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18.43% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 39: EPISODE 39: Slimy and Gooey!

Chương 39: EPISODE 39: Slimy and Gooey!

A journey can be filled with obstacles and trials along your way. These trials in a journey is what hones us to become even stronger and even closer to our Pokemon. A gem cannot be polished without friction nor a trainer perfected without trials. But in trials, there are no mistakes just lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error. Even Pokemons experience trials, sometimes they're hard and sometimes they can be slimy and gooey!

We are almost at the doors of Macropolis city as we continue our four-day walk in route seven. The sun's blazing heat perspires us, but it is important that we must move on. I don't care how hot the rays of the sun are cause I'm already fired up! This made me thinking, who is the gym leader in Macropolis city anyway? And what is in Macropolis city? Lucky for me I have my mother's Pokedex by my side. I could just ask away and she'll answer in any way!

"Hey Irys! Who am I up against in Macropolis city?" I queried. "Do you want me to give you additional data about the city or just some info about the gym leader?" Irys inquired. "Give me anything I need to know! My brain is ready to eat some knowledge!" I exclaimed.

"Do you even have a brain?" Zhery teased and laugh. "Why you!?" I badgered as Glade separated us with his two hands. "Aren't you guys tired of fighting?" Glade teased. "Alright Kalem, here is some info about Macropolis city!" Irys the Pokedex began to explain.

[Macropolis city! It is also known as the city of modern technology! Mostly because every part of the region is filled with technology that other regions don't have. Macropolis is also one of the largest city in this region! That's why its called Macropolis city! Macro means large, while polis meaning city. In translated form, Macropolis city means 'Large City'

Gym leader: Avery. She is a rich and young businesswoman owning different corporations across regions! She is famous for her beautiful normal type Pokemon. When it comes to battling, she places the top eight of the strongest gym leaders in the world!]

"Top eight? This gym battle will be hard. I can feel it." A sweat droplet fell of my head slowly as I got worried. "You can do it Kalem! We'll be cheering for you no matter what!" Camellia comforted.

I remembered that Riolu was mad at me for choosing Zorua over him, so I figured that it was time to apologize formally this time. "So Riolu, since Zorua is staying in her Pokeball, why don't you stay in my shoulder?" I offered.

Riolu didn't notice me, he just continued walking like I was invisible or something. "Hey, Riolu... I know that you're mad at me, so can you please forgive me?" I begged. Riolu still didn't notice me he just continued to walk with his head looking at the floor. "Riolu? Don't be snobbish! I know you can hear me." I said with a slight change of tone.

"Kalem, you don't have to raise your voice when apologizing." Zhery teased. I ignored what Zhery told me as I focused on Riolu. Earlier this morning, I knew that I had hurt Riolu's feelings. I chose Zorua over Riolu which made him jealous and angry. "Riolu, I'm offering you to stay in my arm? Don't you want too?" I queried. "Let Zorua stay in your arm, I'll walk." Riolu badgered with frustration. "Hey! You don't have to shout at me you know!" I scolded Riolu. "Kalem! Don't say that, it'll make Riolu's feelings worse." Glade advised.

I ignored Glade again since I was too frustrated in Riolu. I knew that I had to watch my words but Riolu's snobby attitude annoys me. Behind the trees, Chaos dwells as Nate and Cyra eavesdrop at our conversation. "It looks like the strong twerp is having an argument with his Riolu," Cyra uttered.

"Heh heh! With them fighting like this, it'll be a piece of cake to catch Riolu." Nate uttered as they left the scene.

It was lunchtime, and I noticed Riolu eating slowly and sadly. I even saw Scyther offering a berry to Riolu, and Zorua sharing her food with Riolu but Riolu didn't notice them. "Kalem, why are you not eating?" Glade asked. "I... I just regret what I said to Riolu yesterday when I chose Zorua over him." I explained as I wiped off my tears.

"Well, Riolu has been battling for you for a long time, since you chose Zorua over Riolu, Riolu probably thought that you'd love Zorua more. But don't worry Kalem, Riolu will feel better soon, but it might take a long type for Riolu to recover since you left him with a deep wound." Camellia comforted.

"Just, do your best to apologize to Riolu and he'll feel better!" Zhery suggested.

"But haven't I tried to comfort Riolu since yesterday?" I complained. "Then, keep on trying until Riolu realizes that you love him."Glade persuaded.

"But what if Riolu never forgives me?" I queried solemnly. "Then try again, if it didn't work? Then try once more because the only way to stitch up a broken heart is if you two learn to accept and forgive each other." Zhery quoted.

