" Leaf asked in genuine confusion.

"Oak. Daisy Oak. Gary's older sister. Don't worry about him. He's a real tattle-taler. Grandpa hears him, but rarely follows through, because he knows Gary is a liar sometimes." Daisy explained to Leaf. She didn't speak to anyone outside of her own age group, so she didn't expect anyone to know who she was.

"I hurt my hand too!" Serena said as Ash grabbed her hand, and she winced in reaction.

"I don't have another handkerchief, hee. Sorry." Ash said nervously as Serena stared at him with pain in her eyes.

"Why don't you just hold it?" Daisy asked.

"Hold her hand?" Ash asked.

"You know what they said about girls having cooties? It's not true. So just do it." Daisy said, already seeing the damsel in distress/knight in shining armor dynamic going on here. And if she heard correctly, she knew what that usually led to. "I'll even cover for you." Daisy said.

"Okay." Ash said as he worked up the courage to take Serena's sprained wrist. "It's okay. No one's gonna make fun of you again. No one will make fun of you, me and Leaf." Ash said, almost instinctively.

"No one?" Serena asked.

"No one. I swear." Ash said as the flashback ended.

"Whoa. That's deep." Brock said in the present.

"I don't know why, but everytime someone insults her, I rush to her aid. I don't even do it knowingly." Ash said at once, even confused at his own feelings for her.

"Yup. You two are definitely becoming each other. She almost snapped at Gladion." Brock said as Ash turned to him with a look of surprise on his face. He then nodded in approval, knowing that as much as he felt the need to stick for her, she also felt the need to reciprocate.

"So when did you and him start- you know..." Lillie asked an unsuspecting Serena. Lillie might have just turned eleven, but she wasn't an idiot. She knew something changed between Ash and Serena, and good or bad, she was determined to find out.

"When did me and who do what?" Serena asked, slowly turning red.

"You and Ash. When did you become Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" Lillie asked nonchalantly.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" Serena said as she got to the point where she started waving her arms around.

"I saw the way he looked at you. I only saw Sun look at someone like that, my older sister, Gladion's twin." Lillie said as her expression slowly turned somber.

"Where is she now?" Serena asked.

"She sacer- scari- sacre-" Lillie said as she stumbled upon her words.

"Sacrificed?" Serena said as her facial expression mimicked Lillie's.

"Yes. She sacrificed herself so that Sun and Gladion could come back to life. Her name was Liv." Lillie said as she pulled out a picture of Liv. She looked just like Lillie did now, even down to the white dress and hat.

"Liv. Short for Olivia?" Serena asked as she wondered what it was like to lose a sibling, or even a twin.

"And she was also named after the Kahuna of Akala Island, Olivia Slater." Lillie said, trying to change the subject.

"Akala Island?" Serena asked.

"Yes." Lillie said.

"Which of these is it?" Serena said as she pulled up the Alola map on her Nanodex.

"That one." Lillie said as she pointed to Akala Island.

"What's that?" Serena asked as she pointed to a white platform on the map that looked like an artificial island.

"Aether Paradise. My family runs it." Lillie said as she got nervous about the matter.

"Cool! What do-" Serena asked before being cut off.

"Why do you want to be Kalos Queen?" Lillie asks.

"Uh," Serena said as she tried to put it in a way that Lillie could understand. "Well, you see, I like performing and my Pokémon do too." Serena said.

"Why?" Lillie asked.

"I like it because it gives me a purpose in life and there's no true limit to how good of a performer you can be. How good you are depends on your artistic imagination." Serena explained.

"And why do they like it?" Lillie asked, pointing to her Pokémon.

"My Pokémon? Well why don't you ask them?" Serena said as she called them out.




"Pop! Lio!"

Ok! Braixen, why do you like performing?" Lillie asked, holding her hand up as if she was conducting an interview.

"Braixen!" Braixen, the two legged fox said as she twirled her body and her stick around.

"Well you always look pretty, Braixen! Pancham, why do you like performing?"

"Pan-Cham!" Pancham said as he started Shadow Boxing.

"That's nonsense! You're never too small to battle! Sylveon, why do you perform?"

"Syyyyyyl-veon!" Sylveon said as she released a Fairy Wind.

"And strong you are! Popplio, why do you perform?"

"Poppliooooooo!" Popplio said as she did a triple flip and blew up a bubble and started balancing it on her nose.

"It looks fun! Makes me wish I was a Popplio!" Lillie said as she started giggling and gave all of Serena's Pokémon a hug each. "Hey Serena, why are you taking part in the Trials?" Lillie asked, going right back to Serena. She had a feeling that being a decent battler wasn't a requirement to be Kalos Queen.

"I want to be a fighting Kalos Queen!" Serena said.

