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39.17% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 84: EPISODE 84: Duelists Assemble!

Chương 84: EPISODE 84: Duelists Assemble!

"We welcome in stage, our thirty-two qualifiers!" Scott proclaimed as me and the other thirty trainers and competitors walked towards the stage.

"May we present to you the following qualifiers:

*Tessa *Liam *Lawson *Annalise

*Earl *Joshua *Carmen *Faerill

*Sean *Louies *Rea *Ronnelle

*Kalem *Camellia *Casey *Selah

*Crista *Wreine *Christian *Ashley

*Venice *Leo *Virgo *Apollos

*Jamil *Gab *Zed *Krill

*Steve *Fork *Spoon *Plate

Here are our top ten:











Who will triumph!?" Scott announced.

"I'm the top 24? At least I'm not last." Me and Riolu beamed with excitement!

"Looks like I'm number twelve!" Camellia smiled and pointed.

"Wha!? You're higher than me!?" I uttered with shock.

"Sorry to hurt your feelings, future Pokemon Master!" Camellia teased and charmed.

"The duel rounds shall begin after lunch! See you later trainers! The Pokemon Battle Cup is promoted by: PLC, PBC, GFA, FCS, and LBLC!"The commentator announced as an upbeat music began to play.

The trainers were given their own food, so Camellia didn't need to cook. As we eat in the waiting room, the trainer cards began to shuffle from the small monitoring screen inside the room. I and Camellia hoped that our competitors aren't from the top ten trainers. If I win the Duel, I will proceed to the Advancements. My goal is to reach the top ten, and the only way to do that is to win the duels, and the advancements!

"Looks like I'm up against Wreine!" I pointed at the screen as I took a bite from the sandwich the company gave us.

"Wreine!? Isn't she the top eight?" Zhery reassured.

"You're right! I totally forgot!" I started to worry.

"Don't worry Kalem, I'll win against Wreine!" Riolu beamed with determination.

"Thanks, Riolu, but I'm not planning to use you yet." I patted Riolu's head.

"You just hurt my feelings..." Riolu uttered softly.

"No I didn't, I want to use you last against stronger opponents!" I beamed with excitement.

"Really? Yay!" Riolu hugged my determined body.

"About you Camellia? Who are you up against?" Glade queried.

"It seems to me, I'm up against Ronnelle!" Camellia beamed with determination.

"Good luck to the both of you, remember to stay strong even if victory seems to blur." Glade quoted.

"Me and Glade will be cheering for you!" Zhery encouraged.

"Thanks guys, you're the best! Me and Camellia will do whatever it takes to claim that plate. Of course, I and Camellia are rivals too!" I beamed with excitement.

"Lunchtime is over! Trainer Faerill and Trainer Ashley, please proceed to the battle stage!" The speaker called.

"I guess that means the first match is about to begin!" Glade hunched as we stayed tuned to the monitor.

"Welcome folks! Did you enjoy your lunch?" Scott queried as the crowd shouted their answers.

"Alright! We welcome everybody to the Duel Rounds! Each trainer shall use two Pokemons each! For our first match, we have Faerill against Ashley!" Scott announced as the two trainers proceeded to the stage.

"On my left, I have Faerill!" The crowd began to cheer her name.

"On my right, I have Ashley!" The crowd began to cheer her name!

"Alright! Two Pokemons each, substitution is allowed! Send out your first Pokemon!" Referee instructed.

"Rise with the sand Flygon!" Faerill sent out the sand dragon.

"Time to shine Pacharisu!" Ashley sent out a cute little squirrel Pokemon.

"Battle Begin!"

"Flygon use...."

"Pacharisu quick..."




"Hurry up Pacharisu!"

"Finish this with... Flygon!"



"Second Pokemon trainer Ashley!" The referee instructed.

"Come on out Elekid!"

"Flygon use....!"



"Oh no Elekid!"

"Elekid is unable to battle, the winner is Flygon and Ferill!" The referee announced.

"Blast them with blast burn!"

"Dodge it quick!"

"Raticate hurry up!"

"Arbok stay with me!"

"Come on out Hitmonlee!"

"Snap out of it Munchlax!"

"Haunter, you know what to do!"

A lot of trainers proceeded to the Advancements and a lot of trainers lost as well. In a competition, it's a 50/50, you're not sure if you'll win or lose. It's important to relax your mind and to focus on the opponent, that is the only key to victory!

"Trainer Kalem, and Trainer Wreine! Please proceed to the battle stadium!" The speaker announced.

"Break a leg Kalem!" Zhery cheered.

"Alright, top eight ain't bad! I can do this." I uttered with worry.

"You've got this Kalem! Show them what a future Pokemon Master looks and battles like!" Glade massaged my back and pushed me up!