Lunchtime is done, and the day is at its peak. I still feel sorry for Riolu, I regret everything I ever said. Instead of going closer to Riolu? I got farther from him. As we walked I tried to observe Riolu, I wondered what he was thinking about me. "Could Riolu be very angry at me to the point that he hates me?" I queried at myself.

We were walking peacefully and quietly in the midst of raw daylight, when all of a sudden another explosion occurred. "What was that!?" Glade wondered. We decided to discover and look at what was happening on the west side of the forest.

"Goomy, we have to do our best if we want to win the Macropolis gym badge! And the only way to do that is if you evolve into Sligoo." A trainer uttered.

"Huh? Irys, what's aGoomy?" Camellia wondered.

"Leave the data and analyzation to me! [Goomy! The soft tissue Pokemon! A dragon type. The weakest of all Dragon-type Pokémon, it's unable to breathe if its skin dries out, so it sticks to shady places. Its source of protection is its slimy, germ-laden mucous membrane. Anyone who touches it needs some thorough hand-washing.]"

"So that Gooey and slimy Pokemon is a Goomy!" Glade concurred. "It seems like that trainer, is trying to evolve Goomy." Zhery hunched. "Well! Let's help the trainer. A trainer in need is a trainer indeed!" I exclaimed as I showed myself and offered my help to evolve his Goomy. "Oh no! Here we go again." Zhery facepalmed.

"Hey there! My name is Kalem and it seems to be that you're trying to evolve your cute Goomy." I introduced. "Yeah, me and Goomy lost the match in the Macropolis city gym battle, my name is Willow by the way." The trainer smiled and introduced. "Oh really? You see, me and my friends are headed to Macropolis city, and I've heard that the gym leader there is pretty tough." I explained.

"Well, let me warn you Kalem, Avery's Pokemon are extremely fast and extremely strong," Willow warned. "Then, why don't we have a battle, I can train my Pokemon while you can evolve your Goomy!" I bargained. "Oh really? Sure! No problem! If that is your wish, then I accept your battle." Willow exclaimed.

Camellia volunteered to be the referee of me and Willow's match. "The match between Willow and Kalem is about to start, each trainer will use one Pokemon each! The first Pokemon to be knocked out loses the match!" Camellia proclaimed while suspended team Chaos members watched behind the tree.

"We'll grab all their Pokemon once they're done with their match," Cyra uttered. "Then, the boss will be proud and we can finally continue or missions" Nate added.

Riolu sat at a log, watching me and Willow battle sadly. "Fine then! Use your other Pokemon instead of me!" Riolu badgered. "Alright its bug time Scyther!" I used Scyther for this battle. "Goomy let's rock this battle hard!" Both of our Pokemons looked determined and strong. Both of them were ready to win and make their trainers proud.

"The battle begins now!" Camellia proclaimed.

"Scyther use X-scissor!"

"Goomy dodge! Then ahh!?"

*Scyther's x-scissor was extremely fast as Scyther's scythes began to glow red and hit Goom before Willow finished his statement*

"Your Scyther is fast, but Goomy's defense is strong, so it'll be hard to knock down Goomy! Goomy use water pulse!"

"Scyther double team!"

*Scyther made multiple copies of himself making his evasiveness rise and Goomy's accuracy fall.*

"Oh no! Scyther dodged it again?" Willow queried in awe.

"Yep! Scyther is the master of speed! Now Scyther use X-scissor!" I commanded. Riolu was watching carefully, he may be mad at me but Riolu loves to see me battle.

"Goomy gobble one of Scyther's Scythe!"

"What the!?"

*Goomy swallowed one of Scyther's Scythe.*

"Now throw Scyther up into the sky and follow with dragon breath!"

*Scyther was hit hard with dragon breath! A weak but accurate dragon move.*

"Scyther are you alright?"

: Scyther! Scyth! The Pokemon smiled at me.

Then Gloomy started to glow out of nowhere. It was getting bigger and it was developing a shell-like those of a snail. Could it be evolving?

"Yes! Goomy is evolving! Thank you Kalem!" Willow beamed.

GOO! GOO! GOOMY!!! > SLIGGOO! The Pokemon evolved into Sliggoo. "Irys, data please!" I queried. "Here are some accurate data about Sligoo! [Sliggoo! The soft tissue Pokemon! A dragon type! It has trouble drawing a line between friends and food. It will calmly try to melt and eat even those it gets along well with. This Pokémon's mucous can dissolve anything. Toothless, it sprays mucous on its prey. Once they're nicely dissolved, it slurps]

"Great! But the battle isn't over yet! Scyther use sword dance!"

"Sliggoo! Use your new move! Dragon Pulse!"