"Is that all?" Lillie asked with a deadpan expression.

"I want Ash to know that my full support is behind him." Serena said as she took another one of Ash's victory poses.

"That's beautiful!" Lillie said as she got what she wanted and shed a tear of happiness.

"HEY! We're back with the Prophecy!" Sun said as he, Hau, Gladion, and Kahuna Hala returned from the Ruins Of Conflict, carrying a tablet so big, it required four of them.

"They're back, let's go!" Serena said to Lillie as Ash and Brock rushed to help them set the Tablet down

Hala, Hau, Sun, and Gladion returned from the Ruins Of Conflict with The Prophecy Of Alola's Light: A stone Tablet the size of a folding table. With the help of Ash and Brock, and later Kiawe, Kukui and Molayne, the Tablet was setup in such a way that Hala could comfortably read the Prophecy, but others could follow along. If they could read Old Alolan, then they wouldn't even need to follow along word for word. However, most people on Melemele couldn't read Old Alolan, so they had to rely on Hala or a few other elders to read it. They could even see where Hala was if they got lost. The applause was thunderous and people were even reaching for Sun and Ash, and begging for autographs. Sun handled it like a pro while Ash started to get pale trying to keep up with the requests.

"I would like for these people to step forward." Hala boomed as all eyes had turned to Hala, and all mouths were shut. The suspense built as all that could be heard was the fire of the torches crackling like they do. Sun, Hau, Gladion, Kiawe, and Molayne all knew what this meant: Someone was getting chosen to be the one. Or in this case, the ones. "Ash Ketchum!" Hala said as applause roared back up for Ash. However, Hala put his hands up to sign that he wasn't done. He then motioned for Ash to join him by the Tablet. He looked at Ash, nodded to him, then turned back to the crowd to call the next name. "Hau Anu!" Hau's name was met with shock. Everyone on Melemele knew who Hau was, but no one ever thought he would be involved with an Old Alolan Prophecy. It just didn't seem like him. "Sun Phillips!" Sun was also met with applause. As the chosen one of the Prophecy Of Ultra Space, some felt that he would be a part of another prophecy soon. He saved the world once, why wouldn't he save it again? "Gladion Lynch!" And the applause again turned to shock. But not for no reason, as Gladion was also predicted to have been the Chosen One for the Prophecy Of Ultra Space, albeit incorrectly. The fact that he was being chosen now was a bigger shock than Hau being chosen. He had a history with both Sun and Hau. And then there was Ash. Not only could Hau and Sun see the disgruntlement with Ash being chosen, but those in attendance felt it by the look in Gladion's eyes as he passed Ash to acknowledge Kahuna Hala.

"I have left everyone under the impression that this would be much like the Prophecy of Ultra Space, with the prophecy itself only intending for one person to save the world. However, the Prophecy Of Alola's Light was also believed to be unable to come true by the foreseers. One cause for this conception is that there are four young men chosen. Any other old Alolan Prophecy always speaks of only one. This alone is what makes the Prophecy Of Alola's Light special. So many things must come to pass for this to come true. If it were to happen soon, I would rather have no one else to fulfill this prophecy than these four young men. Give it up for your Four Rapidashmen!" More applause ensued as Sun, Hau and Gladion waved while Ash again went pale. Hau propped him up, and eventually, so did Sun as Ash's legs gave in.

"And now, the reading!" Hala said as he started speaking old Alolan. It sounds like a mix of Hawaiian, Japanese, and Samoan.

"It speaks of the seasons and their elements." Hala would translate as he continued to read aloud in Old Alolan.

"The key will bring the four seasons and their elements together, chased by a united front of evils whose goal is to bring upon the return of the creature who almost destroyed the world and almost stole Alola's Light." Wows started up at the mention of Alola's Light. Ash's face turned stoic as Kukui told all about the creature that stole Alola's Light, the one and only, Necrozma.

"The four seasons and their elements shall bring together the Guardian Pokémon to fight the one who seeks Alola's Light." Cheers started at the mention of the Guardian Pokémon. Sun had met all four before, and Hau and Gladion had only met two: Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele, while Ash so far only met one. Kukui told Ash that the Tapus would be involved somehow.

"The four seasons and their elements together with the Guardian Pokémon will also be faced with the decision to protect or destroy an ancient civilization." This was where everyone went silent. An ancient civilization? Kalos was the only civilization that they definitely knew to be the oldest surviving civilization, but it only has a history going back about 1000 years. The Old Alolan artifacts predate anything Kalosian by 100 years at least. Sinnoh History is somewhere in between 800 and 900, and Unovian History is about the same as Kalosian history, considering their history is intertwined. That leaves Kanto, Johto, The Orange Islands, and Hoenn. Kanto and Johto also have history together, but their history is only 300 years old max. The Orange Islands are said to be as old as Alola while Hoenn's artifacts only go back 600 years. Heads were being scratched, no doubt.