I tried to walk with confidence, even if I stumble sometimes.

"From the left, I bring you Kalem!" Scott called my name as I walked to the battle stage with glaring eyes and feisty spirits!

"Next, we have our top eight... We welcome... Wreine!" The commentator called while the crowd cheered her name! "Wreine!" The crowd cheered, shouted, and giggled as she walked with passion towards the stage.

"Two Pokemons each, Substitute is allowed! Please send out your first Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Alright Krookodile, it's diggin' time!" A Pokemon just like Mr.Florence's son glared at my eyes.

"Treecko you're up!" I sent out my green determined Pokemon outside!

"Battle Begin!"

"Krookodile, use dig!"

"Treecko, jump into the Krookodile's digging hole then use bullet seed!"

*Treecko used Bullet Seed on Krookodile while digging underground! Super Effective!*



Krookodile blasts up into the stage!

"Treecko go up the hole and use bullet seed again!"

"Krookodile, dodge it then use Dragon Claw!"

*Krookodile was able to dodge! Dragon Claw dealt maximum damage!*



"Treecko stay with me and use razor leaf!"

"Krookodile, use dig to dodge!"

"Treecko go underneath and use bullet seed there!"

*Treecko went to Krookodile's digging hole and used bullet seed!*



"Krookodile uses earthquake while Treecko is underground!"

"Treecko get out of there! Quick!"

*Treecko wasn't able to get out right away! Maximum damage was dealt*



*Treecko blasts up to the stage!*

"Perfect timing, now use crunch!"

*While Treecko was falling down, Krookodile used Crunch!*



"Don't give up yet Treecko!"

"I never said I will!" Treecko glared at Krookodile!

"Krookodile use Earthquake!"

"Treecko now jump to Krookodile's face!"

<Trecko!>The Pokemon smiled. Treecko was unaffected by the earthquake!

"Now use Razor Leaf!"

*Treecko used Razor Leaf on Krookodile's head!*



"Krookodile shake Treecko off!"

"Tighten your grip and keep using bullet seed!"

<Treeck! Treeck! Treeck!>The Pokemon unleashed numerous amount of seeds that charged for Krookodile's face.



"Shake it off Krookodile then use dragon claw!"

<Krooko!>The Pokemon shook of Treecko and used Dragon Claw!

<Treeck!>The Pokemon blasts off.



"Alright Krookodile, finish with Dragon Claw!"

"Use Bullet Seed as Krookodile travels to you!"

*Treecko's bullet seed canceled Dragon Claw!*



"Treecko bullet seed one more time!"

"Krookodile dodge then use dragon claw!"

*Treecko's attack missed!*



"Treecko is unable to battle, Trainer Kalem... Please send out your second Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Alright come on out Zorua!"

"Kalem you got this!" Camellia cheered.

"Battle Continue!" The referee announced.



"Zorua use dark pulse!"

*Krookodile was surrounded with a dark veil!*

"Oh no Krookodile!"



"Trainer Wreine, please send out your second Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Alright then, Beedrill, I choose you!" The crowd began to cheer for Wreine and her Beedrill!

"Battle continue!"

"Beedrill use Poison Jab!"

"Zorua dodge then use Payback!"

"Hee hee!" Zorua giggled.

*Poison jab was dodged! Zorua's payback dealt additional damage!*



"Zorua now use Dark Pulse!"

*Beedrill was damaged heavily due to dark pulse!*



"Beedrill use X-Scissors!"

*Beedrill flinched!*

"Beedrill no!"

"Zora this is the time, now use Pursuit!"

*Zorua's pursuit dealt additional damage!*



"That's it Beedrill now use X-Scissors, Five times!"

"Follow it with Hyper Beam"

*Zorua was hit with numerous attacks!*

"Zorua stay strong!"

Beedrill[210] (recharging)


"Zorua now use Dark Pulse!"

*Beedrill couldn't move since it needed to recharge!*



*Beedrill flinched!*

"Zorua, now use Pursuit!"

<Zorua!>The Pokemon beamed with excitement and used Pursuit!



"Use Hyper Beam again!"

<Zo???>The Pokemon froze in fear.



"Zorua stand up, you can do this!"

*Zorua stood up!*

"Zorua now use dark pulse!"

*Zorua's attack headed to the wrong direction!*

"Yes, Beedrill now use Hyper Beam!"

<Beed!>The Pokemon unleashed another powerful Hyper Beam!

Beedrill[100] recharging.


"Zorua use dark pulse!"

*Beedrill was hit with dark pulse super effective!*



"Beedrill now use X-Scissors!"

*Beedrill flinched!*

"Oh noooo!"

"Oh yes, Zorua finish with payback!"

*Beedrill fainted due to Payback!*



"The winner is Kalem and Zorua!" The referee announced and cheered my name.