*Scyther was hit by dragon pulse but Scyther was able to withstand the attack! Dragon pulse is a strong dragon move wherein the energy of a dragon Pokemon is harnessed and released in pulses or waves!*

"Now finish this battle with X-Scissor Scyther!"







"Sliggoo is unable to battle! The winner is Scyther and Kalem!" Camellia proclaimed.

"What the!? But didn't Goomy just evolve? Why was it defeated easily?" Willow queried. "You see, even if a Pokemon evolves after battling, its damage done to it doesn't recover plus, Kalem used Sword dance which boosted the attack coming from Scyther," Glade explained.

"Oh, now I get it," Willow explained. Then suddenly a net fell out from the sky, trapping Sliggoo, Eevee, Ivy, Roselia, Luxio, Scyther, Zorua, Pansear, and Mareep. Riolu wasn't hit by the net since it was sitting peacefully in a long log while the other Pokemons chased each other in the battleground after the battle occurred.

"Its team Chaos?" Camellia got shocked. "Whose team Chaos?" Willow wondered. "Team Chaos, is a group of bad people without any goal at all!" Zhery teased. "Are you sure we have no goal?"Nate teased with a villainous voice. "Heh heh! The boss will be happy after knowing about this!" Cyra added.

"Riolu! we need your help now!" I called Riolu from the battleground. Riolu teased with a yawn and said "What happened Kalem? Ran out of Pokemons? Am I your last option?"

"Please Riolu! Team Chaos is about to steal our Pokemons! We need you! " I begged. "Please Riolu, our Pokemons are in danger!" Glade added. "Go look for someone else, I'm sleepy." Riolu teased. "Why? Why? It looks like Riolu doesn't want to listen to you." Cyra teased. "Why don't you come and join us Riolu? When you're a member of Team Chaos, you'll live like a prince!" Nate persuaded as Riolu stood up in interest.

"Riolu! Don't listen to them!" I ordered. "Why Kalem? If I am with team Chaos, my life would be happy." Riolu teased as he walked to their hot air balloon. "That's right Riolu! Join us instead of that measly trainer of yours!" Cyra agreed. "Riolu! Please don't! I'm sorry! Riolu please don't go! You are my best buddy, no matter how many times we fight I'll still love you." I sobbed as I hugged Riolu.

"I'm sorry Kalem, but its too late, I'm a member of team Chaos now. There's nothing you can do about it." Riolu escaped from my grip and went to the hot air balloon with all of the stolen Pokemon. "Riolu! Riolu!" I shouted as the hot air balloon got farther from us. Riolu looked down below and smiled with a grimace. "Very good Riolu! Now that you're a member of Team Chaos-" Riolu interrupted with a glare.

"Is there anything wrong Riolu?" Nate asked. Riolu then jumped up into the sky and poke the hot air balloon with force palm. The hot air balloon fell safely to the ground with no one getting hurt aside from team Chaos who was blasted off by Riolu's metal claw after poking the air balloon with force palm.

The Pokemons went to their respective trainers. I returned Zorua and Scyther to their Pokeball as I rushed to the hot air balloon looking for Riolu.

"Riolu? Riolu?" I cried Riolu's name and sobbed. "Riolu! show yourself. Please" I begged. Zhery, Glade, Camellia, and Willow were so kind as to help me look for Riolu.

"RIOLU!" I shouted with tears as I began to kneel at the floor. I thought I lost hope when suddenly a Pokemon sat at my shoulder. I looked at my shoulder and saw Riolu smiling at me. I grabbed Riolu and hugged him tight. "Don't ever do that again!" I scolded Riolu as I sobbed. "You really thought that I was going to join team Chaos ha ha ha!" Riolu laughed. "I'm sorry Riolu! I'm sorry, I should have treated you fairly like my other Pokemons." I apologized with tears.

"Its ok Kalem, I'm not mad anymore, but I'm sorry for snubbing you awhile ago." Riolu and I apologized to each other as we hugged each other tightly. "Well what do you know, a twisted ending!" Glade teased. "A minute ago I really thought that Riolu joined team Chaos." Zhery laughed. "Guess Kalem's Riolu is unpredictable." Camellia enunciated.

We parted ways with Willow before the sun sets and the glamourous moon rises with her children. "You really scared me Riolu!" I laughed but this time, Riolu was in my shoulder. "Heh heh! It was the only plan I could think of." Riolu explained as all of us laughed. We had an exciting evening together as our hearts were stitched up and as me and Riolu got even closer than before.

"We shouldn't have trusted that Riolu!" Cyra shouted. "Don't worry Cyra, project BCR will be fully operational soon!" Nate uttered as the journey continues.

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