"The four seasons and their elements are the best at Pokémon Combat in Alola. Two are homegrown, and two are imports- odd choice of words. One has an unprecedented power, seen never in Alola, while another is born of a great pedigree. The third fought to earn everything he now has, and the final season was born to fight." They knew who they were. Ash had the unseen power, Sun fought to the top, Hau was indeed born to fight, and Gladion's family history goes back to Unova, and it's foundation. For all we know, Gladion's family could be Unovian royalty. This blurb was met with thunderous applause and cheering as well, as the people also knew who they were. Finally, something a person outside of the four could understand!

"If the four seasons and their elements together with the guardian Pokémon do not succeed in protecting Alola's Light, the likes of the potential consequences could end in catastrophe, the end of days. That's all." And the last line was met with a round of applause from the audience, a token of gratitude from the audience for Hala reading to them a Prophecy that was said never to come true. Unbeknownst to the public, it was about to come true. And the boys knew it. Even Ash, who still didn't know about Tapu Koko's capture, knew it was gonna come true. The boys took turns looking at each other until all four of them were staring at the moon, where a shadow just passed it...

"Alola's Light. What is Alola's Light?" Ash asked as Hau and Sun also struggled to figure out the same thing.

"Don't know." Sun said, throwing his hands up.

"You got me." Hau said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Four seasons... There's four of us. Are we the seasons?" Ash asked as Gladion's fist hit the table.

"The prophecies almost always kept things ambiguous so that only the most intelligent could figure it out. Clearly, you're not one of them, because you can't put it together!" Gladion said at once.

"Come on, Gladion. I wasn't that different when I heard my Prophecy." Sun said as Gladion got up and walked away, as people scrambled to move out of his way.

"Okay... I don't mean to be rude, but what the hell is his problem?" Ash asked, annoyed at Gladion's annoyance with him.

"Honestly, we don't know either." Sun said as Ash shrugged and waved Sun and Hau goodnight.

It was nighttime. Ash, Serena, Brock, Officer Jenny, Melody(who is totally still here) and Lillie were invited to stay with Hau and Hala for the night. Since both Sun and Kukui lived close by, they just went home. Kiawe, Molayne, and Gladion went with Sun while Lana, Mallow, and Sophocles went with Kukui. Naturally, Ash and Serena shared a room.. And it was here where things would happen...

Bad things...

"Serena..." Ash croaked as he lay in a pool of his own blood.

"I don't know what you want, you punks, but-" Sun said as he confronted the grunts from earlier.

"You know damn well what we want! The key! Where is it?" A man in silver said.

"We sent it elsewhere!" Brock said.

"Damn! The Lynch kids and that whore from Kanto have it!"

"Finish the reject." Another man in silver said.

"Wait! I'll tell you where they are if you let Ash live!" Serena said as she tried to save Ash.

"Okay." The first grunt agreed.

"Serena! What the hell are you doing?" Molayne asked.

"Trust me!" Serena said.

"No, bullshit!" Kiawe said as he stepped up to confront Serena.

"Hey, blondie! Tell us where they are!" A grunt in black said as he put a gun to Serena's head.

"Aether Paradise!"

"Goddammit, Serena!" Kiawe said.

"Thanks." The first grunt in silver said as he pulled a gun as well, and pointed it to Ash. He cocked it as the grunt in the black shirt cocked his gun that was still pointed at Serena.

"But you said-"


Thankfully, it was just a dream. Or was it?

Serena abruptly woke up, and she started crying hysterically. Soon, everyone was up. Hala, Hau, Brock, Officer Jenny, Melody, and Lillie all ran to the room that Ash and Serena were in. Finally, Ash woke up.

"Serena..." Ash said as he noticed Serena's crying. "What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?!" He said as he grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to shake her back to reality.

"I had a nightmare..." Serena said as Ash took her into his arms and wrapped himself around her. Around this time, Pikachu walked out from a basket that he was tucked into. He felt the pain in both Serena and Ash, and he went over, while Rowlet snored away in Ash's backpack.

"Pika pi?" Pikachu said as he tried to offer some sort of consolation, be it that he just be the cuddly electric mouse that only Pikachu can be, or if he were to listen and be spoken to like another human being.

"Oh Pikachu!" Serena said as she took Pikachu in her arms while Ash still has his arms wrapped around her…

was the next morning. Since the nightmare, Serena gave the illusion that she was asleep. However, once she was sure Ash was asleep, she lay awake as the image of a dying Ash and a chrome barrel to her face replayed repeatedly to no end. Even into the wee hours of the morning, Serena worried for Ash. She even worried for him right now.