"Zorua, I'm so proud of you!" I ran towards Zorua and hugged him tight.

"We did it! We did it!" Zorua beamed with excitement.

"Wreine has been removed from the top eight!" The commentator announced.

Thanks no Zorua's persistence and strength, we were able to move on to the Advancements! A round filled with grave trainers and their glamouring arrogance, one of them is Krill!

"Kalem, you made it to the Advancements!" Glade rushed towards me while I entered the room.

"Yeah! My confidence was boosted higher than 100%" I exaggerated.

"Trainer Camellia and Trainer Ronnelle, please proceed to the battlefield!" The speaker announced.

"Alright Camellia, you're up next. Win the duel rounds so we can battle!" I beamed with determination.

"I'll do my best, thanks, everyone!" Camellia beamed with excitement as she walks through the hall with fear and worry. She knows this will be a two on two Pokemon battle! Will she be able to defeat Ronnelle?

"For the last match of the duel round, we have Camellia on my right, and Ronnelle on my left," Scott announced as the two trainers entered the battlefield.

The crowd cheered for Ronnelle as he entered the stage! "Subscribe to Rons99 people!" Ronnelle boasted as he walked with style.

"That guy is a show-off, I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget!" Camellia uttered with frustration.

"Two Pokemons each, substitution is allowed! Please send out your first Pokemons!" The referee instructed.

"Alright come on out Miltank!" A pink Pokemon with a blackhead was sent out of its Pokeball.

"Absol, show them the power of the dark side!" Camellia sent out the maiden of disasters.

"Battle Begin!"

"Miltank, now use Roll-out!"

"Absol use crush claw on the ground!"

*The ground exploded alongside with Miltank! Miltank's rollout was canceled.*



"Miltank, now use roll out again!"

"Absol do the same method and use crush claw!"

*Miltank blasted off again!*

"Absol now use dark pulse while Miltank descends!"

*Miltank was surrounded with a dark veil!*



"Miltanks use headbutt!"

*Miltank flinched!*

"Alright Absol, now use Shadow Claw!"

<Miltank!!!>Miltank blasted off!



"How did Ronnelle even pass the elimination rounds?" I wondered with confusion.

"I know why, Ronnelle battled a Feebas in the elimination round. That's why he passed." Zhery explained while watching the match at Itube.

"So that means, this is an extra win for Camellia!" Glade concurred.

"You bet!" I agreed.

"Miltank now use roll out!"

"Absol finish with crush claw!"

*The same thing happened, Miltank blasted off again!*



"Trainer Ronnelle, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Feast your eyes on my strongest Pokemon! It has the power of the ocean currents, it has the will of Arceus on its right. I give to you..." Ronnelle boasted as he sent out his Pokemon.

"Oh no Absol, I think we just triggered our opponent," Camellia uttered with worry.

"Come on out Magikarp!" Ronnelle sent out a flapping Magikarp.

"Seriously!?" Camellia face palmed herself.

"Um... alright then, Magikarp vs Absol! Begin!"



"Alright Magikarp use splash!"

"Absol finish with Crush Claw!"

*Splash didn't do a thing! Crush Claw dealt maximum damage!*



"I winnnnnnn!!!!!" Ronnelle boasted as he walked to the center of the stage.

"No you didn't! The winner is Camellia!" The referee announced.

Ronnelle got shocked to see the crowd cheering for Camellia, tears fell off Ronnelle's eyes as he hugs his Magikarp.

"You were the chosen one," Ronnelle whispered to Magikarp's ear and left the stage.

Camellia went back to the waiting room looking happy and pleased. She finally won against a duelist. The strange thing is, this duelist probably doesn't know anything about battling.

"We're now calling the top sixteen trainers who surpassed the duel round!" The commentator announced and instructed as me and the other 15 trainers waved at the crowd as we walk through the stadium.

"Here are the remaining trainers:

*Casey Vs Camillia

*Selah Vs Faerill

*Liam Vs Tessa

*Joshua Vs Crista

*Christian Vs Earl

*Virgo Vs Kalem

*Krill Vs Sean

*Zed Vs Fork

And now presenting the top ten tier:











Welcome to the Advancements!" The commentators explained.

"I made it to the top ten!" Camellia beamed with joy and happiness.

"Alright Riolu, it's time for your debut!" I beamed with excitement.

I've finally made it to the third stage of the knockouts! The Advancements are a group of sixteen powerful trainers. Those who pass the advancements proceeds to the Showdowns! The battlefield is heating up, as sixteen trainers show their brute Pokemon strength!

"Trainers... I welcome you to the ADVANCEMENTS!"

"Snorlax we got this!"

"Flygon, eyes up!"

"It's time Butterfree!"

"Oh ho, I'm fired up!"

There can only be one winner!

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