"Serena, are you okay?" Ash asked as it turned out she was so into her own thoughts that she didn't even hear him wake up. Serena jumped as she saw Ash, once again, intact, alive and breathing. She then clung to him, and hugged him as if he was gonna leave him.

"Ash, I'm scared..." Serena said.

"Don't worry, no one's gonna hurt you, not while I'm here." Ash said, consoling her, and assuring that she would be safe when he had no idea he was why she worried.

"No, I mean I'm scared for you. I don't want you getting hurt." Serena said, giving herself away a bit.

"I won't get hurt-" Ash reassured, but Serena wouldn't have it.

"You don't know that! You're many things, Ash, and human is one of them. Don't forget that when you jump in front of me or Brock, or anyone else..." Serena warned.

"Now you're scaring me, Serena. Does this have to do with your nightmare?" Ash asked with a hint of panic.

"It seemed so real. It was like someone had tried to warn me... Through my mind..." Serena recalled as the dream was extremely vivid, but it was simultaneously much more realistic than any dream she'd had before.

"If it helps, you can tell me what precautions I should take until this is over, okay?" Ash said, not really sure what else to do at the moment.

"Okay... Start with an investment in body armor, and some sort of self-defense." Serena said with certainty. It was at this time that Ash's stomach growled like Charizard.

"What about food?" Ash asked as he held his empty stomach.

"That's always a good investment." Serena said as hers growled right after he asked.

"Hey, what smells good?" Ash asked Serena as she just shrugged.

"Brock." Ash said under his breath and with a smile on his face.

"Morning guys!" Brock said as he already had a breakfast fit for ten Kings and Queens ready.

"Morning Brock! Somehow, that smell never gets old!" Ash said, feeling very nostalgic at this point.

"Glad you remember the good old days, Ash!"

"Morning Brock! Hey, I smell food." Hau said as Serena chuckled. Of the Chosen Four, Hau and Ash were the most similar in their day-to-day lives. But then again, from what Serena had seen, Hau, Sun, Gladion and Ash were not that different. All of them loved battling, and all of them had a good heart. Even Gladion, who she honestly didn't like all that much or know much about him in general, had a good heart, even if he was a dick to Ash.

"That's Brock." Ash explained.

"Wow, you can cook?" Hau said, shocked at the spread that lay before him.

"I can do many things." Brock said with an "OK" gesture and a wink.

"Morning folks- this table's not mine..." Hala said as he walked in.

"It's not?" Serena asked.

"Brock." Ash and Hau said at the same time.

"Hello, hello! Yes, this delicious smell is coming from our house, so come on in!" Hala said as Brock cranked out breakfast for the entire village of Iki Town. Hau loved the breakfast so much that he told the whole village. Around this time, Kukui, Sun and Friends arrived in Iki Town. Kukui went to Brock and offered to have the usual event cooks take over his duties. However, Brock politely declined as he continued to crank out nearly endless waves of breakfast.

"Hey yo! How are the other chosen ones of the prophecy of Alola's Light?" Sun said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Not to me, he's no chosen one." Gladion spit as he had the opposite expression of Sun's, or, his normal expression with a snarl.

"Gladion? Really, so early in the morning?" Sun asked with his arms in the air.

"Ugh, fine."

"As I was saying, Fellow Chosen Ones?" Sun asked, turning back to Hau and Ash.

"Never better! Brock's cooking is the best I've had ever!" Hau said with a mouth full of sweet rice balls.

"Don't get me wrong, it's great to see him again after all these years, but Serena had a nightmare last night." Ash said with a worried look on his face.

"Tell her to lay off the Chocolate." Gladion said nonchalantly.

"What?" Ash asked, a little frustrated with Gladion but also confused. What does chocolate have to do with anything?

"I said tell her to stop eating chocolate. I think she's gaining weight." Gladion said.

"You fu-" Ash leapt at Gladion as Sun and Hau grabbed Ash before he could get there. He was starting to loathe Gladion.

"Hey! Hey! There will be no fighting in my house! If you have an issue, take it outside!" Hala boomed as the crowd went silent.

"There's no issue here, Kahuna. Just a misunderstanding." Sun said as the crowd went about its business.

"Okay then. Now, Sun, Gladion, get some breakfast now while there's no crowd. Hau, Kukui wants to talk to you about that Rockruff you found by Hau'oli City. Ash, I would like to speak with you, man to man." Hala ordered.

"Yes Kahuna." All four boys said in near unison as they dispersed.

"What is it, Kahuna?" Ash said as he got close to Hala, figuring it must be top-secret

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